Consultation response on New Controls in the Nephrops and Crab and Lobster Fisheries

LINK response to Forest Enterprise Scotland consultation of the Strategic Directions for the National Forest Estate

LINK Evidence to the Rural Affairs, Climate Change & Environment Committee on the draft Scottish Budget 2013/14

LINK consultation response to: The Crown Estate – wave and tidal programme: future leasing (industry engagement exercise)

Water Resources (Scotland) Bill – Stage 1 Written Evidence from LINK

A consultation on the 2020 Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity from Wildlife Forum

LINK response to the Water Services consultation

Consultation on Proposals for an Intergrated Framework of Environmental Regulation August 2012

Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009: The Designation of New Responsible Authorities

Marine Strategy Framework Directive consultation: UK initial assessment and proposals for Good Environmental Status – a joint response from Wildlife and Countryside Link, Scottish Environment LINK, Wales Environment LINK and the Northern Ireland Marine Task Force

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