Scotland’s seas 2016 – a year in tweets

21 Dec 2016

Sea-loch Anemones (Protanthea simplex), West Scotland, UK

What a year 2016 has been. From demonstrations to consultations, there have been ups and downs this year but we’ve seen great strides for marine conservation, including the first round of Marine Conservation Orders and Inshore Fishing Orders to protect our most vulnerable inshore sites coming into force, the UK’s first and Europe’s largest harbour porpoise Special Area of Conservation and designation of the first demonstration and research MPA around Fair Isle. We’d like to thank you for your support and for taking part in helping get Scotland’s seas on course to an ecologically richer future.

Before we get caught up in all that 2017 has in store, here’s a quick look back at some of the key events in Scotland’s seas this year.







































































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