Press Releases

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Don’t undermine the laws that protect nature

24 Jul 2015

Don’t undermine the laws that protect nature say nearly half a million European citizens. Press release from the Joint Links, 24 July 2015

GDP figures fail to tell the whole story: July 2015

15 Jul 2015

Does GDP measure what really matters: blog piece July 2015

15 Jul 2015

Stronger seabed protection measures unveiled in response to widespread support for Scottish MPAs

11 Jun 2015

In response to the Scottish Government’s announcement of fisheries management in Scottish inshore Marine Protected Areas, the marine taskforce issued the following press release:

News release on the Fitness Check of the Birds and Habitats Directives

03 Jun 2015

Press release by the Joint Links on the European Commission’s REFIT ‘Fitness Check’ of the Birds and Habitats Directives, 12 May 2015.

Scotland must eliminate its wildlife crime press release

24 Feb 2015

Scottish Environment has LINK published a damning indictment of our failure to diminish or eliminate wildlife crime in Scotland – and the risk to our international reputation as a wildlife haven. Natural Injustice – Paper 1 – A Review of the enforcement of wildlife protection legislation in Scotland provides a forensic analysis of wildlife crime […]

Scotland should help the world to avert both climate & economic crises

18 Dec 2014

Press release issued 17 December 2014, on the LINK report Scotland and the Carbon Bubble.

First marine plan a step-change for Scotland’s seas

12 Dec 2014

This press release was issued on the day that the latest iteration of Scotland’s first National Marine Plan was laid before the Scottish Parliament.

Don’t Take the P out of MPAs

12 Nov 2014

This press release was issued on the day that the Scottish Government launched a public consultation about the management of fishing in Scotland’s inshore nature conservation Marine Protected Areas and marine Special Areas of Conservation.

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