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LINK response to report by the National Council of Rural Advisers “Discussion document: a rural conversation”

13 Jun 2018

In response to the publication of the National Council of Rural Advisers (NRCA) report “Discussion document: a rural conversation”, Vicki Swales Convenor of LINK’s Land Group and Pete Ritchie Convenor of LINK’s Food and Farming Subgroup issued the following statement: ‘The NCRA was tasked with recommending future action that could sustain a vibrant and flourishing […]

Over 100 MSPs Champion Scottish Biodiversity for 100 Days under the banner of Scottish Environment LINK’s Species Champions Initiative

05 Jun 2018

On 5 June, in celebration of World Environment Day, Scottish Environment LINK members are launching their Species Champion 100-day Challenge. For 100 days over 100 Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) who have accepted to become a Species Champion will be participating in a series of actions raising awareness about their selected species, encouraging policy […]

Scottish Environment LINK members respond to Report by the Roundtable on Environment and Climate Change on Environmental Governance in Scotland on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU

01 Jun 2018

In response to the publication of the Report by the Roundtable on Environment and Climate Change on Environmental Governance in Scotland on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, Scottish Environment LINK Chair, Charles Dundas of Woodland Trust Scotland stated: “We welcome the publication of the report and its recommendations to address the environmental governance gap created […]

Environmental NGOs urge MSPs to support bold changes for a fairer Scottish planning system, ahead of critical debate in Parliament

29 May 2018

Ahead of the Stage 1 debate on the Planning (Scotland) Bill (Tuesday 29 May, 14.20), Scottish Environment LINK members welcomed interventions by MSPs in support of reforming our planning system so that it empowers communities and delivers for our environment. “At a time when the Government’s own research concluded that there is ‘a lack of […]

Scotland must step up efforts or risk missing global biodiversity targets, say environmental charities

22 May 2018

In response to the publication of the Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) 2017 report on Scotland’s progress towards the 2020 Aichi Targets on biodiversity, Scottish Environment LINK members urge Scottish Government to step up efforts to halt biodiversity loss. Out of the 20 targets that Scotland is committed to meeting in less than two years, only […]

Scottish Environment LINK welcomes Holyrood committee’s call to improve Scottish planning system

17 May 2018

Scottish Environment LINK members warmly welcome the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee has today set out its recommendations to strengthen the Scottish Government’s Planning (Scotland) Bill. Planning influences and regulates the use of land and as such can have huge environmental consequences and drive sustainable development. Scottish Environment LINK members and their supporters […]

Reaction to Defra environmental principles and watchdog consultation

11 May 2018

In response to the public consultation launched on 10 May by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Scottish Environment LINK Chair Charles Dundas of Woodland Trust Scotland noted the following: “We note the publication of the Defra England and UK reserved matters consultation on the creation of a new independent environmental watchdog […]

77% of Scots want farming to deliver for our environment and climate, poll suggests

03 May 2018

A poll of 1,000 Scots conducted by Survation on behalf of Scottish Environment LINK reveals overwhelming public support in favour of a farm subsidy system that delivers for the environment. 77% of respondents would like to see farm support be conditional to land managers showing that they are supporting wildlife and are reducing climate impacts. […]

Environmental Rights Centre Scotland

27 Mar 2018

Read our press release published today (Tuesday 27 March) on the feasibility of an Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland LINKPREnvironmentalRightsCentreScotland

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