
Safeguarding Scotland’s cetaceans: improving the effectiveness of marine protected areas

February 24th, 2025 by

By Vicki James, Protected Areas Coordinator at Whale and Dolphin Conservation

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a critical tool for protecting important areas for cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in Scottish waters. Around the UK, 11 MPAs have been designated specifically for cetaceans. However, research into the management effectiveness of these MPAs by Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) reveals significant gaps in their management effectiveness, jeopardising their ability to deliver protection for the habitats and species they are intended to conserve.

The UK has committed to protecting 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030, with a goal to have 70% of MPAs in favourable condition by 2042. Yet, according to the JNCC, only a small proportion (83 of 374 UK MPAs) are moving towards their conservation objectives. These findings raise questions about whether these ambitions can be met without urgent changes.

Scotland’s MPAs have been designated to protect and support population recovery of harbour porpoise, Risso’s dolphin, bottlenose dolphins, minke whales and other marine life. MPAs include habitats important for survival of the species they’re designated for, providing essential breeding and feeding areas. These species are listed as Priority Marine Features (PMFs), which identifies them as a conservation priority for MPA designation. As the Scottish Government develops its National Marine Plan, fisheries measures and management of other activities, it has a key opportunity to lead in improving the management and effectiveness of MPAs.

Why evaluate the management effectiveness of cetacean MPAs?

MPAs are an essential tool for protecting cetaceans, but only if they are effectively managed. They can help safeguard crucial habitats, restrict and regulate harmful activities, and support nature recovery. However, threats from a range of anthropogenic activities including bycatch (accidental capture in fishing nets) and noise pollution (e.g. from offshore developments) will likely continue to cause harm if they are not adequately addressed.

Based on data available online, WDC assessed the UK’s 11 cetacean MPAs using the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit to evaluate the effectiveness of management measures, including stakeholder engagement and monitoring. The findings highlight significant concerns and underscore the need for immediate action.

Key findings:

1. Most cetacean MPAs lack a management plan: These are written specifically for each MPA to provide guidance on activities and ensure the conservation of the site’s protected features. In the UK, 90% of assessed MPAs are either lacking a management plan or the plan is an outdated one. In Scotland, only the Moray Firth SAC for bottlenose dolphins has an in-date management plan.

Management plans can inform decision-making by regulators and local authorities, helping to balance low impact use with conservation goals. Management plans for cetacean MPAs should outline strategies to manage activities such as noise pollution, bycatch and shipping, to prevent adverse effects on cetacean populations. They should also include an action plan detailing specific measures, responsibilities of organisations, and timelines to ensure conservation objectives are met, alongside a robust monitoring framework to regularly assess the condition of the site and the effectiveness of management measures.

MPA management plans are more detailed across a variety of activities compared to the Scottish Government’s consultation on fisheries measures. Fisheries measures across the MPA network can benefit cetaceans by reducing pressures such as bycatch, even if the focus of these measures may be other habitats or species. Therefore, MPA management plans provide wider benefits by addressing site-specific threats and prioritising conservation efforts for cetacean populations directly.

2. Noise pollution is not adequately addressed: Underwater noise from shipping, seismic surveys (use of airguns to survey the seabed), and offshore windfarm construction is the most poorly managed threat across all sites, based on available data, with minimal legally binding regulations or mitigation in place.

3. Harmful fishing practices are widespread: Bottom trawling, gillnets, and other damaging practices are still permitted within MPAs for cetaceans, resulting in risk of bycatch, habitat destruction, and prey depletion.

4. Insufficient monitoring is taking place: There are gaps in fine-scale and site-wide regular baseline monitoring of cetacean MPAs, which can be used to inform whether conservation objectives are being met as well as assessing the impacts of anthropogenic activity. The lack of regular, consistent baseline monitoring limits effective management and adaptive responses. Citizen science monitoring programmes, such as Shorewatch and Whale Track exist, which are partially addressing these significant data gaps. However, they should not be relied upon to fulfil statutory requirements for monitoring and impact assessments.

