LINK Thinks

LINK Thinks is a space for members and others to express their views about Scotland’s environment. If you would like to contribute a blog please contact The opinions expressed in this blog are the author's and not necessarily those of the wider LINK membership.

Edinburgh green belt near Cammo

Green Belts: Re-invigorating A Planning Tool For The Climate And Biodiversity Emergencies

08 Mar 2022

By Nikki Sinclair, Green Belts Alliance Manager , APRS | The Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland Scotland’s Green Belts A Green Belt is the designated open land around, beside or within an urban area where there is a presumption against most types of development. Green Belts are designated by local authorities in their […]


Scotland’s once in a decade chance to plan for nature’s protection

01 Mar 2022

By Clare Symonds, Convener of Scottish Environment LINK’s planning group.  “A new approach to planning could protect Scotland’s wildlife for future generations,” says Clare Symonds.  When you think of the Scottish nature we all know and love, what comes to mind? You might picture misty glens, coastal cliffs lined with seabirds, or open parkland near to […]


Planning to Protect the Ancient and Irreplaceable

22 Feb 2022

Scotland faces both climate and nature emergencies. Woods and trees are a huge asset on each front so protecting them is key, especially our irreplaceable ancient woodlands. The planning system has an essential role to play in ensuring that protection, so we can be climate ready as a nation while protecting and enhancing biodiversity. Scotland’s […]


Planning for a nature-rich Scotland

07 Feb 2022

Scotland’s fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4) risks a ‘business-as-usual’ approach to the nature crisis rather than delivering the transformative change that has been promised. Scotland hosts a variety of habitats and rare wildlife such as capercaillie and expanses of internationally important blanket bog in the Flow Country, to the nature we see every day around […]


World Wetlands Day 2022

02 Feb 2022

Today we celebrate World Wetlands Day! Scotland has many amazing wetlands that are not only sites of important biodiversity but also provide a unique home to a wide variety of wildlife. Wetlands provide many of the things which society relies upon such as clean water, flood protection, carbon storage, and are also great places for […]


Nature COP: the next big chance to save the planet

22 Dec 2021

The biodiversity equivalent of COP26 is scheduled to take place in China in spring 2022. It deserves as much attention and fanfare as the Glasgow climate talks, writes Deborah Long.


How Scotland can reform its economy to work for people and planet

16 Dec 2021

Plans for a National Strategy for Economic Transformation will have to be bold and radical if it is to protect people and the planet. So far, the signs aren’t encouraging. How many people know that a National Strategy for Economic Transformation is being prepared for Scotland?  Probably precious few, outside of policy wonk circles and […]


How will COP26 Deliver Recovery for Scottish Seas?

03 Dec 2021

A blog by Esther Brooker, Marine Policy and Engagement Officer.   Scotland has been well and truly in the global limelight for the past weeks, with the high-profile UN Conference of the Parties for Climate Change (COP26) being co-hosted by the UK and Italian Governments in Glasgow [1]. Nations worldwide, particularly those in the global […]


COP26 Outcomes: What LINK Thinks

22 Nov 2021

So CoP26 is over, the posters have been taken down, the seats stacked and the streets resumed their November demeanour. If CoP26 was our best last chance (UNFCC), what does the future look like now?  We had high ambitions. But not unrealistic ones. We all went into CoP26 knowing that the world had to do much more to prevent ongoing loss and destruction of homes, businesses, countries and habitats from […]

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