11 Mar 2015
OWNERSHIP is less important than stewardship, says John Thomson In obvious respects, a nation’s land defines it, and helps to shape its culture. So it is hardly surprising that questions relating to land have come to the fore in the continuing ferment of debate about Scotland’s future. Unsurprisingly, given the remarkable concentration of landownership in […]
13 Feb 2015
Its nearly Valentine’s Day & our Species Champion MSPs have been busy showing their love for Scotland’s biodiversity! This Valentine, Species Champions are showing their love for their species as part of Stop Climate Chaos’ For the Love Campaign (FTLO). FTLO gives people a way of showing what they love and how concerned they are […]
03 Feb 2015
Yet again, we’re delighted that another amazing species has been championed. This time the stunning Garden Tiger which is predominantly active at night has been championed by Margaret McCulloch MSP for Central Scotland.
02 Feb 2015
Scottish Environment LINK’s Marine Taskforce will be hosting the following event: How can marine spatial planning lead to a thriving natural marine environment in Scotland? This event will take place in the Conference Room at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (Arboretum Place, Edinburgh EH3 5NZ) on Thursday 12th February 2015 from 2pm – 6pm, followed […]
20 Jan 2015
We are delighted to announce that our latest Species Champion is Liz Smith MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife who is now championing the Slender Scotch Burnet Moth. This rare moth is confined to the steep, south-facing slopes under basalt cliffs on Mull and is on the Scottish Biodiversity List; not a moment too soon […]
13 Jan 2015
FOR THE first time, we now have the means to monitor and look after the ecological health of our seas, says Calum Duncan FOR centuries, our seas have been heavily exploited for their fish, and as the highways of our trade. More recently a host of different, new industries, such as fossil fuel extraction, fish […]
10 Dec 2014
This adorable species is the latest to be championed under the LINK Species Champion initiative. Jamie Hepburn MSP for Cumbernauld and Kilsyth becomes the latest Species Champion totaling up to 72 MSPs Species Champions and 87 unique species! To find out more about this species click here!
21 Nov 2014
LINK’s Species Champion initiative was Highly Commended at the RSPB Scotland Nature of Scotland Awards under the category of ‘Innovation Award’ on November 20th 2014. We’re also delighted to hear that Claudia Beamish MSP who is the Species Champion for the Sea Trout and Forester Moth won Politician of the Year Award. The awards were […]
18 Nov 2014
Now is the time to enhance the legacy of John Muir, says John Mayhew Scotland’s landscapes rank amongst the best in the world in their richness, quality and diversity. We have wild mountains, pristine rivers and lochs, ancient forests and stunning coastline and islands – all rich in wildlife and history. Our landscapes enhance our […]
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