Tag: whales and dolphins

Safeguarding Scotland’s cetaceans: improving the effectiveness of marine protected areas

24 Feb 2025

By Vicki James, Protected Areas Coordinator at Whale and Dolphin Conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a critical tool for protecting important areas for cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in Scottish waters. Around the UK, 11 MPAs have been designated specifically for cetaceans. However, research into the management effectiveness of these MPAs by Whale and […]

Protecting our offshore and deep sea habitats – How should Scotland manage its offshore MPAs?  

27 Oct 2016

Scotland’s offshore waters are far out, but we don’t want them to be out of mind. They are home to ancient, vulnerable deepwater coral reefs and sponges, ghostly fields of tall sea pen, unusual methane-seeps, aggregations of ocean quahog – among the oldest living things on the planet. They provide habitat for keystone species such […]

36,000 support MPAs for whales and dolphins

18 Dec 2012

WDC has handed over a huge 36,736 signatures from members of the public to Richard Lochhead, Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Environment, asking the Scottish Government to include whales and dolphins in Scotland’s new marine protected area network. The handover of the signatures at the Scottish parliament by WDC’s head of policy in […]

MPA proposals signal move towards recovery

14 Dec 2012

Plans announced today (14th December 2012) for 33 nature conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been welcomed by a coalition of Scotland’s environmental groups as an important step towards the much-needed recovery of Scotland’s seas. Scottish Environment LINK’s marine taskforce contends that a network of Marine Protected Areas cannot afford to simply protect what’s left […]

Whales need help in busy seas

04 Dec 2012

This tail belongs to a Humpback whale. Not a lot of people know it, but these majestic mammals visit Scottish waters every year, as well as over 25 other species of whale and dolphin – from minke whales to harbour porpoises. And just as the whales and dolphins visit our seas, so do people – […]

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