03 Jun 2020
A blog by Juliet Caldwell, Species Champion Coordinator at Scottish Environment LINK. The last few weeks have seen an unprecedented and disruptive change to our daily lives in a bid to keep us safe. In a time of uncertainty, what is certain is that the current situation and the advice regarding social distancing and self-isolation […]
22 May 2020
A blog by Paul Walton, Head of Habitats and Species at RSPB Scotland and Vice-convener of LINK’s Wildlife Group. Today, May 22nd, is the United Nations’ International Day of Biodiversity. The theme for this year is Our Solutions are in Nature. When planning for this event, no one could ever have predicted how this theme […]
29 Apr 2020
A blog by Professor James Curran MBE, Chair of the James Hutton Institute and Honorary Fellow of Scottish Environment LINK. As I write this, the world-wide battle against Covid-19 is underway. In every country, Governments are taking unprecedented action and mobilising enormous financial resources. In the UK there are the first signs of a reduction in hospitalisations and, hopefully, the […]
15 Apr 2020
A blog by Kevin Lelland, head of development and communications at the John Muir Trust and a Trustee of Scottish Environment LINK It’s the black swan of our time. Few of us could have imagined how our lives and society could change so dramatically and quickly by an insidious pandemic that affects all of us […]
14 Apr 2020
Thousands of people have died, and thousands more are bereaved. Jobs are lost, businesses destroyed, hopes and plans in tatters. But it could have been even worse. What if the shops had actually run out of food, not just delivery slots? They didn’t. The massive stocking up, followed by the closure of the entire catering […]
03 Apr 2020
A blog from Deborah Long, LINK Chief Officer. Today, more than ever before, we need to focus on the essentials for everyone: good living and working conditions, clean water and air, a thriving natural world, a safe climate for the next generation, and strong and functioning democracies that will continue to protect us in times […]
26 Mar 2020
In 2019, the First Minister declared a climate emergency and linked it to the ongoing nature crisis. Nature needs to be given the best possible fighting chance, including protection of animals. The Animals and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Bill, which is currently progressing through the parliament aims to strengthen animal cruelty penalties and […]
16 Mar 2020
The Manx shearwater is a beautiful and mysterious seabird. It feeds far from shore, only returning to its colonies at night – nesting in deep burrows, often at high altitude on inaccessible island mountainsides. Because of this, shearwaters are notoriously difficult to study – but Scotland is home to around 40% of the entire world […]
03 Mar 2020
This year sees biodiversity placed at the forefront of the global sustainable development agenda. The theme of World Wildlife Day 2020; ‘Sustaining all Life on Earth’ encompasses all wild animal and plant species as key components of biodiversity as well as the livelihoods of people and is more important than ever in a time of […]
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