
Countdown for the Countryside – 5 Days left to urge MEPs to vote for nature-friendly farming

March 8th, 2013 by

A group of eleven wildlife organisations have come together through the Joint LINKs group to urge everyone to press their MEPs to vote for farming that supports nature in one of the most significant votes ever held in the European Parliament.

‘A fish fight could be avoided in Scotland’ say campaigners

March 5th, 2013 by

A campaign like Hugh’s Fish Fight can be avoided in Scotland if Scottish Ministers keep their commitment to strong implementation of the Marine Act, says members of Scottish Environment LINK

Unloved species desperate for a date

February 14th, 2013 by

Threatened and endangered wildlife in Scotland are looking for Parliamentary affection this Valentine’s Day. 93 species have been selected by Scottish Environment LINK’s Wildlife Forum as being in particular need of some political tender loving care, due to a range of pressures such as habitat fragmentation, climate change and pollution. The resulting list is part of its Species Champion initiative, which aims to pair up MSPs with these unloved species. So far 23 MSPs have committed to the initiative, but this leaves 60 species still desperately in need of such a relationship, according to the organisers.

Plea for ‘species champions’ in Scottish Parliament

January 25th, 2013 by

Environmental groups are calling upon MSPs to lend their political support for protection of the country’s threatened wildlife by becoming ‘Species Champions’

Scottish hill tracks still out of control, December 2012

December 17th, 2012 by

LINK press release reacting to Scottish Government’s announcement not to remove permitted development rights for agriculture and forestry tracks.

Environmental groups welcome step towards recovery of Scotland’s seas

December 14th, 2012 by

Plans announced today for 33 nature conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been welcomed by a coalition of Scotland’s environmental groups as an important step towards the much-needed recovery of Scotland’s seas.

Scottish MPA Network worth £10billion

December 3rd, 2012 by

Creating a network of Scottish marine protected areas (MPAs) could provide benefits to Scotland to the tune of £10billion, and potentially more, according to a report published today.

Good Management essential to success of offshore SACs

November 2nd, 2012 by

Proposal to set up five new Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) in Scotland’s offshore waters have been enthusiatically welcomed by members of Scottish Environment LINK’s marine taskforce (MTF)

National Marine Plan delay threatens sustainablity agenda

October 11th, 2012 by

Environmental groups have expressed deep concern about the sector-led planning that threatens to sideline Scotland’s marine environment and the national sustainability agenda. Members of Scottish Environment LINK – an umbrella group for Scotland’s environmental organisations – argue that delays to finalising a National Marine Plan will favour short-termist, large-scale development without ensuring due consideration of wider environmental impacts and the interests of broader marine activities.

Protect marine wildlife to protect our livelihoods say tourism industry

August 2nd, 2012 by

In a joint letter to Fergus Ewing, Minister for Tourism, tourism operators and businesses highlighted the substantial economic benefits provided by the country’s most fragile ecosystems. To read the letter to the Minister please click here.