21 Dec 2016
What a year 2016 has been. From demonstrations to consultations, there have been ups and downs this year but we’ve seen great strides for marine conservation, including the first round of Marine Conservation Orders and Inshore Fishing Orders to protect our most vulnerable inshore sites coming into force, the UK’s first and Europe’s largest harbour […]
27 Oct 2016
Scotland’s offshore waters are far out, but we don’t want them to be out of mind. They are home to ancient, vulnerable deepwater coral reefs and sponges, ghostly fields of tall sea pen, unusual methane-seeps, aggregations of ocean quahog – among the oldest living things on the planet. They provide habitat for keystone species such […]
02 Aug 2016
Scottish Water proposals to downgrade the sewage treatment system in Gairloch could have far-reaching implications for the health of local waters and the communities that rely upon them… Scottish Water is pushing ahead with controversial plans to downgrade a water treatment works at one of the most popular beaches in the Highlands. The sewage treatment plant […]
02 Aug 2016
There are a lot of heads swimming right now, as Brexit puts the proverbial shark amongst the mackerel. ‘Leaving the EU’ (whatever that actually ends up meaning in the evolving, devolving politics of the UK) does in theory have very significant implications for the management of our seas. Perhaps more than any other policy sphere […]
02 Aug 2016
Two years ago, the Scottish Government made the historic announcement designating 30 new, and much needed, nature conservation marine protected areas in Scotland’s seas. It was the 24th July 2014 and on the same day, the Scottish Government also announced their intentions to progress 4 further nature conservation MPAs for the protection of some of […]
02 Aug 2016
Scottish Environment LINK’s Marine Group recently joined the membership of the Clyde Marine Planning Partnership (CMPP), one of the first Regional Marine Planning Partnerships (RMPPs) in Scotland. The CMPP was formed in February 2016, following establishment of 11 Scottish Marine Regions and will be a new regional tier of governance to take forward marine spatial planning […]
02 Aug 2016
This summer, amidst the complexity of Brexit, the European Parliament took action to reduce the damage wrought by one of the most destructive forms of fishing. A regulation on the deep sea bottom-trawling was finally agreed which established a prohibition of the practice of dragging heavily weighted nets along the seafloor below 800 meters in European […]
02 Aug 2016
A new report has shown that rare species could re-colonise Scotland’s seabed if given a chance to recover. The study – using predictive modelling to understand the distribution of Fan Mussels – reveals the massive potential of Scotland’s Marine Protected Areas to enrich the health and complexity of our seabed. Fan Mussels (Atrina fragilis) is […]
02 Aug 2016
Our new report ‘Living with the seas’ outlines a forward-sighted vision for marine planning to take a lead role in environmental recovery. Launched by Scottish Environment LINK’s Marine Group, the report sets out key recommendations for how Scotland’s marine environment should be managed. At its core, the report argues that the Scottish Government, local authorities […]
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