Within this section are case studies and resources from our members, including best practice in monitoring, evaluation, and learning, how to access and work with those who may be disconnected from nature, and EDI-focused organisations, community groups and consultants. You can also see great videos of our member organisations below!
Case studies and resources
Videos of members sharing EDI practice and involvement in Nature for All
Examples of our members including best practice in monitoring, evaluation, and learning
Please note that the below are examples, if you are a member organisation and would like to be featured here, please contact leigh@scotlink.org or information@scotlink.org
Scottish Allotments & Garden’s Society – stating that the organisation is an inclusive society, open to anyone with an interest in community growing. A simple statement shows others that you are welcome to join, and goes a long way!
CIEEM – Multiple progressions to EDI including joining the ethnic diversity route map (hyperlink to ethnic diversity route map section); analysing the barriers and working towards them, as seen in Breaking Down Barriers to Inclusion; creating Green Jobs for Nature; and creating a resource hub.
Scottish Wildlife Trust – A community driven project called Ocean of Values and having a young leaders group so that young people’s voices are considered in the trust.
Bat Conservation Trust – Please see EDI Lessons Learnt as part of the EDI Fortnight 2024.
RSPB Scotland & Dundee – a Fair Work First Statement, Diversity Champions (you can see more information from the EDI Fortnight 2023 materials); and working with Refugees as part of Scottish Refugee Festival, please see EDI Fortnight 2024.
Nourish Scotland – Prioritise co-design and co-production in projects including Dignity in Practice and Agroecology: strengthening livelihoods.
Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Trust, Archaeology Scotland, APRS, Butterfly Conservation, Fidra, Scottish Seabird Centre, RZSS – Engaging and implementing a strategy from workshops attended by the Nature for All project.
ARC-Trust – creating policies and position statements on website; joining Living Wage employer; and implementing a strategy from the Nature for All project workshops.
John Muir Trust – Accessibility statement on the website and implementing a strategy from D’Rose Consultancy workshops.
National Trust for Scotland – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion statement including an acknowledgement to the past; a New Culture Strategy; an Accessibility statement; and a very clear and inclusive volunteer handbook.
Soil Association – Policies and procedures that focus on EDI including Equal Opportunities Policy, Recruitment of Ex-offenders, Diversity and Inclusion Commitment, approaches to GDPR, Modern Slavery, and Human Trafficking statement.
Young Sea Changers Scotland – stating that experience isn’t necessary to join and welcoming, co-design and co-producing organisation. YSCS have also created a Marine Advocacy Toolkit for young individuals eager to learn how to amplify their voices for Scotland’s seas.
Further guidance on how to access and work with those who may be disconnected from nature
Make Your Mark toolkit have excellent guidance on how to take steps for positive action including creating focus groups; providing taster sessions; where you advertise (please see Inclusive Recruitment for more information on this) and how you advertise in terms of the language you use; and partnering with local groups.
Articles which will also be of use are:
- The heritage toolkit that provides guidance on connecting to community groups.
- Partnering with local groups to increase diversity – a case study by National Galleries Scotland from Make Your Mark.
- Enabling everyone to take action for nature – a case study by NatureScot on Scottish Invasive Species Initiative.
Nourish Scotland have brilliant initiatives including a Meaningful Participation Panel that focuses on making participation processes in decision-making more equitable, diverse, and inclusive.
The Conservation Volunteers Community Support is also another great group in making communities stronger.
EDI Organisations, Community Groups and Consultants
Please note that the below have not been verified but are recommendations of the Nature for All project.
Make Your Mark have an extensive list of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion organisations, community groups and volunteering offices in Scotland. We highly recommend that you search for underrepresented groups within your own organisation that are located to your area to work with.
In addition to these groups, here are some other training and consultancies to consider:
Leadership Training
Driving Organisational Change & Supporting your Leaders
Mahogany Inclusion Partners – Inclusion Coaching & Board and Senior Advisory Education
Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion – tailored support to your organisation
Menopause and the workplace resource pack
Menopause at work: A guide for people professionals
Menopause awareness session EDI Fortnight 2024 materials.
Mental health
Climate Psychology Alliance – for individuals struggling with eco-distress
Young People’s Programme & Rural Connections
EAInclusion – Inclusive Recruitment Agency
Green Park – Building Diverse Senior Leadership Teams
Diversifying Group – Executive Diversity
Scottish Refugee Council
The Scottish Refugee Council offer many training opportunities and ongoing events throughout the calendar year for people to attend. Some of which are outlined our members might be interested in attending, including:
- Training for practitioners – this training is for those in senior and managerial roles to help create a welcoming space for everyone, with a particular focus on refugees, also known as New Scots.
- Guidance for Organisations: Involving Refugee Volunteers – an online meeting held the last Thursday of every month to answer any questions on refugee’s volunteering at your organisation.
- Refugee Festival Scotland – the Scottish Refugee Council updates this events calendar frequently.
RSPB Dundee and Scottish Refugee Council two co-created events in the city – please read to feel inspired!