LINK Marine group response to the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee – Salmon Farming in Scotland

Environmental Impacts of Salmon Farming in Scotland. LINK evidence to the ECCLR Inquiry

LINK response on post-legislative scrutiny of the Biodiversity Duty

LINK response on EU Environmental and Animal Welfare Principles

LINK Marine group updated response, February 2018 to National Marine Plan Review

Scottish Environment LINK evidence to the Local Government and Communities Committee on the Planning Bill

Scottish Environment LINK evidence to the Finance and Constitution Committee on the Planning Bill

Scottish Environment LINK submission to the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee on possible common/shared frameworks and related issues

LINK Marine Group Comment on JNCC draft conservation advice for East of Gannet and Montrose Fields offshore ncMPA

Consultation on Scottish Court Fees 2018-2021- Response from LINK Legal Strategy group, Jan 2018

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