01 Aug 2015
Scotland Programme Manager for the Marine Conservation Society Calum Duncan provides some broader inshore context for the recent measures introduced to regulate Scotland’s king scallop fishery. In July, the Scottish Government announced new measures to manage Scotland’s King scallop fishery. This announcement was much-anticipated and followed a public consultation ending in January. The consultation itself […]
27 Jul 2015
Something important is happening. For the first time in years, we (Scotland) are having an increasingly open debate about how we fish our inshore waters. These issues are usually confined to the clipped minutes of a regional fisheries meeting, quayside chat between skippers, or the dry consultation correspondence on proposed technical regulations. Over the years […]
09 Jul 2015
This blog has attempted to chart the long, and sometimes torturous, process of setting up Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Scotland. Many of you may be wondering what is happening with Scotland’s MPAs? Are they going to be paper parks? Or are they finally going to help reverse the fortunes of our inshore waters, which […]
11 Jun 2015
In response to the Scottish Government’s announcement of fisheries management in Scottish Marine Protected Areas: Calum Duncan, Convenor of Scottish Environment LINK’s marine taskforce and Scotland Programme Manager, Marine Conservation Society said: “Our ‘Don’t Take The P out of MPAs’ campaign has struck a chord. Thousands of people wrote to the Scottish Government urging them […]
09 Jun 2015
Scotland’s marine protected areas (MPAs) are in the balance. The Cabinet Secretary Richard Lochhead is in the process of signing-off crucial documents that will indicate the proposed future management for Scotland’s MPAs. We are concerned that certain types of fishing which can damage seafloor habitats will be allowed to continue in large areas of the […]
28 Apr 2015
Artist Julia Barton has a good idea. She is convinced that art can make a difference to the health of our coastal environments. So she set up the Littoral Art Project in 2013 and is now crowdfunding for an innovative tool that could help change the way we think about the litter problem on our […]
20 Apr 2015
As winner of the world’s largest award for grassroots environmental activists, Howard Wood is dedicated to marine conservation in Scotland and calls for progressive management of Scotland’s new marine protected areas Howard Wood, diver and marine conservationist from the Isle of Arran is the Europe winner of the 2015 Goldman Prize – the international environmental equivalent of the Oscars. It is richly-deserved. As […]
15 Apr 2015
People across Scotland are waking up to the fact that what happens in our seas increasingly affects us all. And that the policies which determine the way we use our seas are something we, as voters, can influence. What evidence is there of this? The recent Parliamentary debate of Scotland’s first National Marine Plan was a […]
15 Apr 2015
How we manage our deep seas and offshore fisheries are vital questions for Scotland’s future. And yet democratic opportunities for public feedback are few and far between. Our blog explores the problem and suggests a few solutions… Within 12 nautical miles of Scotland’s coastline are Scotland’s territorial waters, our inshore. But our Scottish Government also has executively […]
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