Recommendations for improvement

To ensure that harmful activities in cetacean MPAs are effectively managed to avoid or minimise impacts on cetaceans and other protected features, the following actions are crucial:

  1. Develop and implement management plans: Every MPA requires an up-to-date management plan to regulate activities, reduce harm, and monitor progress.
  2. Address noise pollution: Legally binding noise limits and use of proven mitigation measures, including for offshore windfarm development, are essential.
  3. Reform fishing practices: Introduce a management plan approach to restrict the most destructive fishing methods, including bottom trawling and gill nets, and minimise risks from lower impact gears e.g. through seasonal closures and gear modifications. In Scotland, there is the opportunity to do this through the much-delayed fisheries management measures (under the Marine Acts and Fisheries Act) in Scottish MPAs. In addition, the National Marine Plan 2 should incorporate fisheries management policies and give priority to restoration and protection of nature and biodiversity.
  4. Invest in monitoring programmes within MPAs to assess progress towards site conservation objectives and reduction of anthropogenic harms: There is a need to address the lack of baseline assessment of conservation status of priority species in sites, as well as monitoring of anthropogenic impacts. A robust monitoring programme needs to be implemented where the data is accessible in a standardised and timely manner to enable adaptive management.

The full report can be downloaded from WDC’s website


Image: Cath Bain

Dear Cabinet Secretary, we love Scotland’s seas. Please protect them before it’s too late.

January 21st, 2025 by

We urgently need to help Scotland’s seas recover. On paper, Scotland has a network of marine protected areas, intended to help conserve our fantastic ocean wildlife. The Scottish government is required to design and implement fishing restrictions for each marine protected area. But these crucial protections are more than ten years overdue.

Scottish Environment LINK asked supporters to write personal messages to Gillian Martin, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, telling her why they care about Scotland’s seas, and why they want the Scottish government to protect our marine protected areas without further delay.

The messages came from across the country, from people with first-hand experience of the decline of our seas, and from people concerned about the world their children and grandchildren will inherit if we don’t act now.

Here are just some of those powerful messages…

I have lived on the shores of Loch Hourn since 1975 and for much of that time I made a living from the sea (crab and lobster fishing, mussel farming). I have watched as the marine ecology has declined to the state that now there are virtually no wild Atlantic salmon, very few mackerel in the summer and almost no cod or pollock remain.
Richard, Highland

The waters around our shores are becoming barren and wasted because of pollution and over-fishing. We must take difficult decisions to ensure that the seas around our coasts can sustain our wildlife and ourselves. This is an investment in our futures.
Pauline, Na h-Eileanan Siar

Having been a keen Scuba diver for years and seen the wonders in the seas, I have appreciated being able to see the beauty of it all. We have watched fishing boats come in and devastate the floor of the sea with their trawling in protected waters. So I strongly support the protection of marine areas.
Maggie, Clackmannanshire

Living in Macduff on the Moray Firth I am aware how critical fishing is to the local economy, but as the disappearance of the herring shoals in the last century [and] dwindling stocks of many species show, protection is essential now if the industry is to survive to benefit future generations.
Neville, Aberdeenshire

As a long-time marine biologist I am concerned at delays in implementing protections for important habitats. Out of sight should not be out of mind, as often happens with marine habitats.
Clare, Perth and Kinross

Having been brought up in the north west of Scotland I’ve seen far too much evidence of the damage caused when we don’t look after the marine environment. Our sea beds are in crisis after years and years of destruction. We must do all we can to protect what’s left.
Mairi, Stirling

It takes millions of years to create a coral reef and seconds to destroy it.
Rosemary, Edinburgh

I grew up beside the sea, the son of a fisherman who gave his life to his work and helped two of his sons to follow him. Small boats and sustainable. They gave up in mid life as they could no longer make a living. Very large fishing vessels arrived and more or less destroyed the fishing by using ten times the amount of creels my family did and that was only one boat! Please do something now or it will be too late.
Peter, East Renfrewshire 

Myself and my wife go on litter picks on a regular basis to our nearest beaches. But it is the damage to the marine environment that we cannot see, cannot pick up and bin, that worries me the most.
Ian, Edinburgh 

From my house I hear the sound of scallop dredgers from the Isle of Man destroying our seabed, despite the Sound of Jura being a Marine Protected Area.
Pinkie, Argyll and Bute

As a mother, I am extremely concerned about the climate crisis and its effects on Scotland and the future of my children in this country. On a recent trip to the coast I was horrified to notice the lack of wildlife, and on further investigation to learn how depleted our seas are becoming – one of our country’s most beautiful and important assets.
Aimee, Falkirk 

Protecting our ocean habitats from the most destructive types of fishing is a no-brainer – healthier seas, healthier people, healthier wildlife, improved fish stocks and wildlife tourism, immense carbon capture… surely this has to be a priority for the Scottish Government.
Caroline, Highland

