Webinar: Bringing Scotland’s seas back to life

24 Mar 2025

Online (Zoom)

Scotland’s seas are amazing. They’re home to incredible wildlife, from whales, sharks and beautiful coral reefs to seabirds like puffins and gannets.

But our seas are under threat. Intensive use has destroyed habitats and driven many species into steep decline. We urgently need to bring Scotland’s seas back to life.

Healthy seas are crucial to coastal communities who rely on industries like fishing and wildlife tourism. And they’re key to tackling climate change, as marine ecosystems can store vast amounts of carbon.

On paper, Scotland already has a network of marine protected areas. But the fishing restrictions required to actually protect these areas have been delayed again and again. High-impact forms of fishing including trawling continue to deplete the life within them.

Members of Scottish Environment LINK are calling on the Scottish government to end the delays and urgently give our marine protected areas the protection they need.

Join us to find out more about marine protected areas and why protecting them is a crucial first step in helping Scotland’s seas recover.

Register via Eventbrite


Image: Calum Langdale

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