Save Scottish Seas

A coalition of environmental charities, working with the collective vision of achieving healthy, well-managed seas, where wildlife and coastal communities are flourishing and ecosystems are protected, connected and thriving.

Dear Cabinet Secretary...

We love Scotland’s seas. Please protect them before it’s too late.

Our Ocean Recovery Plan is a roadmap of policy actions needed to set Scotland’s seas on the path to ecosystem recovery. Watch our video to learn more.

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News & Updates


Community groups and environmental campaigners join forces to urge government action on marine protection

In a briefing event for journalists and policymakers on Wednesday, environmental and community groups jointly criticised the Scottish government’s slow progress on marine protection. The event was hosted by Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of over 40 environmental groups, and Coastal Communities Network, a coalition of over 30 community-led groups that support action to restore […]

A humpback whale's tail emerging from the ocean with land in the background

Safeguarding Scotland’s cetaceans: improving the effectiveness of marine protected areas

By Vicki James, Protected Areas Coordinator at Whale and Dolphin Conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a critical tool for protecting important areas for cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in Scottish waters. Around the UK, 11 MPAs have been designated specifically for cetaceans. However, research into the management effectiveness of these MPAs by Whale and […]


Dear Cabinet Secretary, we love Scotland’s seas. Please protect them before it’s too late.

We asked supporters to write personal messages to Gillian Martin, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, telling her why they care about Scotland’s seas. The messages came from across the country, from people with first-hand experience of the decline of our seas, and from people concerned about the world their children and grandchildren will inherit if we don’t act now.

LINK Marine Group Members

LINK Marine Funders

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