Consultation response on New Controls in the Nephrops and Crab and Lobster Fisheries

LINK consultation response to: The Crown Estate – wave and tidal programme: future leasing (industry engagement exercise)

Letter to the Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism, Fergus Ewing on Protection of Marine Wildife

Marine Strategy Framework Directive consultation: UK initial assessment and proposals for Good Environmental Status – a joint response from Wildlife and Countryside Link, Scottish Environment LINK, Wales Environment LINK and the Northern Ireland Marine Task Force

LINK response to consultation on Registerable Marine Activities and on Marine Licence Applications Requiring Pre-Application Consultation

Marine Protected Areas – Ecologically Coherent Networks (Briefing 3)

Consultation on five offshore possible Special Areas of Conservation: Hatton Bank, Anton Dohrn Seamount, East Rockall Bank, Pobie Bank Reef and Solan Reef

Response to the Consultation on the Proposed Introduction of New Statutory Scallop Fishing Management Measures

Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill consultation response

Sound of Barra Members’ Debate Briefing

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