Save Scottish Seas

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World Ocean Day: protecting at least 30% Scotland’s seas for ecosystem recovery

08 Jun 2022

Meeting commitments to protect at least 30% of Scottish seas for ecosystem recovery by 2030   Evidence is growing to show that the health of Scotland’s seas has been in decline for some time. Seabed habitats are a shadow of what they once were, fish stocks have dwindled, and coastlines are changing due to the […]

Are you wanting to encounter marine wildlife this Bank Holiday?

25 May 2022

The coastal waters of Scotland are home to several marine mammal species like bottlenose dolphins, harbour porpoise and seals. It’s more common than you think to encounter them and, working for WDC on our Shorewatch project, I am fortunate enough to record numerous sightings of whales, dolphins and porpoises around the Scottish coastline. As a […]

Reflections on the Clyde Cod spawning closure

24 Mar 2022

What can we learn about making fisheries management effective for nature conservation? A short-term fisheries closure for the protection of spawning (breeding) cod came into force on 14th February for 11 weeks. This is an annual closure, but this year the process has taken a different turn.

How will COP26 Deliver Recovery for Scottish Seas?

03 Dec 2021

A blog by Esther Brooker, Marine Policy and Engagement Officer. Scotland has been well and truly in the global limelight for the past weeks, with the high-profile UN Conference of the Parties for Climate Change (COP26) being co-hosted by the UK and Italian Governments in Glasgow [1].

Avoiding a chemical crisis for Scotland’s seas

30 Aug 2021

Author: Hannah Evans, Project Officer, Fidra     We’ve all heard about the devasting effects of plastic pollution and we know our relationship with single-use materials needs to change. We’ve seen plastic bottles, food containers and shopping bags floating in the seas. We’ve watched footage of marine life swimming in a fog of our disposable […]

Agreement between Scottish Government and Scottish Greens must be next wave in ocean recovery

27 Aug 2021

Last week the Scottish Government and Scottish Green Party announced a co-operation agreement and shared policy programme, the first of its kind in the UK. Whilst not exhaustive, and still to be voted on by Scottish Green members, many welcome commitments are included

Enjoying Scotland’s Coast with Minimal Impact.

01 Jul 2021

A Blog from Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust – Scotland’s coastline is rich with marine wildlife and is a fantastic place to connect with nature, slow down and soak up some vitamin sea. Over a quarter of all species of whale, dolphin, and porpoise, have been recorded here, and that’s not all… Scotland is one […]

Protecting marine mammals around Scottish aquaculture farms

29 Mar 2021

Scotland’s salmon farming industry has been the focus of much attention over the last few years, and most recent developments have focused around its impact on marine mammals.

Taking Stock – Lessons learnt in 2020 and opportunities to set a clear path of Ocean recovery in 2021

17 Dec 2020

As 2020 comes to an end, it is time to reflect on this challenging year, and the opportunities that lie ahead!   As this challenging year comes to an end, we are all lifting our heads to the horizon for glimmers of hope. The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated how much we all rely on nature […]

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