Scottish Environmental Fundraising Forum (SEFF)

SEFF works together to identify possible funding opportunites available to our members and to promote funding for the environment in Scotland


Kathy Wormald, Froglife

Vice Convener

Sarah Kent, Trees For Life

Staff Liaison

Donna Banks


LINK’s Fundraisers Forum is where member organisations exchange information and expertise on fundraising for the environment in Scotland. They meet regularly to discuss ideas and the opportunities to support work within and between member bodies that will make a difference for Scotland’s nature and landscapes, our communities and our own well being. The Forum provides the space for member bodies to work together to find ways to deliver more effective action together for our environment.

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Life after LIFE: the value of landscape scale, multi annual funding programmes

11 Mar 2021

Scotland is known worldwide for its rich and diverse landscapes and nature. This richness is often lauded – it is used to promote our tourism industry, our food and drink products, our national identity. However, despite these positives, not all is well – our wildlife has suffered and declined considerably over the years through climate […]


LINK’s film ‘This is Scotland’ wins in the 2020 Charity Film Awards

22 Apr 2020

On Tuesday evening, we were delighted to win in our category the 2020 Charity Film Awards. Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of more than 35 Scottish conservation and environmental groups and charities worked with Maramedia to create the stunning film This is Scotland to highlight a worrying statistic that was first revealed in the 2017 […]

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