LINK Response to Consultation on Non-Domestic Elements of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992

4th July 2011

LINK members are broadly supportive of Government objectives to simplify the planning system but believe the proposed changes outlined in this consultation will not fully address our concerns, nor support Scottish Government responsibilities towards caring for and protecting both the natural and historic environment.

Hill tracks play an important role in modern land management; however the ad hoc, unregulated manner in which they may be developed, improved and maintained can have a significant negative impact on remote and rural areas (not just in upland areas). Whereas other potentially damaging developments require planning permission, the exemption of features like hill tracks remains anomalous and inconsistent with Scottish Government commitments to the environment and landscape. The most practical and responsible option is for all tracks to be brought into the planning system along with all repairs, maintenance, and improvements.

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