
A Missed Opportunity? Wildlife Bill and Deer Management Planning

June 10th, 2010 by

We are concerned that the proposals do not offer a serious improvement to the current voluntary approach to Deer Management Planning, organised by the network of Scottish Deer Management Groups. We believe that the current voluntary approach to deer management planning has been given a chance over at least a decade or more and has proved largely ineffective, as evidenced by the recent Scottish Government response to Parliamentary questions on this subject. We think that Deer Management Groups need enhanced Scottish Government support to deliver effective deer management planning as part of wider sustainable land use planning and delivery of public goods…

Marine Act Heralds New Dawn For Management Of Scotland’s Seas

March 10th, 2010 by

Following a decade of campaigning by members of Scottish Environment LINK, and the passing of the Marine (Scotland) Bill by the Scottish Parliament on 4th February, today’s Royal Assent by Her Majesty the Queen creates the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010.

After almost ten years of campaigning, we are delighted that we now have a Marine (Scotland) Act. We particularly welcome the duty to protect and enhance our seas, a marine planning system that includes environmental targets and a duty to deliver a network of marine protected areas…

Parliament Votes to Protect Scotland’s Marine Environment

February 8th, 2010 by

"After almost ten years of campaigning, it is great that the Scottish Parliament has passed a bill that will improve the health of Scotland’s seas. We particularly welcome the duty to protect and enhance our seas, a marine planning system that includes environmental targets and a duty to deliver a network of marine protected areas."

LINK Marine taskforce welcomes the passing of the Marine (Scotland) Bill. 

We Must Learn to Live WITH the Land

December 2nd, 2009 by

Scottish Environment LINK today published “Living with the Land”, a paper outlining proposed content for the Sustainable Land Use Strategy (SLUS)

"For too long we in Scotland have lived off the land, now we need to live with the land. Instead of land being viewed as simply a resource to be exploited for profit and pleasure, we must learn to nurture and sustain the natural qualities of all of our land because its health is absolutely essential to people’s well-being

Marine Bill must be ‘World Leading’ Too

October 29th, 2009 by

Calum Duncan, the Convener of Scottish Environment LINK’s Marine Task Force has called for all parties in the Scottish Parliament to continue their progress towards a strong Marine Bill…

Welcome for New Flooding Bill

May 13th, 2009 by

Sustainable flood management, good for people and biodiversity! LINK welcomes the passing of the new Bill on flooding. This is a major opportunity to have more sustainable approaches for the management of flood risk.

Sea Change Needed

April 30th, 2009 by

Scotland’s environment groups welcome the Scottish Marine Bill

After years of campaigning, we are delighted to see a Marine Bill before the Scottish Parliament. This Bill is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ensure that our seas are adequately protected and sustainably managed, so that future generations can benefit from them as we have.

As the Bill progresses, it is now crucial that we get it right. Healthy seas are the foundation on which all other activities at sea depend and therefore need to be at the very heart of what the Bill is for. A healthy marine ecosystem underpins the productivity of our seas: human induced changes to this ecosystem result not only in the decline of marine wildlife, but also in damage to the economy, as fishing, wildlife tourism and other industries suffer the consequences.’

Next week is Scottish Environment Week 2009

February 20th, 2009 by

Scottish Environment Week brings together politicians, businesses, officials, environmentalists and people from all walks of life to celebrate Scotland’s environment. Since its inception in 2003, the week has become a popular fixture in the parliamentary calendar, and MSPs from all parties will be attending events celebrating the many facets of Scotland’s environment.

The Week creates an opportunity to focus on the importance of our environment and its value to the society and economy of Scotland. All of the Week’s events take place in the Scottish Parliament.

Environment Groups Welcome Announcement of New Planning Body for Scotland’s Seas

February 9th, 2009 by

We are delighted that Marine Scotland will become a reality. This new body must now develop and meet tough targets for the sustainable management, protection and recovery of Scotland’s seas. We believe that improved protection for marine wildlife, a comprehensive network of marine protected areas and a statutory planning system that furthers the conservation of marine biodiversity are all essential for our seas protection and recovery.

Marine wildlife does not recognise political boundaries, so Marine Scotland must work closely with the proposed UK Marine Management Organisation and other administrations to deliver ecosystem-based marine planning and management. Since Marine Scotland will be part of Scottish Government, it is also vital that an independent and transparent appeals procedure is put in place.’

Report Reveals Vital role of Charities in Improving Scotland’s Biodiversity

December 17th, 2008 by

Scotland’s environmental charities are playing a pivotal role in helping to improve the biodiversity of Scotland, a new report revealed today (Wednesday 17th December).

Scottish environmental charities have really shown their worth this year by taking the lead on numerous projects for people and wildlife which help meet the objectives of the Government’s Biodiversity Action Plan.