LINK Marine Taskforce members (hereafter ‘LINK’) are fully supportive of a network of well-managed, ecologically coherent marine protected areas (MPAs) in Scottish seas. In that context, LINK views all nature conservation MPAs, SACs and SPAs for both their individual ecological merits and their contribution to the wider MPA network. The rationale for our preferred management approach for Luce Bay and Sands SAC can be found in our response to the consultation on management proposals for inshore MPAs and SACs (November 2014 – February 2015) full protection for which from mobile demersal gear is proportionate to the ecological declines highlighted in Scotland’s Marine Atlas Scotland’s Marine Atlas. The complex Luce Bay inlet system includes marine features which are capable of carbon sequestration but which are also sensitive to damage by some types of fishing gear (e.g. kelp biotopes, maerl beds), strong protection of which directly support the recommendations of the Marine Atlas.
LINK members are pleased to offer further comments on the revised management proposals for Luce Bay and Sands SAC.