LINK Thinks

LINK Thinks is a space for members and others to express their views about Scotland’s environment. If you would like to contribute a blog please contact The opinions expressed in this blog are the author's and not necessarily those of the wider LINK membership.


When Will Politicians Get a Grip on Hill Tracks?

10 Jul 2019

In June, the Scottish Government once again failed to take the opportunity to stop the unregulated construction of hilltracks, which is damaging some of Scotland’s most well-loved upland landscapes, when Ministers refused to support amendments to the Planning (Scotland) Bill which were put forward by Andy Wightman MSP of the Scottish Green Party. There was […]


Straight to the source

27 Jun 2019

EU environmental principles have helped us effectively address environmental issues in a systematic way. They have been fundamental to ensuring consistent decision-making, and therefore providing greater certainty for business and others, as well as ensuring that the way in which we protect our natural wealth and seek to rectify environmental harm is effective and targeted.


97 organisations write to Nicola Sturgeon calling for a Scottish Environment Act

27 Jun 2019

"Our planet faces a climate emergency. Inextricably linked to this emergency is looming ecological disaster. Time is running out to tackle these huge global challenges. It will take concerted, radical action from leaders around the world to pave the way for transformative change in line with our sustainable development commitments.


Better than Cure

17 Jun 2019

It’s an unavoidable truth that in nature conservation, success can sometimes produce intangible results. Much of what we try to achieve inevitably comprises stopping bad things happening to the environment. A successful bridge-builder has a bridge to look at where there was none; a fund manager, funds to help spend; a medic has well people, who were previously sick. The successful environmental campaigner might find


Have You Got The Bottle? is fighting for Scotland’s nature

14 Jun 2019

Here at Have You Got The Bottle? we’re fighting for Scotland’s nature. We know about the negative impacts that litter has on wildlife; from insects and small mammals getting stuck inside bottles, to seabirds and creatures feeding plastic to their young. Evidence suggests that more than 140,000 bottles and cans are littered in Scotland every single day.


Seabirds and marine wildlife need a future underpinned by strong environmental protection laws

13 Jun 2019

Without a doubt Scotland’s land, seas and iconic wildlife have benefited from the EU ‘Nature Directives’ – the Birds and Habitats Directive and other environmental pillars such as the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Scottish Seabird Centre CEO Susan Davies explains why the centre is supporting the Fight for Scotland's Nature campaign.

Let’s make sustainable products that last – or the planet won’t

11 Jun 2019

Read our article by Dr Phoebe Cochrane, LINK’s Sustainable Economics Officer published in the Scotsman today. Climate change has been ­hitting the headlines ­recently and the Scottish Government has been one of the first to acknowledge the climate ­emergency and swiftly respond to scientific evidence that Scotland needs to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by […]

Acting now for climate change

10 Jun 2019

A blog by Deborah Long, LINK Chief Officer On 31 May, Francesca Oswaska, CEO of Scottish Natural Heritage, gave the RSE Peter Wilson lecture: Not too late to act for climate change. In her speech she described the challenging yet opportunity rich moment we find ourselves in. At LINK we would agree with the three […]

John Muir Trust backs Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaign

16 May 2019

Our opportunities for experiencing wildness continue to be diminished through landscape degradation and species decline. It’s vital we don’t reduce our existing commitments as a society to uphold our human right to a healthy environment. We must have laws in place to protect, conserve and repair our wildest places for the benefit of everyone.

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