15 Sep 2017
Scottish Government recently announced their Programme for Scotland for the next year. With the government committed to reaching the Aichi target to halt biodiversity loss by 2020, and developing a network of coherent Marine Protected Areas (MPA), we expect this to be a busy year to keep Scotland on track. There were many welcome commitments […]
11 Aug 2017
Guest blogger Peadar O’Connell, Marine Policy Officer at RSPB Scotland, and Save Scottish Seas campaign member takes a closer look at the lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus), one of the incredible marine species swimming in Scotland’s seas.
24 Jul 2017
Guest blogger Sarah Dolman, Policy Manager at Whale and Dolphin Conservation, and Save Scottish Seas campaign member takes a look at Scotland’s nature conservation MPAs three years since their designation, and looks ahead to the next steps required.
12 Jul 2017
Summer is upon us, and for many that means heading to the coastline to catch a glimpse of some of the amazing wildlife Scotland’s beaches and seas play host to. Scotland’s coast is arguably the best place in Europe to see dolphins, porpoises and whales, attracting visitors around the world. Basking sharks – the second largest […]
23 Jun 2017
Hosted at the RRS Discovery Centre, Dundee, the second Sea Scotland conference drew together Scotland’s marine users, scientists, policy makers and more to share knowledge and discuss solutions to some of the greatest challenges and opportunities facing the sustainable management of Scotland’s marine area.
08 Jun 2017
Upcoming artists and graphic designers were asked to ‘picture’ a sustainable Scotland, and show Members of the Scottish Parliament what is needed to give Scotland a sustainable future at Scottish Environment week, a parliamentary event run by Scottish Environment LINK earlier this year. Four of these fantastic images focused on environmental challenges in the marine […]
06 Jun 2017
Scotland’s Marine Protected Area (MPA) network is designed to provide place based protection to maintain representative habitats and species in good health, and in some cases support recovery, for rare, endangered and vulnerable habitats and species. All MPAs require unique management measures that provide protection to their identified features (habitat and/or species) from damaging activity,
26 May 2017
You might have heard about recent events at Loch Carron. Back in April there were reports that scallop dredging, a form of fishing that pulls heavy toothed metal rakes and chain bags along the seabed, had damaged a flame-shell reef in outer Loch Carron.
15 May 2017
A few weeks ago, inshore fishermen, policy makers, NGOs, scientists and more came together to discuss Scotland’s inshore fisheries at the fourth Scottish Inshore Fisheries Conference. The need for continued collaboration between all marine stakeholders to work towards a positive and sustainable future of inshore fisheries management was clear.
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