National Parks

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The vision of LINK’s National Parks Subgroup was to examine the policies of the existing National Parks and to test the Scottish model of National Parks.


Name & Details


Name & Details

Group Objectives

This group is currently inactive. The vision of LINK’s National Parks Subgroup was to examine the policies of the existing National Parks and to test the Scottish model of National Parks in respect of conservation and sustainability issues, with a view to encouraging an informed debate on the potential of Scottish national parks to serve these purposes and to develop strategic thinking on securing conservation objectives in all parts of Scotland, particularly those areas of existing high conservation value which may become national parks.

The National Parks Subgroup, convened by Charles Strang of SCNP, is no longer active.  However, an active campaign for more National Parks continues, led by SCNP and APRS and supported by several other LINK member bodies.  Full details at

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