February 15th, 2018 by ie-adminScottish Environment LINK members have launched an e-action to gather support around much needed changes to the Scottish Government’s Planning Bill that will put our communities and the environment first.
Planning is the foundation that preserves and enhances our built and natural environment, shaping and supporting our local communities. At its best, planning can deliver sustainable communities with affordable housing, well-resourced public services, green spaces for recreation, a flourishing and protected natural environment, clean air and transport infrastructure.
But all too often the planning system puts developers’ profits before communities’ needs leading to unsustainable developments, exacerbating inequalities and damaging our environment.
Today, confidence in the planning system is at an all-time low, with a recent survey finding that most people feel they have no influence in planning decisions that impact on their day-to-day lives and environment.
Key to fixing the planning system is meaningful community engagement and equal rights of appeal to help level the playing field between communities and developers. However, the Scottish Government’s proposed new Planning Bill doesn’t go nearly far enough in embedding sustainability and community engagement. In fact, it risks making matters worse.
Members of the public are encouraged to support our e-action and help give Scotland the world class planning system it deserves!
This is the time to write to your MSPs and ask them to support a planning system that delivers for our communities and the environment! Support our e-action and let’s make our voices heard!
For more information, please contact:
Daphne Vlastari, Advocacy Manager Scottish Environment LINK | daphne@scotlink.org |0131 225 4345
Editors’ Notes:
- Scottish Environment LINK is the forum for Scotland’s voluntary environment community, with over 35 member bodies representing a broad spectrum of environmental interests with the common goal of contributing to a more environmentally sustainable society.
- To support our e-action, please visit: https://act.foe.scot/help-plan-better-scotland
- To read detailed views from Scottish Environment LINK members on the new Planning Bill, click here.
- To read more about the National Trust for Scotland survey on public engagement and the planning system, click here.
LINK is a Scottish Charity (SC000296) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee (SC250899). LINK is core funded by Membership Subscriptions and by grants from Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Government and Charitable Trusts.
January 31st, 2018 by ie-adminScottish Parliament vote to support iconic mobile species
Scottish Environment LINK members welcomed today’s Scottish Government announcement to provide additional resources for the development of four nature conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) including for some of Scotland’s most iconic mobile species. Following a call from the Scottish Green Party, the Scottish Government has committed additional funding to support the designation of these important sites in a revised budget proposal that was put to a vote in Scottish Parliament. If designated the MPAs would be the world’s first sites designated for the protection of basking sharks, Risso’s dolphins and minke whales, and would see the introduction of area based measures that should provide greater protection than surrounding areas of sea.
The four MPAs – Sea of the Hebrides MPA, Shiant East Bank MPA, North-East Lewis MPA and Southern Trench MPA –were first proposed in 2012, but were not taken forward at the time as more evidence was needed. Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Government’s conservation advisory body, provided this additional information and formally recommended the designation of all four sites in 2014 towards completion of the MPA network.
Basking sharks are currently listed as officially endangered in the North East Atlantic on the IUCN Red List of species, and are a species of conservation importance in Scottish and wider UK waters. Whilst the EU Conservation Status of UK minke whale is ‘favourable’, Risso’s dolphin is ‘unknown’.
Calum Duncan, Marine Conservation Society, Convenor LINK Marine Group: We commend the Scottish Government’s commitment to speed up progress on Scotland’s MPA network, which along with welcome existing commitments, will help ensure healthy seas now and tomorrow. These four MPAs are urgently needed to fill gaps in the network, particularly for the endangered basking shark and other iconic species, but also for sandeels, seafan and sponge habitats and landscape-scale features important for the wider health of Scotland’s seas, provided they become well-managed.
Sarah Dolman, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, vice-convenor LINK Marine Group: We are delighted with this news! We were proud to provide Scottish Government with more than 36,000 postcards supporting whale and dolphin MPAs, alongside our own scientific evidence back in 2012. These MPAs will be world-firsts – including for Risso’s dolphins, where WDC have been studying their little-known calving and feeding behaviour off Lewis since 2010. Once designation and management are in place, these MPAs will ensure the protection of Scotland’s much loved marine wildlife, including minke whales and Risso’s dolphins.
