NPF3 – National Development Proposal Form – National Trust for Scotland

Valuing the Benefits of Designating a Scottish Network of MPAs in Territorial and Offshore Waters, 2012

Marine Protected Areas: The Economic Benefits (Briefing 4)

Written evidence to RACCE Committee – Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill

LINK response: Strategic Environmental Assessment screening and scoping report – Scotland’s 2nd sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy

Draft Regional Locational Guidance – offshore wind in Scottish waters and draft Initial Plan Framework

Consultation response on New Controls in the Nephrops and Crab and Lobster Fisheries

LINK consultation response to: The Crown Estate – wave and tidal programme: future leasing (industry engagement exercise)

Water Resources (Scotland) Bill – Stage 1 Written Evidence from LINK

LINK response to the Water Services consultation

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