We run a marine tourism business and we support the Fight for Scotland’s Nature

15 Oct 2019

©David Ainsley

David and Jean Ainsley of Sealife Adventures run wildlife watching boat trips from near Oban. They told us why they’re supporting the Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaign:

We run a marine tourism business, Sealife Adventures, and have been operating within the area which is now the Firth of Lorn SAC (Special Area of Conservation) for over 30 years. The protections given to the area were based on a Complaint to the EU which led to a ban on scallop dredging 12 years ago.

Since then the area has become part of an SAC for porpoise and an MPA (Marine Protected Area) for flapper skate. We have seen a huge improvement in the wildlife and diversity in the region, including a very significant increase in abundance of species such as jewel anemones which require clear water, more fish and a 286 per cent increase in porpoise.

EU legislation has led to greater protection of Scotland’s wildlife and it is vital that this continues post-Brexit. We fully support the Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaign.”

© David Ainsley

© David Ainsley

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