Dr Sam Collin, Marine Planning Officer, Scottish Wildlife Trust said: “There is wealth of research pointing to the significance of these areas for species including basking sharks and minke whale so we’re very pleased that the Scottish Government has now committed to moving these new Marine Protected Areas forward. The designation of these sites would reinforce the Scottish Government’s commitment through the UN Sustainable Development Goals to conserve and sustainably use Scotland’s seas.”
Dr Lauren Hartny-Mills, Science and Policy Officer, Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust: “We are absolutely thrilled to hear that the Scottish Government plans to progress these important MPAs which will help protect Scotland’s iconic mobile species. Our research on cetaceans and basking sharks on the west coast of Scotland has helped provide the scientific evidence needed to support these sites. These MPAs will protect important feeding and breeding grounds for charismatic species such as minke whales in the Sea of Hebrides, where some individuals have been returning every year for over a decade! With our marine environments under increasing pressure from human activity and the effects of climate change, we need to act now to provide the protection they need.”
MPAs are recognised as an effective conservation tool globally, and with the right management measures in place can provide much needed spatial protection to highly mobile species as well as seabed habitats. Although cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) are strictly protected under European Law, MPAs can help protect areas that contain significant numbers of animals, or are essential to key life cycle stages – such as calving, feeding or breeding.
Most minke whales are seasonal visitors, leaving in the winter months and returning to feed in Scotland’s rich coastal waters, like those in the Sea of the Hebrides and the Southern Trench, through to the autumn. People come from all over the world to watch minke whales off Scotland’s coastline, with more than 51,000 people taking part in whale watching boat tours on the west coast of Scotland in 2015.
Risso’s dolphins can be found in Scottish waters year round and many young calves have been spotted off the Isle of Lewis. They are typically an offshore species, favouring the seas around remote islands for feeding.
Recent research by the University of Exeter, in collaboration with the Marine Conservation Society, demonstrated the global significance of the Sea of the Hebrides MPA for basking sharks in 2016. Wherever they roam in our waters, basking sharks have protection from disturbance under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004, but these gentle giants would benefit from MPA protection in hotspots where they are known to congregate.
Contact details
Emilie Devenport, Marine Policy and Engagement Officer, emilie@scotlink.org, M: 07726 362727
Calum Duncan, Convenor of LINK Marine Group, calum.duncan@mcsuk.org, M: 07841985595
Editors’ Notes
Scottish Environment LINK is the forum for Scotland’s voluntary environment community, with over 35 member bodies representing a broad spectrum of environmental interests with the common goal of contributing to a more environmentally sustainable society.
LINK is a Scottish Charity (SC000296) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee (SC250899). LINK is core funded by Membership Subscriptions and by grants from Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Government and Charitable Trusts.
January 10th, 2018 by ie-adminDon’t let our legacy be their burden – 2018, Scotland’s Year of Young People, must be the year Scotland invests in healthy seas for the benefit of current and future generations.
With just two years until 2020, the year by which Scotland has committed to halting biodiversity loss, and also the Year of Scotland’s Coast and Waters, environmental groups say investment is urgently needed to put Scotland’s seas firmly on the road to recovery. The call builds upon the growing interest of Scotland’s young people in protecting and recovering marine life.
Recovering Scotland’s amazing marine life will benefit the environment and people alike. Scotland’s seas are vital to its society, culture and economy – they provide jobs (79,000 in 2017), encourage tourism, provide unique opportunities to develop innovative technologies, and play a vital role in mitigating climate change. More than 40% of Scotland’s population live within 5km of the coast, which also homes thousands of amazing, unique and occasionally bizarre marine animals and plants.
As highlighted on the BBC’s Blue Planet 2, and Scotland’s own Marine Atlas, Scotland’s seas are in a poor state, and increasing pressures from human activity and climate change further threaten their health. Without adequately investing in our seas now we risk undermining the wealth of benefits that they can provide.
There is a significant level of interest among Scotland’s youth in taking part in environmental projects aimed at safeguarding and recovering marine life. These range from campaigns to reduce our use of plastic to surveying whales and dolphins. Environmental groups expect that this level of interest will only grow as our awareness of the threats facing Scotland’s seas increases.
To help secure Scotland’s vital marine resources, environmental groups say that the timely completion of a network of Marine Protected Areas is urgently needed, and that the development and implementation of integrated regional-scale marine plans will ensure sustainable management of all activity within Scotland’s inshore waters.
