Save Scottish Seas

Read all our latest news here including press releases, blogs, social media posts and upcoming events.

Are we nearly there yet?!

17 Dec 2018

Progress on Scotland’s MPA network to date It has been 8 years since the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 received royal assent and was adopted into Scots law. This key piece of legislation, long campaigned for by the Save Scottish Seas coalition, and other environmental and community organisations, represented significant reform for the way marine conservation […]

SOS: Save Our Skate!

05 Dec 2018

Did you know that Scotland is home to 3-metre long wild animals that are at greater risk of extinction than the giant panda? John Aitchison, from Friends of the Sound of Jura, a coastal community group based in Knapdale, mid-Argyll, delves into the mysterious and little known flapper skate… 

Maerl: an important ecosystem engineer

22 Nov 2018

Maerl beds Pink and twig-like, living maerl is a hard, coral-like seaweed that forms complex carpets on the seabed. These ‘maerl beds’ often form in shallow areas with strong currents and offer a place of shelter for many marine plants and animals such as other seaweeds, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, anemones and bivalve molluscs – […]

Seafloor Integrity

09 Nov 2018

Report concludes that we simply don’t know whether our current use of the seabed is sustainable or not Calum Duncan reflects on the findings of a report commissioned by Scottish Environment LINK’s Marine Group to explore whether current conservation measures are sufficient to recover Scotland’s depleted seabed.

Life on the rocks

12 Oct 2018

Hidden beneath the waves, rocky reefs are a haven for Scotland’s marine life. Often covered in soft corals, sea fans, sea squirts and sponges, rocky reefs are hubs of activity, providing refuge for young fish and shellfish such as lobsters and crabs.

Leave only animal tracks!

07 Jun 2018

Guest blogger Rachael Clark, Sustainability Advisor, at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) takes us on a tour of their Green Pawprints initiative encouraging visitors to ‘leave nothing but animal tracks’.

Have you heard about horse mussel beds?

23 May 2018

Horse mussel (Modiolus modiolus) communities can be found in seas all round the Scottish coastline, and are considered important hotspots for biodiversity. Individual horse mussels – growing up to 20cm in length – bind together using byssus threads (hair-like ‘beards’) to form physically complex habitat with many nooks and crannies to shelter other species.

WWF’S Earth Hour: Putting the Spotlight on Climate Change

22 Mar 2018

This week we hear from guest blogger Erin, Earth Hour intern at WWF Scotland, about how we can all take action to help tackle climate change. Earth Hour 2018 will be celebrated on Saturday 24th March at 8.30pm. 

Consultation launches to formalise protection for world’s largest flame shell bed

20 Mar 2018

The Scottish Government have launched a consultation that proposes to permanently provide protection for the world’s largest flame shell colony. Read on to find out more what this means for our seas and how to respond.

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