Tag: nature

7 things Scotland can do now to help nature – and ourselves

13 May 2024

Scottish Environment LINK’s Chief Officer Deborah Long outlines seven actions Scotland can take now as a country to protect and restore nature, build our resilience to climate change and create a better place to live for current and future generations.  In 2023 average global temperatures rose above 1.5oc. Scotland’s biodiversity intactness is amongst the lowest […]

Scotland and the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration: 5 priorities for the coming year

23 May 2022

How important is nature to us all? We live in an ever changing world with biodiversity loss and ecosystem that no longer function, extreme climate changes and pressures of war, costs of living, energy and food security issues, all impacting us all now, here in Scotland and across the world. Is it self indulgent to […]

Nature and farming: where next for both?

21 Apr 2022

Farming has profoundly shaped Scotland: our people, our economy, our traditions, our landscapes and our wildlife. Nature is also a key part of Scotland’s identity. In a 2019 survey for Scottish Environment LINK, 94 percent of the Scottish public saw our natural environment as ‘very important’ or ‘quite important’ to both Scotland’s economy and its […]

Fostering Connection between Parliament and Nature

20 Apr 2022

“To save wildlife and wild places the traction has to come not from the regurgitation of bad-news data but from the poets, prophets, preachers, professors, and presidents who have always dared to inspire.” J. Drew Lanham   Scotland currently ranks 28th from the bottom in the Biodiversity Intactness Index (RSPB & Natural History Museum, 2021). […]

From Rhetoric to Reality revisited: a new report

11 Apr 2022

In 2011, LINK published our first Rhetoric to Reality assessment. In it, we commissioned an independent consultant to assess 8 key areas of environmental policy on how far reality on the ground had matched the rhetoric of policy. Now, ten years on, we’ve commissioned another assessment. A decadal review seems timely: it covers the life […]

Positive by nature: Planning for nature to meet net-zero 

28 Mar 2022

Today, we are facing twin emergencies: climate change and biodiversity loss.   “The climate crisis is inseparable from the nature and biodiversity crisis. Scotland has a duty to show leadership on both.” Rt. Hon. Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Sept 2021   Since COP26 in Glasgow in 2021, we have witnessed a very welcome focus on net-zero and […]

Support for Scottish Government’s Sustainable and Regenerative Farming in Scotland vision statement

03 Mar 2022

On 2 March 2022, the Scottish government published its vision for sustainable and regenerative farming. This vision to be a global leader is a bold one and one that we support. Its delivery will hinge on commitment to transformational change in the way we farm and use land in Scotland and in how we support […]

The colour of hope: a green recovery in Scotland.

21 Apr 2021

On 17th April 2021, LINK’s Chief Officer Deborah Long spoke to the 2050 Climate Group’s Zoom Out: taking action for the Green Recovery event, part of their Young Leaders Development Programme, which aims to engage, educate and inspire young leaders. This blog is based on the talk she gave.     So here we are: all […]

Safeguarding Scotland’s Wild Mammals

29 Jul 2020

In June, the Animals and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Bill was passed by the Scottish Parliament. Environment LINK welcomed the Bill and the amendments which ranged from increasing penalties for serious animal and wildlife crimes to offering new and increased protections to animals and wildlife in Scotland.   One key amendment which passed […]

LINK’s film ‘This is Scotland’ wins in the 2020 Charity Film Awards

22 Apr 2020

On Tuesday evening, we were delighted to win in our category the 2020 Charity Film Awards. Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of more than 35 Scottish conservation and environmental groups and charities worked with Maramedia to create the stunning film This is Scotland to highlight a worrying statistic that was first revealed in the 2017 […]

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