Supporting the recovery of Scotland’s seas will help to secure the benefits of Scotland’s seas for young people now and into the future, and ensure that 2020, the Year of Scotland’s Coast and Waters, is a milestone year for marine conservation.
Suggested quotes
Calum Duncan, Marine Conservation Society, Scottish Environment LINK Marine Group convenor “When we talk about marine conservation and the enhancement of our seas, we are also talking about securing future opportunities for Scotland’s young people. Whilst recognising that budgets are tight and tightening, now is the time to capitalise on the progress made to date and the growing interest in our seas. We have a responsibility to reduce the burden for future generations, and a unique opportunity to invest in the future of Scotland’s young people by investing in our seas.”
Alison Lomax, Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust “Through our work in schools and with youth groups it’s clear that young people are becoming increasingly aware of environmental issues and that they want to do something about it. Involving young people in caring for our seas is crucial, providing opportunities to learn about and experience marine life and culture will provide them with the skills they will need to work in and nurture our seas into the future. But we must also act now to make sure we leave them with a marine environment they can still work with.”
Sarah Dolman, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Scottish Environment LINK Marine Group vice-convenor “Scotland’s seas are home to amazing megafauna including minke whale, basking shark, the unusual Risso’s dolphin and the most northerly population of bottlenose dolphins. Unfortunately, some of these and other iconic marine species, such as harbour seals are in decline, and we need to do all we can to support their recovery before it is too late. Scotland has made great progress on Marine Protected Areas for vulnerable seabed habitats and we hope this year sees sufficient funding in place to fill vital mobile species gaps in the network”.
Sam Collin, Scottish Wildlife Trust “Marine planning will play a vital role in sustainably managing human activity in Scotland’s seas and protecting its valuable wildlife. Scotland’s Regional Marine Plans will be a key component in the recovery of our seas and will help establish a healthy foundation that future generations can benefit from and build upon. It is essential that sufficient funds are made available now to support the development and implementation of these plans over the coming years.”
Read more:
- 2017 saw pupils from Ullapool Primary and Sunnyside Primary in Glasgow, as well as Cramond Primary in Edinburgh join national campaigns to reduce the use of single-use plastics: https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/news/ullapool-going-plastic-straw-free. Teens (age 16-17) took part in marine mammal surveys run by the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust, adding to the evidence base for Scotland’s Marine Protected Areas: https://hwdt.org/news/2017/12/05/rosies-story, and Whale and Dolphin Conservation Shorewatch Dolphin surveys: https://shorewatch.whales.org/. The National Trust for Scotland’s Ranger Service delivers educational activities for schoolchildren at locations around Scotland’s Coast from Inverewe, Iona, Balmacara to Culzean and St Abbs Head. Shore based activities, including exploring the life of rockpools, are one of the most popular activities and we introduced over 2000 pupils to the excitement of marine life at Culzean Country Park in 2017.
- 2020 biodiversity targets include: the Scottish Government’s Biodiversity Strategy can be found here: http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Environment/Wildlife-Habitats/biodiversity/BiodiversityStrategy. Global Aichi Biodiversity Targets: https://www.cbd.int/sp/targets/. Marine Strategy Framework Directive targets can be found here: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/marine/eu-coast-and-marine-policy/marine-strategy-framework-directive/index_en.htm
- 30 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) were designated in 2014, as part of a wider network of MPAs designed to give marine life – such as corals, seabirds and fish – a chance to return to better health. More recent designations include the Inner Hebrides Special Area of Conservation for Harbour Porpoise in 2016 and the designation of the Loch Carron MPA in 2017. Scotland’s MPA network can be seen here: http://www.gov.scot/Topics/marine/marine-environment/mpanetwork.
- There are 11 Marine Regions. Shetland remains the only region with an operational RMP, although work is underway to develop plans for the Clyde and Orkney. Information about Regional Marine Plans can be found here: http://www.gov.scot/Topics/marine/seamanagement/regional/partnerships
November 6th, 2017 by ie-admin6 November 2017 – Speaking to over 200 delegates attending the European Environmental Bureau’s annual conference, co-organised with Scottish Environment LINK, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Roseanna Cunningham said that:
“The creation of a European Union has been about recognising shared values that bring us together across national boundaries. A robust and effective approach to protecting our environment has proved, for many of us, to be one of those key shared values. So, my ambition is to carry through not just the letter of EU environmental law but also the underlying principles of precaution, prevention and rectifying pollution at source, as well as the ‘polluter pays’ principle. Not doing so means we risk lagging behind and diverging from the ambitions of our European allies as well as missing key tools that can help us to meet international ambitions such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals”.
