Save Scottish Seas

Read all our latest news here including press releases, blogs, social media posts and upcoming events.

Blue Recovery: the role for Scotland’s seas

03 Aug 2020

Our ocean remains in desperate need of recovery. International expert reports[1][2][3] released in 2019 underlined the stark consequences for biodiversity and ecological systems due to climate change and human overexploitation of living resources on land and sea. Since then, the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought our world close to standstill, with the tragic loss […]

Why Scotland’s seas need recovery…

21 Jul 2020

…and why it must start now. A walk along the beach, kayaking around the coast encountering porpoise and orca, fishing for a living or for leisure, and childhood seaside summer holidays – everyone has a story to tell about the value of the ocean. Imagine all that gone or irrevocably changed, and our children or […]

Call for proposals: recovering Scotland’s seas film

10 Jul 2020

Calling all filmmakers! LINK’s Marine Group is commissioning a short, impactful film that will show the environmental and societal importance of Scotland’s seas and why healthy ocean ecosystems are so intrinsically connected to human health.    

Prospects for Scottish Fisheries

16 Dec 2019

How Decisions on Fishing Opportunities in 2020 Will ‘Set the Stage’ for the Future of Our Seas It has been a challenging year for marine and terrestrial environments across the globe. Multiple reports[1] have highlighted the concerning state of the environment, the tipping point we are reaching, and the need for transformative change in how […]

Exploring Scotland’s deep sea

08 Dec 2019

The deep sea, technically defined as the areas below 200 m water depth, is the largest Ecosystem on Earth but the least explored. Guest blogger Dr Georgios Kazanidis, Post-Doctorate Research Associate in Deep-Sea Biodiversity at the University of Edinburgh and the H2020 ATLAS project, shares some of his insights about this incredible environment.

The end of the line for North Sea cod?

11 Sep 2019

Cod is more than a commodity, it’s vital for North Sea health – Calum Duncan Earlier this year, the intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on ­Biodiversity and Ecosystem ­Services (IPBES) published the most ­comprehensive assessment ever conducted on the global state of nature. The stark conclusion was that nature is undergoing dangerous rates of decline unprecedented in human […]

Happy 5th Birthday, nature conservation MPAs!

24 Jul 2019

Today, 24th July, marks the 5th anniversary of the Scottish Government’s historic announcement, designating 30 new nature conservation marine protected areas and proposing a further 4 for the protection of features including Risso’s dolphin, minke whale and basking shark (which are under public consultation now!).

Whales and dolphins and sharks – oh my!

07 Jun 2019

A long-awaited public consultation on proposals for four new marine protected areas in Scottish Seas has launched – fittingly, the day before World Oceans Day.  

The Ecosystem-Based Approach to environmental management

18 Feb 2019

In previous blogs we have talked about the importance of implementing appropriate management measures for human activities in our seas to protect species and habitats, whether within a marine protected area (MPA) or as part of wider management, for example the implementation of a marine spatial plan. We often refer to the term ‘Ecosystem-based Approach’ […]

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