LINK Thinks

LINK Thinks is a space for members and others to express their views about Scotland’s environment. If you would like to contribute a blog please contact The opinions expressed in this blog are the author's and not necessarily those of the wider LINK membership.


Ian Findlay: our memories

01 Apr 2021

Ian Findlay has been a  part of the LINK family for a long time. He served on LINK Board from 2002, but was involved in the network as the LINK member rep for Scottish Wildlife Trust before then. As a LINK Board member between 2002 – 2017, Ian was also part of the Board’s Employment […]


Environmental charities in a pandemic, a nature crisis and a climate emergency

23 Mar 2021

Along with everyone else, Scottish Environment LINK member organisations have been adjusting to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Member surveys in April and November 2020 identified key challenges and the solutions our members were implementing as lockdowns came and went, and returned. Assessing the ongoing and near future financial difficulties caused by the coronavirus […]


Life after LIFE: the value of landscape scale, multi annual funding programmes

11 Mar 2021

Scotland is known worldwide for its rich and diverse landscapes and nature. This richness is often lauded – it is used to promote our tourism industry, our food and drink products, our national identity. However, despite these positives, not all is well – our wildlife has suffered and declined considerably over the years through climate […]

Calum Langdale

Countdown to the COPs – why the nature and climate talks go hand in hand

05 Mar 2021

Later this year, the UK will host 195 world leaders at an international climate summit in Glasgow. Also known as COP26, the talks will be a crucial opportunity for the global community to come together to find solutions to the climate crisis. But fewer people are aware of another key summit this year: the international […]


Sunak’s Plastic Packaging Tax is good news, but government must do much more to reduce waste

04 Mar 2021

We all know that recycling is important – that waste does not end up in landfill, but instead gets recycled into new things. Ideally, we would like all new things to be made from either renewable or recycled materials. That would mean we would no longer need to quarry, mine or drill for non-renewable raw materials.


Scotland’s Rainforest and the People It Supports

03 Mar 2021

Today is United Nations World Wildlife Day and this year’s theme is “Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet.” In recent years forests have attracted attention for their role in capturing carbon in the fight against climate change. They have sustained the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people globally for much longer than that. […]


Scotland must follow EU lead in consumption reduction

11 Feb 2021

This week MEPs voted for the introduction of two legally binding targets to reduce material and consumption footprints by 2030 and bring EU consumption within planetary boundaries by 2050. Scotland should follow suit. Like Europe, we should be aiming to reduce our consumption of raw materials to sustainable levels.


Scotland’s environment post-Brexit: assessing the success of the EU Continuity Bill

26 Jan 2021

Scotland’s EU Continuity Bill was passed by MSPs on 22 December 2020. This bill is an important one for Scotland’s natural environment, as it aims to ensure that the environmental safeguards that came with EU membership remain in place now that the UK has left the EU.

Photo by Sandra Graham

Ocean recovery in 2021 and beyond

19 Jan 2021

Our Ocean Recovery Plan charts a course to ensure that by 2030 the curve of ocean decline has been reversed and Scotland’s ocean ecosystems are on a path of recovery, able to support the fight against climate change. As we step into 2021 seeking a brighter future, nothing short of transformative change will deliver the scale of recovery needed.

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