The forthcoming reform of the Common Agricultural Policy – and its subsequent implementation in Scotland – will have a significant impact on Scottish agriculture and the environment. LINK supports the need for CAP reform but considers the proposals published in October do not go far enough to ensure the provision of environmental goods and services that the market fails to deliver. This requires a substantive shift in funding from Pillar I to Pillar II. Regarding the current proposals, LINK wishes to see: a regional model of support for the Basic Payment Scheme which actively favours re-distribution (albeit progressively) towards the more economically disadvantaged but environmentally and culturally important farming and crofting systems in the north and west of Scotland; the introduction of meaningful ‘greening’ measures in Pillar I that will deliver environmental outcomes; and, increased funding for rural development in Scotland (through EU funding and voluntary modulation) and a future SRDP that delivers for the environment.