30th September 2016
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- Continuing efforts should be made to ensure compliance as electrofishing for razor clams is currently illegal
- LINK Marine Group strongly contend that More evidence is required regarding the full range of potential direct, indirect and long term impacts on marine ecology of electrofishing before any decision can be made as to whether to legalise it.
- Prior to potential legalisation, a thorough analysis of regulation and management is needed to ensure the exploitation of Scotland’s razor clam stocks is carried out in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner. An integrated, ecosystem-based approach to managing inshore fisheries, embedded in regional marine planning, including spatial measures and consideration of cumulative impacts, is urgently needed for all inshore waters.
- In the event of electrofishing as a method being legalised and passing Appropriate Assessments, production of guidance by SNH regarding impacts on biodiversity, particularly in relation to Priority Marine Features within and outside of MPAs is required