Later today, at a meeting between the UK Government and devolved administrations, Mrs Cunningham will urge UK Ministers to support those principles and seek to clarify their approach to preserving them.
Mrs Cunningham’s commitment was warmly welcomed by the environmental community in both Scotland and across Europe who expressed support for the Scottish Government position.
Jeremy Wates, Secretary General of European Environmental Bureau said:
“We strongly welcome the commitment of the Cabinet Secretary today to preserving not only EU environmental law but also the principles which underpin them. Our commitment has always been to securing the highest standards of environmental protection in Scotland and across Europe. We know that Brexit challenges this and we are heartened that leaders in Scotland are working to preserve these hard-fought protections and stop a race to the bottom”.
Helen Todd, Chair of Scottish Environment LINK said:
“Today’s statement by the Cabinet Secretary is warmly welcomed by Scottish Environment LINK members. It is testament to the Scottish Government’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and helps address one of the risks of Brexit – namely, that internationally recognised principles of environmental law enshrined in EU treaties will no longer apply once the UK exits the EU. Of course, actions speak louder than words and so we look forward to the Scottish Government providing further certainty regarding the future of these important international principles in Scotland. Our members stand ready to support the Scottish Government in securing the future of our environment and with it that of Scotland as a whole.”
For more information please contact:
Daphne Vlastari
LINK Advocacy Manager
0757 211 33 79
Editors’ Notes
(1) Scottish Environment LINK is the forum for Scotland’s voluntary environment community, with over 35 member bodies representing a broad spectrum of environmental interests with the common goal of contributing to a more environmentally sustainable society.
LINK is a Scottish Charity (SC000296) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee (SC250899). LINK is core funded by Membership Subscriptions and by grants from Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Government and Charitable Trusts.
(2) For more information about the European Environmental Bureau’s annual conference, please visit: www.eebconference.eu
(3) Environmental NGOs across the UK have been calling on the UK government to convert EU environmental law principles into domestic law. This view is captured in the Greener UK briefing here and in Scottish Environment LINK member contributions here.
(4) Download the press release here.
September 27th, 2017 by ie-adminOn Friday 1st September, members of the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee set sail from the Isle of Mull to experience Scotland’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Departing from Tobermory, the Committee members visited part of the Loch Sunart to Sound of Jura Marine Protected Area on the West Coast of Scotland.
The trip was organised by members of Scottish Environment LINK’s Marine Group and hosted by the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) a marine conservation charity and LINK member based on the Isle of Mull. Members were joined by representatives from the Community Association of Lochs and Sounds (CAOLAS), and were lucky enough to see a young minke whale feeding near the boundary line of the proposed Sea of Hebrides MPA, and several harbour porpoises in the Sound of Mull aboard the Staffa tours boat. The excursion recognised the progress that has been made in developing Scotland’s MPA network, but underlined the work still to be done.
Plans to develop a network of MPAs in Scotland are well under way. The Sound of Jura to Loch Sunart MPA is just one of 30 MPAs designated in 2014, as part of a strategic jigsaw of protected areas in both inshore and offshore waters designed to give sealife – such as corals, seabirds and fish – a chance to return to better health.
Recent additions to the MPA network include a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in the Inner Hebrides and Minches for Harbour Porpoise announced last September, and the Loch Carron emergency MPA for the recovery of flame shell beds.
Yet, there is still more to be done, say environmental groups, who underlined the importance of there being sufficient resources to get the job done. Among the measures outstanding are management measures for remaining inshore sites including seven MPAs and 14 Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). Additionally, the LINK Marine Group urged the timely designation of 15 Special Protection Areas for marine birds, and a further four nature conservation MPAs first proposed in 2014, to provide much needed protection for mobile species including minke whale and basking shark.
Calum Duncan, Convenor of Scottish Environment LINK’s marine group and Marine Conservation Society, Head of Conservation Scotland said: “We are delighted that members of the ECCLR Committee and local groups were able to join us to celebrate Scotland’s marine life and recognise progress towards developing Scotland’s MPA network. We are at a critical point on this journey and more still needs to be done. If the MPA network sufficiently represents all of Scotland’s marine life, is reliably resourced and well-managed, alongside effective marine planning and modernised fisheries management, it will help reverse decades of environmental decline and boost the many benefits our seas provide for current and future generations”.
