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Group Objectives

The LINK Marine Group successfully campaigned for a Marine (Scotland) Act that includes important duties on Scottish Ministers to, amongst others, protect and where appropriate our Seas, develop a national marine plan that includes marine ecosystem objectives and develop a network ot Marine protected Areas. The Act received Royal Assent from Her Majesty the Queen on 10th March 2010, In order to properly protect Scotland’s marine wildlife, make our seas resilient to climate change and, appropriate, damaged areas, the Act must be The group continues to work hard to ensure effective implementation ot the Act itself and the secondary regulations that come from it.

Funded by

LINK’s Marine project is funded by the John Ellerman Foundation enabling employment of the Policy and Engagement Officer, Esther Brooker.

Contact details are firstname at scotlinkorg

Group Objectives

The LINK Marine Group successfully campaigned for a Marine (Scotland) Act that includes important duties on Scottish Ministers to, amongst others, protect and where appropriate our Seas, develop a national marine plan that includes marine ecosystem objectives and develop a network ot Marine protected Areas. The Act received Royal Assent from Her Majesty the Queen on 10th March 2010, In order to properly protect Scotland’s marine wildlife, make our seas resilient to climate change and, appropriate, damaged areas, the Act must be The group continues to work hard to ensure effective implementation ot the Act itself and the secondary regulations that come from it.

Funded by

LINK’s Marine project is funded by the John Ellerman Foundation enabling employment of the Policy and Engagement Officer, Esther Brooker.

Contact details are firstname at scotlinkorg

3 Column Grid

Copyright Lisa Webb Caption

Sustainable Scotland

Where Scotland’s nature, land and seascapes are healthy and resilient, able to support thriving communities and flourishing people.


Strong Voice

For the environment, nature, land and seascapes so they are able to support a prosperous future.

This is an image of Scotlink members with banners outside in Edinburgh

Effective Network

Able to communicate effectively, work together and achieve more as a result.

Logo Carousel

Description text

2 Column Grid

Copyright Lisa Webb Caption

Our People

Where Scotland’s nature, land and seascapes are healthy and resilient, able to support thriving communities and flourishing people.


Our History

For the environment, nature, land and seascapes so they are able to support a prosperous future.

1/3 2/3 Layout

The picture shows the view over a loch to a mountain in the background.

Our History

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente a atque, molestias architecto dicta fugiat perspiciatis iste voluptatibus qui modi dolore repudiandae quasi! Explicabo, aut. Quo fugit repellat ipsum. At?

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Highlighted Block

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2 Column Layout (Image)

Group Objectives

The LINK Marine Group successfully campaigned for a Marine (Scotland) Act that includes important duties on Scottish Ministers to, amongst others, protect and where appropriate our Seas, develop a national marine plan that includes marine ecosystem objectives and develop a network ot Marine protected Areas. The Act received Royal Assent from Her Majesty the Queen on 10th March 2010, In order to properly protect Scotland’s marine wildlife, make our seas resilient to climate change and, appropriate, damaged areas, the Act must be The group continues to work hard to ensure effective implementation ot the Act itself and the secondary regulations that come from it.

Funded by

LINK’s Marine project is funded by the John Ellerman Foundation enabling employment of the Policy and Engagement Officer, Esther Brooker.

Contact details are firstname at scotlinkorg

Copyright Lisa Webb Caption

News and Updates


Faltering biosphere accelerates climate change

04 Feb 2025

Guest blog by James Curran (LINK Honorary Fellow) and Sam Curran When I retired from paid work, I was eager to dive back into science. For years, I had an idea brewing that – if my hypothesis was right – would have important consequences for the planet, but I never had the time to explore […]


The future of Scotland’s land use: Regional Land Use Partnerships

27 Jan 2025

The way that we use the land underpins much of our lives and the ways that we experience the places around us. How Scotland’s land is owned, used and managed is not only central to the economy and the natural environment, but it is key to the wellbeing of individuals and communities. Land use planning […]


New report calls for powers on environment to be handed back to devolved governments

22 Jan 2025

A new report published today by Scottish Environment LINK calls for urgent changes to the UK Internal Market Act, passed in 2020 as a replacement for the EU Single Market rules. The legislation prevents the devolved institutions from acting independently on a wide range of issues, including environmental and public health policy, and was instrumental in […]

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