Fight For Scotland’s Nature News


Dear Minister, we need Scotland’s nature. Now nature needs us.

30 Aug 2021

Since 2018, the Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaign has called on the Scottish government to set legally binding targets to halt the rapid decline of Scotland’s nature and set it on track to recovery. This summer, more than 1,200 people wrote messages to Scotland’s Minister for Environment and Land Reform Màiri McAllan about why nature […]


Environment charities welcome nature targets in SNP-Green deal

20 Aug 2021

Scottish Environment LINK has welcomed the inclusion in the draft SNP-Green deal of legally binding targets to halt the rapid decline of Scotland’s nature by 2030. The deal, announced today, commits a potential SNP-Green government to introducing a Natural Environment Bill in 2023-24.


Restore Scotland’s nature on land and at sea

11 Aug 2021

I was fascinated when I learned that millions of native oysters were once harvested from the Firth of Forth every year, providing a cheap and common source of food, and an Edinburgh old town full of raucous ‘oyster cellars’. It can be hard to imagine the places we live as they once were – and just as hard to imagine a different future for them.

Calum Langdale

Tell your MSPs to support the declaration of a nature emergency and commit to legally binding nature recovery targets!

15 Jul 2021

On the last day of June, the Welsh Parliament became the first parliament in the world to declare a nature emergency. The Senedd also called for legally binding targets to halt and reverse the decline of nature. Plaid Cymru member, Delyth Jewell, introduced the motion whilst referencing the missed UN Aichi targets on biodiversity: “When you miss […]


Urge your SNP and Green MSPs to prioritise nature restoration in party cooperation negotiations and together we can revive nature in Scotland

01 Jun 2021

Last week, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon of the SNP and Scottish Green Party co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater announced that their respective parties would hold ‘formal talks’ on a potential cooperation agreement. The SNP-Green Party talks represent an exciting opportunity for the new government to prioritise nature’s recovery by adopting statutory Nature Recovery Targets […]


Statutory nature recovery targets can prevent another lost decade for nature in Scotland

01 Jun 2021

Mass extinction We are living through a mass extinction.  Since 1970, our world has seen a drop of almost 70 per cent in the average population of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish, and over a quarter of assessed species are now threatened by extinction.  While developing countries in sub-Sahara Africa and South Asia repeatedly […]


Call to put nature at the heart of Scotland’s post-covid-19 recovery

22 May 2021

MORE than 35 organisations, including primary school children, have joined forces to call on the First Minister to put nature at the heart of Scotland’s post-Covid-19 recovery. Together, they want the newly elected government to take urgent action to halt the rapid decline in Scottish wildlife and plants and to see legally binding targets by 2022 to help set Scotland’s nature on track to recovery by 2030.


Nature, our long lost friend

06 May 2021

It’s been said often enough, but many of us have never before appreciated or even noticed our natural environment as much as we have since the pandemic. Like a long lost friend, nature has helped to soften the blow of a tough few months peppered with restrictions after restrictions. For me highlights have been scuffing leaves along my regular woodland path in autumn

Puffin © Charlie Phillips

Scotland’s nature can recover

04 May 2021

The month of May, I contend, is one of Scotland’s best. Even when spring has been slow to show itself, suddenly in May it puts on a performance, full of bees and blossom and bright green leaves. Nature’s drive for renewal is evident all around us. Added to that, May is Scotland’s sunniest month, and when the sun shines in May I can fool myself that it’s going to stay with us right through to September.

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