
Promise for Scotland’s Seas Must be Countdown to Action

September 12th, 2005 by

Welcoming the Scottish Marine and Coastal Strategy launched today by Environment Minister Ross Finnie MSP, Scottish Environment LINK’s Marine Task Force1 said only prompt, decisive action can protect Scotland’s seas. Calum Duncan, Convener of the LINK Marine Task Force, said:

“In the eighteen months since the Scottish Executive ended its consultation on a Strategic Framework for Scotland’s Marine Environment3 we have seen the two most devastating breeding seasons on record for Scotland’s seabirds and economic crisis in the fishing industry. It is crunch time for Scotland’s seas. We welcome the Strategy announced today, and being invited to join the Stakeholder Group. We are optimistic it can reverse the decline around our coast – provided the Executive ensures these fine words lead to bold, decisive action.”

Marine Reserves in Scotland? Useful Examples from New Zealand

September 7th, 2005 by

Tonight in Edinburgh, LINK welcomes Bill Ballantine to share his experience of pioneering Marine Reserves in New Zealand, demonstrating their value to fisheries, tourism and marine wildlife alike.

Whilst Scotland has its own set of marine management issues to grapple with, a growing recognition that a sustainable future for our coastal communities and industries relies on healthy seas means we can learn from other temperate countries such as New Zealand.

New Coalition asks Parliament to Get Real on Planning

August 3rd, 2005 by

LINK together with the Association of Scottish Community Councils launch a petition calling  for the introduction of a limited third party right of appeal within the planning system. It also insists that all planning decisions, especially those related to the proposed National Planning Framework, must be open to challenge and public inquiry.

The two groups will be working throughout the summer 2005 to gather as many public signatories as possible before the issue goes back to Parliament in the autumn.

Planning White Paper – Scottish Executive fail to deliver ‘real rights’ in the planning system

June 29th, 2005 by

“Disappointing and discouraging” is the response to the White Paper on Planning from the LINK Planning Taskforce

Marine Groups Support Plastic Bag Levy to Protect Sea Life

June 20th, 2005 by

Environmental groups have voiced support of MSP Mike Pringle’s proposed levy on plastic bags, as a means of preventing the unnecessary deaths of some of Scotland’s most popular marine wildlife.

Numerous independent scientific studies have shown high concentrations of plastic material, including bags, blocking the guts of 177 marine species, including whales, dolphins, seals, puffins, fulmars and turtles. Some marine species, such as the endangered leatherback turtle, summer visitor to Scottish waters, mistake plastic bags for their normal prey of jelly fish, with deadly results. Many marine species are now affected by the minute toxic particles that plastic items, including bags, are reduced to by photodegradation, leading to a weakening of their immune system.

Environment Groups Call for Action, Not More Talk, to Protect Scotland’s Seas

June 15th, 2005 by

Real and urgent action is needed to protect Scotland’s seas, say the members of Scottish Environment LINK’s Marine Task Force. In response to today’s statement by Ross Finnie MSP, the Executive’s Environment Minister, Calum Duncan, of the Marine Conservation Society and Convener of the LINK Marine Task Force, said:

“Scotland’s seas are crying out for action, not more discussion, to safeguard their future. While we welcome the Minister’s overarching goal, we are disappointed that he has not clearly set out the measures he will take to meet this goal, or when they will be introduced. This contrasts markedly to the position taken by the UK Government, which is already committed to a Marine Act that will introduce marine spatial planning(2), leaving the Scottish Executive bobbing in their wake”

LINK members have reacted with disbelief to planning proposals

May 3rd, 2005 by

The National Planning Framework, unlike similar strategies in Wales and Northern Ireland, is not a statutory document, nor is it subject to public consultation, so it cannot be challenged other than through judicial review. It is not subject to any form of inquiry, examination in public or formal adoption procedure.

Robust Planning Laws Crucial for Scotland’s Future

April 29th, 2005 by

In order to restore public confidence and create a planning system that reflects the needs of the 21st century, we have launched a Planning Manifesto which recommends that the following five points be incorporated into the new law…

LINK calls for Independent Body to Advise Executive on the Environment

March 30th, 2005 by

Scottish Environment LINK, the umbrella group for Scotland’s environmental organisations, is calling for the creation of an independent body to ensure that Scotland is a world leader in Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The call follows the introduction to the Scottish Parliament last week of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Bill, which LINK welcomes as a mechanism to protect and improve the Scottish Environment…

Action Urged to Protect Scotland’s Sea Life

March 9th, 2005 by

Representatives from Scottish Environment LINK Marine Task Force will travel to Westminster today to visit Scottish MPs in support of the Wildlife and Countryside Link’s Marine Lobby. This show of support by LINK Marine Task Force will raise awareness of the importance of a Marine Act for Scotland aimed at protecting Scottish seas, sea life and the economic activities that rely upon them.