Save Scottish Seas

Read all our latest news here including press releases, blogs, social media posts and upcoming events.

A chance to reverse the fortunes of the Clyde

15 Jan 2016

The Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust (SIFT) have set out detailed proposals for reforming fisheries management in the Clyde. There are just a few days left now to submit your own views to this preliminary consultation. For many years now, the Clyde has been the hotbed of debate; why has the fishery changed so dramatically in […]

Delving deeper – protecting Scotland’s offshore MPAs

15 Jan 2016

There are moves afoot to consider better protection for the marine ecosystems in Scotland’s deep sea. It’s not widely realised, but most of Scotland IS deep sea’ (our territorial waters are five times our country’s land mass, and much of this is beyond the Continental shelf). Our deep sea marine ecosystems are dark, low mobility […]

MPAs work – challenging Broad Bay and other myths

04 Jan 2016

Myth 1: Broad Bay proves that MPAs do not work The myth: the experience of Broad Bay (on the coast of Lewis) is sometimes publicly cited as providing strong evidence that MPAs do not work. Our response: It is simply not right to draw these conclusions. MPAs can – and do – work. The background and […]

Scotland’s seas 2015 – a year in tweets

23 Dec 2015

2015 has been quite a year for Scotland’s seas. Back in January there was significant concern that new marine protected areas would become paper parks, with little management to actually reverse the declining health of our marine environment. With the #DontTakeTheP (out of MPAs) campaign, throughout the year we have edged closer to meaningful management […]

MPA fisheries decision signals new era for Scottish seas

18 Dec 2015

[PRESS RELEASE: in response to the Scottish Government’s announcement about fisheries management in inshore Marine Protected Areas and Special Areas of Conservation] Environmental organisations have today welcomed the Scottish Government’s announcement on managing fishing within Scotland’s network of marine protected areas (MPAs). The MPAs include some of the most vulnerable marine wildlife sites in Europe […]

Moves To Low Impact Fishing Could Benefit Coastal Economy

11 Dec 2015

Placing proportionate limits on bottom-towed fishing could help boost long-term jobs in fragile rural communities, as well as protect the environment, contend a coalition of Scottish charities. The Scottish Government is due to announce measures for managing fishing in several Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) later this month. Scottish Environment LINK’s Marine Taskforce has written to […]

Joint marine campaign nominated for Nature of Scotland Awards

13 Nov 2015

Our Save Scottish Seas campaign was recently nominated for the Marine Conservation Award – a category of the Nature of Scotland Awards. We are delighted about this. Our nine members (Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Trust, Marine Conservation Society, National Trust for Scotland, Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, RSPB Scotland, Scottish Ornithologists’ Club, Scottish Wildlife Trust, Whale and Dolphin […]

MPAs are part of a sustainable rural Scotland

20 Oct 2015

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have come under some heavy fire from some fishing representatives for potentially “devastating” socio-economic impacts, but we contend MPAs will help to recover our seas and boost the resilience of coastal communities in Scotland. In this blog, we explain why a lot of people around rural Scotland, including many progressive Scottish fishermen, agree: by looking after our marine […]

Support change for Scotland’s seas

22 Sep 2015

Right now our political representatives in the Scottish Parliament are deliberating on what measures are right for the stewardship of Scotland’s inshore seas. As collective representatives of hundreds of thousands of people who want a sustainable Scotland, we support well-managed Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that protect our precious inshore areas from damaging fishing methods. This is […]

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