Marine Protected Areas are one part of an overarching effort to sustainably use our seas.
Scotland’s National Marine Plan (NMP) was published in 2015, following consultation on the draft plan in 2013. The purpose of the Plan is to set the strategic objectives and national policies for sustainable development for Scotland’s seas, provide a framework for all the activity which takes place in Scottish waters and to guide the future development of more detailed Regional Marine Plans.
Save Scottish Seas campaign members welcomed the first NMP, and believe it is a very important document to guide marine planning in Scotland.
The NMP is now is currently being reviewed to test how well the plan is operating, and to account for emerging sectors not already included in the plan. Members of the Save Scottish Seas campaign will be responding to the review plan to help ensure marine ecosystem and climate change objectives are appropriately incorporated, and that the plan can effectively operate as a guide to sustainably use our seas. You can read our initial response to the review here.
National Marine Plan Interactive
The Marine Scotland MAPS NMPi (National Marine Plan interactive) interactive tool, part of the Marine Scotland Open Data Network, has been designed to assist in the development of national and regional marine planning.
Regional Marine Planning
The National Marine Plan (NMP), also requires the development of Regional Marine Plans to guide the use and conservation of our seas at a local level. There are 11 marine regions in Scotland, and plans will be taken forward by Regional Marine Planning Partnerships. The Shetland Marine Plan is the first RMP, and work to develop the second RMP is underway in the Clyde. It is expected that Orkney will be the next place to develop a RMP.
Scotland is at a crucial stage in the development of a strategic, progressive marine planning system for its seas and it is essential that management approaches and priorities are clearly defined and the required resources for achieving them are in place.
Save Scottish Seas campaign members developed the Living with the Seas report outlining how RMPs can deliver the objectives of the National Marine Plan and other national and international commitments, as well as guidance for planners.