FOI requests from Whale & Dolphin Conservation reveal the back-story, but the bigger picture is that we risk missing a chance to coordinate on management
In January the JNCC and Natural Resource Wales launched a consultation on setting up marine sites to protect harbour porpoise in English, Northern Irish and Welsh waters. Unfortunately due to questions about the quality of underpinning evidence, the Scottish Government delayed proposals for (more…)
New documentary footage shows why protecting and recovering our seas will help our struggling seabirds.
It was a graphic reminder of just how urgent it is that we address declines in our seabird populations. As part of a BBC documentary exploring Scotland’s dependence on seabirds and the threats they face, Adam Nicolson journeyed to a cliff-face on Orkney. A black and white photo from the 1980s at Marwick Head showed each ledge packed with kittiwake nests, a high rise flat for literally (more…)
Marine Policy Officer for Scottish Environment LINK, Esther Brooker, takes stock of lessons learnt during recent debate over the management of MPAs in Scotland…
After a heated and drawn-out debate on the recent inshore MPA management measures, some of which faced the threat of annulment in Parliament, it’s time to step back and think about where these fall within the bigger picture and how we move forward. Remember, these management measures are just the first part of what must eventually become a well-managed, well-connected, UK-wide network of MPAs, to which Scotland is required to contribute under domestic and European law. So once these first management measures (Marine Conservation Orders and Fishing Orders) are adopted and in place, where do we go next?
There’s still a long way to go…and the target is to (more…)
In Wales, there has been public uproar about scallop dredging in Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation, but here in Scotland measures have been recently approved that allow scallop dredging to continue seasonally in areas of Luce Bay SAC. Our campaigners explain why – and what we are doing about it….
Luce Bay – a large south-facing Bay on the Galloway coast – is often referred to as comprising a ‘mosaic’ of habitats. It’s a pleasing analogy; sandbanks, soft sediments, boulders and reefs, all combining to support an amazing complexity of sea life – the ecosystem mosaic. (more…)
Fisheries management for 14 inshore MPAs came into force in early February, but within just a few days we received information about reported infringements of the new fishing laws.
In response to the reports, Marine Scotland Compliance sent out patrol boats and investigated. The incident highlighted the difficulties surrounding enforcement, the valuable role of local communities in helping to ensure compliance, the need for a clear and transparent process for reporting possible incidents, (more…)
Our campaigners ask whether enough is being done to protect the refuge of one of the world’s most endangered fish…
Described sometimes as the Giant Panda of the sea, the Common skate is a critically endangered species – and one of its last strongholds is in our deep sea lochs on the West coast. However, the latest Scottish Government measures introduced to protect this majestic, but sadly all-too-rare creature, whilst a major step forward, are still at risk of being jeopardised by short-termist compromise.
Some areas – once identified as potentially crucial to the recovery of the common skate – will now remain open seasonally to bottom-towed fishing. These ‘derogations’ were called (more…)
Tomorrow the Rural Affairs Climate Change and Environment Committee will consider two motions (SM-15336 and SM-15335) recommending that the Scottish Parliament annuls crucial fishing laws that are designed to recover the health of Scotland’s inshore waters. This is a very significant moment in the long cause for reform in the management of our seas and marine conservation. For decades the environmental health of our seas has been in decline, ecosystems have been modified and in some cases simplified. MPAs are an opportunity to remedy this. (Read our briefing).
The measures under consideration will affect fishermen – many will benefit (by actually gaining access (more…)
There are just a few days left to push for important measures that will help to recover areas of seabed on the West coast. There is currently very limited specific protection from bottom-towed fishing in our inshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This is due to change soon, but there is still an ongoing discussion about what areas should be off-limits to bottom-towed fishing methods.
Before the New Year, the Scottish Government announced another consultation on revised measures for fisheries management in three MPAs (Wester Ross, Small Isles and Loch Sunart to Sound of Jura). Our campaign members contend that with the right management in place, MPAs will not only help to recover important seabed habitats, but provide secondary benefits in the form of increased fishing opportunities and positive displacement to areas that could not previously be fished. (more…)
You may remember we have been looking at case studies of where marine protected areas (MPAs) have resulted in clear improvements to biodiversity and increases in stocks of commercial fish, as we think about how Scottish MPAs should be managed to try and deliver the same benefits. Our first case study was on a series of MPAs in Norway, along the Skagerrak coast, designated for the protection and recovery of lobster and cod. In just four years, there was a clear increase in the size and number of lobster and cod found within the protected area, compared to a non-protected control site.
The researchers have continued to study the cod in (more…)
The last few years have seen some major changes in the way we regulate our seas (see our ‘2015 – a year in tweets’ blog). 2016 looks to be no different, not least because we are now beginning to see designated Marine Protected Areas taking effect. As you will read in other sections of this newsletter, there has been extensive consultation on the management of fisheries in certain inshore MPAs.
On the 27th January, the Rural Affairs Committee is set to consider fishing orders for a number of inshore MPAs and these new regulations – if approved by the Committee – are set to come into force by 8th February. However, today it was announced that motions to annul both the South Arran MCO and the omnibus Inshore Fishing Order were submitted. The motions (S4M – 15337 and S4M – 15336) were lodged by Scottish Conservative MSP Jamie McGrigor.
This will prompt a Committee debate – it is essential that our political representatives are given a clear understanding of the depth of (more…)
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