
Joint marine campaign nominated for Nature of Scotland Awards

November 13th, 2015 by

SupportMPAs_infoOur Save Scottish Seas campaign was recently nominated for the Marine Conservation Award – a category of the Nature of Scotland Awards. We are delighted about this.

Our nine members (Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Trust, Marine Conservation Society, National Trust for Scotland, Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, RSPB Scotland, Scottish Ornithologists’ Club, Scottish Wildlife Trust, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, WWF Scotland) have campaigned together for over 10 years to help recover the environmental health of our seas.

You can read the history of our long-running campaign to secure progressive legislation that has paved the way for a network of Marine Protected Areas.  We are now at a crucial stage of this campaign: we are on the brink of making a strong case for MPAs for mobile species (such as whales and dolphins) and within a matter of months, key decisions (more…)

MPAs are part of a sustainable rural Scotland

October 20th, 2015 by

easdaleMarine Protected Areas (MPAs) have come under some heavy fire from some fishing representatives for potentially “devastating” socio-economic impacts, but we contend MPAs will help to recover our seas and boost the resilience of coastal communities in Scotland. In this blog, we explain why a lot of people around rural Scotland, including many progressive Scottish fishermen, agree: by looking after our marine environment, MPAs can be part of a rural and coastal revival.

It’s now not helpful pretending otherwise: MPAs have become a wee bit divisive. We’ve charted here, here, here and here the various twists and turns of developing a network of Scottish MPAs. But if you don’t have time to read, here’s a quick re-cap: these MPAs are ‘in the water’ (ie they were designated in 2014) but there is still no comprehensive fisheries management (except for emergency measures in South Arran and Wester Ross), which means that our fishing fleets continue to catch fish within these parts of our inshore waters just like before – using a variety of methods (more…)

Support change for Scotland’s seas

September 22nd, 2015 by

shss_dttpRight now our political representatives in the Scottish Parliament are deliberating on what measures are right for the stewardship of Scotland’s inshore seas.

As collective representatives of hundreds of thousands of people who want a sustainable Scotland, we support well-managed Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that protect our precious inshore areas from damaging fishing methods. This is not environmental dogma. It is evidence-based policy in action. And it is popular. Recently, nearly 5,000 people wrote to the Scottish Government backing our recommendations. In response, the Scottish Government has set out good plans that will restrict the most damaging types of fishing within inshore MPAs. The measures contain compromise, but we welcome them as urgent and necessary action to better manage the public resource of our seas.

Our MSPs are now looking at these plans and must navigate (more…)

Do MPAs really improve fish and shellfish stocks?

August 20th, 2015 by

Fishing-tour_20100212_008It’s the holy grail of marine conservation, or at least it is to many skippers, fisheries managers and governments. The win-win-win: whereby improving the ecological health of our seas leads to real in-the-pocket benefits for the fishing sector, with higher value landings (based on a combination of increased biological productivity and high-value catch) making a positive contribution to the national balance sheet. It’s no surprise that it is the focus for extensive scientific research across the world.

There is increasing evidence that MPAs offer significant long-term secondary economic benefits flowing from the environmental benefits of (more…)

MPAs in Norway: along the Skagerrak coast

August 20th, 2015 by

1027200689_96eb6c7998_oAs part of series of case-studies, we are exploring how Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) interact with fisheries management and how emerging science from other areas around the world shows some encouraging signs of the fisheries benefits of MPAs.

Case Study 1: MPAs along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast [1]

This study was based on a group of MPAs establish in 2006 along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast, designed to protect shellfish and partially protect fish stocks. The researchers used Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) methods to try and determine what the effect of the MPAs would be. This means that they collected field data on the numbers and sizes of lobsters (more…)

A short history of Scotland’s seas – TAKE ACTION

August 3rd, 2015 by

[youtube video=_cKIjHejQ4s ]

Our animation narrates a short history of Scotland’s seas – a story of increasing industrial activity and ecological decline. But if given the chance, our seas can bounce back to health… and Scotland’s local communities and businesses will benefit from this environmental recovery. Watch the video, share far and wide and…


King scallop measures and the recovery of our inshore

August 1st, 2015 by

ScallopScotland Programme Manager for the Marine Conservation Society Calum Duncan provides some broader inshore context for the recent measures introduced to regulate Scotland’s king scallop fishery.

In July, the Scottish Government announced new measures to manage Scotland’s King scallop fishery. This announcement was much-anticipated and followed a public consultation ending in January. The consultation itself was the outcome of a broader industry review, which fishermen and environmental charities had patiently requested over many years.

In short, the consultation was a big deal. It was the first time the Scottish (more…)

Prawn wars and scallop spats

July 27th, 2015 by

prawn_wars_scallop_spatsSomething important is happening. For the first time in years, we (Scotland) are having an increasingly open debate about how we fish our inshore waters. These issues are usually confined to the clipped minutes of a regional fisheries meeting, quayside chat between skippers, or the dry consultation correspondence on proposed technical regulations. Over the years there has been very little media coverage of one of the most significant ongoing problems: how do we best manage our inshore waters, which have suffered from decades of lack of management, resulting in declining species and habitats and which are now experiencing intensive fishing competition.

But on Monday night, a programme aired on prime time TV – a documentary called ‘Prawn Wars’ as part of BBC Scotland’s Landward – Prawn Wars series. It was followed by a live debate on Scotland 2015, BBC Scotland’s flagship current affairs slot.

It was a watershed moment. It focussed on the very real and pressing (more…)

Seabed sense: crucial support for inshore MPAs

July 9th, 2015 by

MPA_mapThis blog has attempted to chart the long, and sometimes torturous, process of setting up Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Scotland. Many of you may be wondering what is happening with Scotland’s MPAs? Are they going to be paper parks? Or are they finally going to help reverse the fortunes of our inshore waters, which have suffered such serious ecological decline? Before wading into the detail of this post, we urge you to read our Running History of MPAs in Scotland. If you’ve seen that, read on…

There is a lot of noise around the MPAs right now. Some (not all) fishing groups are criticising the MPA process at a crucial stage. We need to re-wind a bit here to understand why this is the case. And to fully grasp the situation, we also need to understand the structure of the Scottish fishing industry.

A few weeks ago, Marine Scotland (more…)

Stronger seabed protection measures unveiled in response to widespread support for Scottish MPAs

June 11th, 2015 by

Fisheries management for inshore Scottish MPAs unveiledIn response to the Scottish Government’s announcement of fisheries management in Scottish Marine Protected Areas:
Calum Duncan, Convenor of Scottish Environment LINK’s marine taskforce and Scotland Programme Manager, Marine Conservation Society said: “Our ‘Don’t Take The P out of MPAs’ campaign has struck a chord. Thousands of people wrote to the Scottish Government urging them to avoid creating paper parks – and Ministers are now clearly starting to listen, by proposing that larger areas of the seabed be protected from damaging fishing activities. We will now be looking closely at the newly-drafted measures to make sure they fulfil the clear and widespread public expectation that MPAs should be managed to recover the ecological health of our seas. We are making a strong social, economic and environmental case for meaningful management that protects our precious seabed and boosts future opportunities for sustainable fishing.”
Kara Brydson, Head of Marine Policy, RSPB Scotland said: “Too often fishermen are blamed for the declining health of our seas, but here we see that by excluding the most damaging fishing activity from our most sensitive wildlife, fishermen are part of the solution.” (more…)