Save Scottish Seas

Read all our latest news here including press releases, blogs, social media posts and upcoming events.

More than 10,000 #SupportMPAs

21 Nov 2013

Over 10,000 people have responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation in support of plans to set up a network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Scottish waters. The 16-week consultation – which ran throughout the summer – closed in mid-November and canvassed views on MPA sites around the Scottish coast as well as feedback about […]

Do we want MPAs?

24 Oct 2013

Over 30 events have been held across Scotland since August about government plans to develop a network of MPAs. Peter Cunningham, biologist at the Wester Ross Fisheries Trust – who attended an event in Poolewe – says that local engagement with the proposal is essential… Around 30 local people attended our local Marine Protected Area (MPA) […]

Historic chance to recover our seas

04 Sep 2013

People have a once-in-a-generation chance to shape the management of Scotland’s seas, say the eight members of Scottish Environment LINK. The Save Scottish Seas campaigners have launched an action on this website to help people engage with a major public consultation on a proposed network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The network is vital to […]

Unlocking the secrets to recovering seagrass in Scotland

27 Aug 2013

Could interlinked fish and crustacean populations affect the declining health of local seagrass beds? Peter Cunningham of the Wester Ross Fisheries Trust explores the possibility in light of fresh research from across the pond… Recently I had a snorkel along the shore of Loch Ewe where we tried to re-establish some seagrass in an area […]

Will ecosystem-based marine planning draw the crowds?

20 Aug 2013

It was an unlikely venue. In a plush, carpeted function suite of the Radisson Blu hotel in the centre of Scotland’s capital and amidst the countless shows of Edinburgh’s famous Festival, a very different event was being performed by the Scottish Government… Monday 19th August saw the first of Marine Scotland’s (the Marine Directorate of […]

Our chance to reverse centuries of decline at sea

25 Jul 2013

Scottish Government proposals announced today have the potential to help reverse hundreds of years of environmental decline in our seas, say a coalition of environmental groups. Plans for a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) were launched via public consultation today alongside the National Marine Plan, a new plan for sustainable development at sea. The […]

Coralbots need you!

18 Jul 2013

Read why Heriot-Watt researchers need an injection of capital to pioneer some world-leading technology that could transform the way we do nature conservation at sea… Could robots help to save the world’s fragile and increasingly damaged coral reefs? It’s an astonishing idea conceived and developed by researchers at Scotland’s Heriot-Watt University. By developing complex, swarm-based […]

Marine report tells cautionary tale for Scottish Government

22 Apr 2013

A parliamentary report highlighting a chronic “lack of clarity” with English marine protection plans sends a strong signal to the Scottish Government about its proposals for a marine protected area network to safeguard Scotland’s marine biodiversity. The report by the cross-party UK Science and Technology Committee describes the “frustration” and “anxiety” for industry and other […]

Scotland’s seas need a plan, say MSPs

22 Mar 2013

The future of Scotland’s sealife depends on a planning system for the sea, according to a committee of MSPs. In a letter sent to Paul Wheelhouse, Minister for Environment and Climate Change on Monday, MSPs on the Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee stressed the importance of a coordinated National Marine Plan to ensure […]

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