Alison Lomax, Director at Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust added: “The waters of west Scotland are an important feeding hotspot for minke whales in the summer months. Thousands of visitors come to see these animals each year in our waters. It was fantastic that members of the ECCLR Committee got to experience some of Mull’s amazing marine wildlife during the visit.”
Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee Convener, Graeme Dey MSP, said: “The conservation of Scotland’s seas is hugely important for the protection of marine life as well as our coastal communities and marine industries.
“Our Committee will examine Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) across Scotland in the future, and that’s why our visit to Scottish Environment LINK to find out more about the operation of Loch Sunart and Loch Sunart to the Sound of Jura MPAs was incredibly valuable.”
Notes/links for editors:
Scottish Environment LINK’s marine group – a coalition of environmental charities campaign to protect and recover Scotland’s seas – and comprises the following nine organisations: Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Trust, Marine Conservation Society, National Trust for Scotland, RSPB Scotland, RZSS, Salmon and Trout Conservation Scotland, Scottish Wildlife Trust, WWF Scotland, Whale& Dolphin Conservation. (http://www.scotlink.org/workareas/marine/) The members campaign for Marine Protected Areas via www.savescottishseas.org
Find out more about the work of the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee.
- Scotland’s MPA network can be seen here:
http://www.gov.scot/Topics/marine/marine-environment/mpanetwork http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/marine/marine-consultation/
Ø Related information on MPAs can be found at www.savescottishseas.org/why-we-need-mpas
September 6th, 2017 by ie-admin5 September 2017 – Scottish Environment LINK members warmly welcome measures to safeguard Scotland’s environment outlined in the Scottish Government’s programme for government. Clean air and transport, tackling climate change and reducing waste as well as promoting eco-innovation are key areas of action that can deliver benefits for everyone in Scotland.
“Scotland’s pledge to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals needs to be backed up with real actions and the programme for government announced today is a very important first step towards putting in place much needed reforms”, said Helen Todd, Chair of Scottish Environment LINK.
“We hope that this programme for government will mark the beginning of even further bold action to make our vision for a sustainable and low carbon Scotland a reality. The environment cannot be seen in isolation or as separate to policies for the economy, agriculture, fisheries, transport, innovation or planning. Our environment is – quite literally- the air we breathe, the food we grow and eat, the water we drink and the land we live in and enjoy”, added Helen.
Today’s environmental challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and resource scarcity illustrate all too clearly that we can no longer afford to legislate in silos. This is why LINK members have been calling for the strengthening of the National Performance Framework as a tool for ensuring that policies are fit for purpose. We hope that the upcoming review of the Framework will not only align it with the UN Sustainable Development Goals but that it will also launch a debate about how it can be used as a useful metric for how our policies match up against our vision for Scotland.
As the First Minister stated, to protect human rights, we need to safeguard environmental rights. Legislation that takes into account the environment and environmental limits is essential for our future prosperity. LINK members will continue working with government and elected officials towards this end.
Contact details
Daphne Vlastari, LINK Advocacy officer
0131 225 4345/0757 211 22 79 or daphne@scotlink.org
Scottish Environment LINK is the forum for Scotland’s voluntary environment community, with over 35 member bodies representing a broad spectrum of environmental interests with the common goal of contributing to a more environmentally sustainable society.
LINK is a Scottish Charity (SC000296) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee (SC250899). LINK is core funded by Membership Subscriptions and by grants from Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Government and Charitable Trusts.
Visit us at ukvps3.ie-dev.co.uk/scotlink-wordpress/ or follow us on @ScotLINK
August 3rd, 2017 by ie-adminAs part of a joint marine campaign, Scotland’s leading marine environment groups are calling on close collaboration between all UK administrations to ensure the UK Marine Bill makes it into the November Queen’s speech, so that Scottish and UK Marine Bills can be taken forward in tandem.
June 22nd, 2017 by ie-adminHilltracks press release June 2017
Read the press release issued 21/6/17 by LINK Hilltracks subgroup, calling on outdoor enthusiasts to help them assess the damage caused to Scotland’s iconic mountains by controversial vehicle tracks.
May 31st, 2017 by ie-adminAnd see our full consultation response here
April 4th, 2017 by ie-admin