Fight For Scotland’s Nature News


Better than Cure

17 Jun 2019

It’s an unavoidable truth that in nature conservation, success can sometimes produce intangible results. Much of what we try to achieve inevitably comprises stopping bad things happening to the environment. A successful bridge-builder has a bridge to look at where there was none; a fund manager, funds to help spend; a medic has well people, who were previously sick. The successful environmental campaigner might find


Have You Got The Bottle? is fighting for Scotland’s nature

14 Jun 2019

Here at Have You Got The Bottle? we’re fighting for Scotland’s nature. We know about the negative impacts that litter has on wildlife; from insects and small mammals getting stuck inside bottles, to seabirds and creatures feeding plastic to their young. Evidence suggests that more than 140,000 bottles and cans are littered in Scotland every single day.


Seabirds and marine wildlife need a future underpinned by strong environmental protection laws

13 Jun 2019

Without a doubt Scotland’s land, seas and iconic wildlife have benefited from the EU ‘Nature Directives’ – the Birds and Habitats Directive and other environmental pillars such as the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Scottish Seabird Centre CEO Susan Davies explains why the centre is supporting the Fight for Scotland's Nature campaign.

John Muir Trust backs Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaign

16 May 2019

Our opportunities for experiencing wildness continue to be diminished through landscape degradation and species decline. It’s vital we don’t reduce our existing commitments as a society to uphold our human right to a healthy environment. We must have laws in place to protect, conserve and repair our wildest places for the benefit of everyone.


Over 22,000 people demand a Scottish Environment Act

13 May 2019

More than 22,000 people, including primary school children, have written to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon calling for a Scottish Environment Act to protect Scotland’s nature and ensure Brexit doesn’t roll back crucial environmental protections. The calls come at a time of renewed focus on environmental issues


Global biodiversity report: Where does Scotland stand?

06 May 2019

Scotland must take urgent action to halt its declining biodiversity, say campaigners following the release of a major global report revealing that one million animal and plant species worldwide are threatened with extinction.


7 reasons why we must protect Scotland’s nature

29 Apr 2019

Scotland's nature is in urgent need of protection. Climate change, pollution and loss of habitats are all contributing to it's decline. And leaving the EU means risking the environmental protections that our wildlife and landscapes depend on. But we can secure better protection for Scotland’s seas, land and wildlife.


Scotland needs an Environment Act that rocks!

29 Apr 2019

Scotland’s geodiversity supports a complex mosaic of habitats that host a wide range of species. The value of geodiversity as part of nature and natural diversity is not only in the presence of rocky crags and islands, and a varied landscape that provides a range of habitats. It also lies in the ongoing processes that are continually shaping our slopes, river banks and dynamic coasts.


Our butterflies and moths are facing triple whammy and need a Scottish Environment Act

25 Apr 2019

We are very used to hearing about the two key culprits responsible for the decline of butterflies and moths in our countryside - habitat loss and climate change, but a third ‘driver’ increasingly being identified as guilty is nitrogen, the two main sources being vehicles and farming.

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