Fight For Scotland’s Nature News


Strong support for a new nature watchdog in Scotland

04 Oct 2019

The results of the Scottish Government's consultation on Environmental Principles and Governance show concern over the potential impact of Brexit on environmental protections, and widespread support for proposals to safeguard standards and introduce new arrangements for scrutinising and enforcing these protections.


More than 80% of Scots Say they Are Concerned about the Environment

10 Sep 2019

A new poll released today shows that more than three quarters of the Scottish public (86 per cent) say they are concerned about the potential threats to wildlife from climate change, habitat loss and pollution. In addition to this, a staggering 94 per cent have expressed that they see Scotland’s natural environment as ‘very important’ […]


LINK Welcomes Strong Climate Emergency Theme to Programme for Government but Urges Further Action to Ensure That Scotland’s Natural World is Safeguarded from Brexit

03 Sep 2019

Given the overwhelming public support for action the new Programme for Government falls short of expectations. A recent survey undertaken by Survation on behalf of Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of Scotland’s leading environmental charities has found that as many as 84% of Scots want the same or higher levels of environmental standards in the […]

We’ve signed a letter to the Prime Minister expressing grave concern over a no-deal Brexit

29 Aug 2019

Scottish Environment LINK has joined more than 85 civil society organisations in signing an open letter to the Prime Minister expressing grave concerns about the impact of a no-deal Brexit. You can read the letter here. For more information, visit the Brexit Civil Society Alliance. Read our blog, ‘A No Deal Brexit is No Good for Scotland’s […]


Nicola Sturgeon’s letter underlines commitment to nature. Now let’s see a Scottish Environment Act!

26 Aug 2019

In June, LINK brought together 97 organisations to write to the First Minister to ask her to take action to protect, enhance and restore our environment – as the best insurance against climate change and to provide subsequent generations with a sustainable future. The First Minister’s reply


Tweet Nicola Sturgeon your nature pictures!

26 Jul 2019

Stand up for the nature you love! Is it bumblebees in your local park? Puffins in the Firth of Forth? Oak trees on the banks of Loch Lomond? Join the Fight for Scotland’s Nature by tweeting your nature pictures or videos to Nicola Sturgeon. 1/ Take a photo or video of what you love. Maybe you’re in the picture too


Without EU environmental protection, the Scottish Government must fill the gap

25 Jul 2019

If our natural environment is being harmed, and our ­government fails in its duty to protect it, who can we turn to? In 2012, conservation group WWF complained to the European Commission that the UK government hadn’t set up any protected areas for the harbour porpoise. With its chunky body, triangular fin


Straight to the source

27 Jun 2019

EU environmental principles have helped us effectively address environmental issues in a systematic way. They have been fundamental to ensuring consistent decision-making, and therefore providing greater certainty for business and others, as well as ensuring that the way in which we protect our natural wealth and seek to rectify environmental harm is effective and targeted.


97 organisations write to Nicola Sturgeon calling for a Scottish Environment Act

27 Jun 2019

"Our planet faces a climate emergency. Inextricably linked to this emergency is looming ecological disaster. Time is running out to tackle these huge global challenges. It will take concerted, radical action from leaders around the world to pave the way for transformative change in line with our sustainable development commitments.

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