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Still Delivering the Goods: Scotland’s environmental charities working for nature and society.

24 Feb 2021

“Conservation is not a luxury, an optional extra we can afford when the economy picks up, but a vital necessity if our species are to have a long-term future.” Prof. Aubrey Manning, 1997 Scotland’s nature and natural landscapes are rich and diverse. While this diversity and richness is celebrated, all is not well. Scotland’s wildlife […]


Scotland’s environment community urge Scottish Government to take a transformative approach to planning

22 Feb 2021

Scotland’s new National Planning Framework (NPF4) needs to take us to net-zero and support nature’s recovery – but transformative change is lacking in the Scottish Government’s Position Statement   Scottish Environment LINK members are calling on the Scottish Government to develop a NPF4 that truly delivers the transformative change needed for Scotland to secure its […]


A Manifesto for Nature and Climate

09 Feb 2021

The 2021 Scottish Parliament election must place policies for nature and climate at its heart. Environmental charities in Scotland have launched a call for the next Scottish Government to prioritise actions to tackle the nature and climate emergency ahead of Holyrood elections in May. Scottish Environment LINK, a network of Scotland’s leading environmental charities, has […]


Good news for Scotland’s biodiversity: action in the Decade for Ecosystem Restoration

17 Dec 2020

Scottish Environment LINK welcomes the Statement of Intent on Biodiversity, published 14 December, which clearly recognises the importance of addressing the nature crisis at a critical point for our ecosystems.  These are encouraging steps: it is vital that the plans to address the nature crisis are matched by ambitious actions and significant investment to deliver […]


Welcome improvements to Scotland’s EU exit laws, but bill must go further for nature

25 Nov 2020

Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of Scotland’s leading environmental charities, has today welcomed initial improvements to the Scottish Government’s EU Continuity Bill, which delivers crucial post-Brexit environmental protections, including an environment watchdog. From 1 January 2021, the EU’s world-renowned environmental protections will no longer apply to Scotland. The Scottish Government’s EU Continuity Bill seeks to […]


Statement on deer control in support of Forestry and Land Scotland

04 Sep 2020

A statement from Scottish Environment LINK’s Deer Group on control of deer populations: “As environmental land managers we fully recognise the need for ongoing control of deer populations, and to address the climate and biodiversity crises. Natural predators of deer are extinct in Scotland. Deer numbers are far higher than is sustainable for nature to […]

Scottish Environment LINK Welcomes Government’s Drive for a Greener Scotland

01 Sep 2020

Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of Scotland’s leading environmental charities today welcomed Scottish government’s announcement to create new, green jobs to tackle the multiple crises the country is facing relating to climate change, rapid nature decline and the coronavirus. This comes after strong sector-wide and public support for actions to drive a green recovery from […]


UK internal market could seriously harm Scotland’s environment

13 Aug 2020

Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of Scotland’s leading environment charities, has warned the UK government that its plan to create a UK internal market could seriously harm Scotland’s natural environment by dragging down standards. The plan unveiled by the UK government last month appears to be aimed at both removing regulation and forcing all four […]


Most people living in Scotland want a green recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic

07 Aug 2020

A new poll shows people in Scotland believe the Government should prioritise economic recovery measures that tackle climate change and enhance nature A new poll released today shows three-quarters of people living in Scotland believe the Scottish Government should prioritise measures for a green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. The poll shows strong public support […]

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