
Call 999: an Emergency for Scotland’s Biodiversity

March 16th, 2007 by

5 April 2007: 1,000 days left to 2010, when the target to halt the loss of biodiversity expires. How is Scotland doing in terms of progress towards this target?

See also: The report Call 999: an Emergency for Scotland’s Biodiversity

New Wave of Measures Agreed for Scotland’s Seas

March 12th, 2007 by

Marine spatial planning, a new Marine Management Organisation and ways to protect species and habitats that are ‘Scottish specialities’ could revolutionise how we manage our seas and coasts. These recommendations from a group of marine experts, convened by the Scottish Environment and Rural Affairs Minister Ross Finnie, could greatly benefit people and wildlife says Scottish Environment LINK.

The Demise of Scottish Gin?

February 7th, 2007 by

Prize-giving proves tonic as Holyrood is alerted to the plight of the Juniper bush.

Plantlife Scotland, the national branch of the leading UK charity working to protect wild plants, launched a report on the stark decline of Juniper during Scottish Environment Week with a competition to win a bottle of gin – aromatic Juniper berries provide the flavouring for gin.

How old is the oldest Juniper recorded in Britain? Tony King, researcher for Scott Barrie MSP, knew that the answer to this Scottish Environment Week quiz is 255 years old.

Looking After your Environment is Good for your Health

February 5th, 2007 by

The well-being of Scottish citizens will be the primary concern of participants in 2007’s Scottish Environment week that starts today in the Scottish Parliament. Investing in Scotland’s environment is good for your health – will be the message of the week…

Global Warming a Threat to Tourism in Scotland

February 1st, 2007 by

Changes in weather patterns due to global warming threaten the tourist economy in Scotland, a conference in Edinburgh will report. Climate change will be one of the key issues discussed by speakers at a conference on sustainable tourism on 1st February at the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, to launch Scottish Environment week…

Vital Planning Vote: MSPs Urged not to Ignore Communities and the Environment

November 14th, 2006 by

MSPs have been warned not to push through planning reforms that could actually threaten the environment and erode public confidence in the system…

Impacts of Unjust Planning Legislation Reveled in New Maps

June 13th, 2006 by

New maps produced by Scottish Environment LINK demonstrate the alarming implications of the Scottish Executive’s planning reforms for the first time.

The maps reveal which areas of Scotland could be in line for major developments, including nuclear waste dumps, waste incinerators, nuclear power stations, landfill sites, prisons and electricity transmission lines if amendments to the new planning legislation are not approved tomorrow.

Proposals in the Planning etc (Scotland) Bill for the National Planning Framework mean that the Executive could approve in principle any type of development without opportunities for local communities to object.

Tourist Industry should Join with First Minister in Supporting Scotland as World Champions

June 9th, 2006 by

Landscape campaigners are challenging Scotland’s tourist bosses to cease their attack on Scotland’s First Minister about who to support in the World Cup and spend more time positively supporting Scotland’s own world class player – its landscape.

Landscape organisations have welcomed the Scottish Executive’s establishment of a Scottish Landscape Forum and will be devoting their full support to making it a success, urging other bodies and interests, such as VisitScotland and Scottish Enterprise, to participate fully.

Disappointed and Disillusioned by Planning Reforms

May 10th, 2006 by

Local communities have, yet again, had their requests for real rights denied by the majority of the Scottish Parliament’s communities committee. The Stage 1 report published today concludes that a majority of the committee do not see any need for communities, local authorities or individuals to have the right to participate in a formal examination of the National Planning Framework. This will enable any current or future government to establish the principle of development for national developments without the risk of public challenge. As it stands, the legislation will allow Scottish Ministers to designate any individual development or development type as a national development and include it in the National Planning Framework. This could include energy developments, waste disposal sites, major areas of urban expansion, roads and railways. Once included in the Framework the principle of the development cannot be challenged.

LINK Welcomes Climate Targets

March 30th, 2006 by

We welcome the Government’s announcement to set Scottish targets to reduce emissions. We have long argued that this is a key part of ensuring that Scotland makes progress in tackling climate change.

“We will now be keeping a close eye on the implementation of the strategy to ensure that it results in real cuts in climate emissions from Scotland.”