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Wildlife Proclamation – LINK Press Release

24 Mar 2016


Scottish Environment LINK welcomes Scottish government indicators for assessing the state of our environment

11 Mar 2016

Scottish Environment LINK welcomes the Scottish government’s update of the National Performance (NPF) indicators which takes us closer to realising the full potential of the NPF as a tool for measuring progress towards sustainable development. “NPF is key to measuring government performance against quality of life and the state of our natural environment as well as […]

Standing for Species: Championing Wildlife in the Scottish Parliament

25 Feb 2016

The 76 MSPs who have participated in the Species Champions Initiative were thanked this evening for their work during the current parliament to support Scotland’s threatened wildlife. Scottish Environment LINK held a reception in Holyrood hosted by Rob Gibson MSP. Read more here.  

Circular economy policies should target cuts in resource use

19 Feb 2016

Environmental organisations in Scotland have welcomed growing interest in creating a more circular economy, but warn that government should set resource use targets if it is to secure environmental benefits. In advance of the Scottish Government releasing its forthcoming strategy on the circular economy late in February, Scottish Environment LINK commissioned a report to look at the […]

LINK welcomes Minister statement on EU Nature Directives

28 Jan 2016

Environmental groups welcome Scottish Government’s support of EU Nature Directives Environmental groups across Scotland welcome the news that the Scottish Government does not wish to renegotiate the EU Nature Directives. On Jan 26th, in answer to a parliamentary question on the subject of the directives, asked by Stewart Maxwell MSP, the Minister for Environment, Climate […]

MPA fisheries decision signals new era for Scottish seas

18 Dec 2015

In response to the Scottish Government’s announcement about fisheries management in inshore Marine Protected Areas and Special Areas of Conservation Environmental organisations have today welcomed the Scottish Government’s announcement on managing fishing within Scotland’s network of marine protected areas (MPAs). The MPAs include some of the most vulnerable marine wildlife sites in Europe and some […]

Better SNAP-shot figures needed – August 2015

01 Oct 2015

One step towards getting land use on the right track, August 2015

06 Aug 2015

Read article by Helen Todd, published in the Scotsman Newspaper.

Don’t undermine the laws that protect nature

24 Jul 2015

Don’t undermine the laws that protect nature say nearly half a million European citizens. Press release from the Joint Links, 24 July 2015

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