Nature is for all, and nature needs all of us. The more voices we have to tackle environmental issues; the better the Scottish environment will be for it.
Just as biodiversity enhances our ecosystems, so does the diversity of the people working or volunteering within our sector. Diversity of thought, perspectives, creativity, and productivity all enhance our strong voice for the environment.
Many people don’t have access to nature, feel that they don’t belong in the environment sector, or cannot join the environment sector due to life circumstances. We want to change this by making things accessible to those who cannot access nature in volunteering or work, by creating inclusive cultures to further promote social justice and climate justice. We believe that this resource hub will help you in your journey to facilitate that change through inclusion practices.
The Nature for All Resource Hub provides tools to our members to enhance confidence, skills, and knowledge in equality, equity, and inclusion to increase the diversity, volume, and size of Scotland’s voice for the environment.
We understand that time and capacity is an issue for all working in the environment sector, which is why we’ve made this hub into sections with drop-down menus to make it less overwhelming.
Nobody knows everything, and the best thing you can do is to get started on learning how to be inclusive!
We encourage you to read all the materials on the hub first, then to create an Equality Policy, and monitor your progress through a Diversity Action Plan. All members of staff and volunteers should have access to the Diversity Action Plan.
Although all materials on the hub are relevant to everyone, below is a section on which areas of the hub may be most relevant depending on job role.
As this hub has contents which require a member account, you must be a Scottish Environment LINK member organisation to be able to access some of these materials. The reason for some of the contents being member access only is due to contractual agreements between internal and external organisations, and for the recordings of events where attendees are visible to remain internal.
The Nature for All Resource Hub and project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
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