I have been sailing on the west coast of Scotland for 60+ years and have been very concerned about the reduction on all wildlife over that time. A very visual example of this is effect on phosphorescence which has nearly disappeared. As a boy I would see the light created by rowing and even more dramatic when diving into the water.
Mike, Edinburgh

 I am a scuba diver and know only too well how amazing but fragile the sea bed and marine ecosystems are. I want my grandchildren to be able to see what I have seen.
Annette, Highland

I have had the great fortune to travel to beautiful countries that prioritise nature because they know just how vital the health of the planet’s ecosystems for the future of human health. I have seen Marine Protected Areas that are truly being protected, and I have heard the stories from local fishermen who know firsthand how effective these can be for increasing fish stocks in neighbouring waters. It truly is a win-win.
Hayley, Edinburgh

I am old enough to remember angling from the piers in Oban in the 1970s and catching Cod and Pollack that were large enough to take home to eat. When was the last time anyone went angling off these piers? I have never seen anyone do so in the last 25 years. There are simply no fish to catch there since their spawning grounds were decimated by the inshore bottom trawling that has taken place since the 1980s.
Jonathan, Argyll and Bute

We live near the coast where there was seafloor vacuuming occurring for days and nights and from which it is still, 30 years later, recovering.
Beryll, Highland

Many years ago, I was on a boat using dredges to fish for scallops. I saw the damage these did to the sea bed, so I’m well aware of how much our waters need protection.
Brian, Argyll and Bute

I was really surprised and appalled to learn that trawler fishing is still allowed in marine protected areas.
Joanna, Highland

 I am a researcher working on translation and marine mammal ecology, currently on a project in the U.S. I have seen the wonders marine protection can do in North America. I wish the same for my home country, Scotland.
Sebnem, Edinburgh

I live in Orkney, so I am never far from the sea. I am increasingly concerned about the decline in animal and plant species both on land and in the sea due to habitat loss, pollution and damaging operations such as trawling. I believe we ignore these issues at our peril!
Sally, Orkney Islands

Don’t let Scotland’s marine environments become wastelands.
Julie, East Dunbartonshire

I have spent many years volunteering for Whale and Dolphin Conservation. In my time volunteering with them I have had the pleasure of seeing a multitude of marine life both above and below the water’s surface… Whales and dolphins face many threats including bycatch, entanglement and prey depletion. Implementing effective fisheries management measures throughout Scotland’s MPAs is integral to ensuring that these sensitive species thrive in our waters.
R, Na h-Eileanan Siar

All evidence suggests that when significant fishery projection measures are in place, especially those restricting bottom trawling, the wildlife, the tourism industry and ultimately the local fishermen themselves benefit from a more diverse and productive marine environment.
Paul, Aberdeenshire

I am a Scuba diver who has dived every year in Scottish waters since 1976, and have seen a decline in both species numbers and diversity in that time. I am disgusted when I see the damage done in our shallower waters by dredging activities – species and their habitats ripped up from the seabed and scattered about in ruins.
Jeff, Sheffield 

I am a teacher and how can I expect the children at school to care about the environment if they see evidence that the Scottish government isn’t doing it’s very best to help.
Amanda, East Lothian


Top image: Cath Bain, Whale and Dolphin Conservation

Saving Scotland’s Seabirds: A Call to Action

January 13th, 2025 by

Guest blog by Caitlin Paul, Marine Policy Officer at RSPB Scotland

As someone who has always had a deep love for Scottish seas and the vibrant marine life it supports, I’ve recently focused my passion on seabirds, and over the past year, I’ve become increasingly fascinated by these remarkable creatures. Every year, Scotland’s rugged coasts, islands, and towering cliffs come alive as seabirds flock to nest, breed, and raise their young. Puffins, with their striking beaks and almost clown-like appearance, perform impressive deep dives to catch fish for their chicks, known adorably as “pufflings”. Fulmars, a grey and white seabird related to the albatross, gracefully glide over the sea surface, snatching up food as they go, spitting out a surprising defence mechanism – a stomach oil they spray at predators. Meanwhile, gannets dive spectacularly into the sea, travelling as fast as 60mph into the water to catch fish.

The diversity and uniqueness of these seabirds is remarkable, yet their survival is increasingly threatened as they face a relentless wave of challenges, and it’s now widely acknowledged that urgent action is needed. Climate change and overfishing are impacting their food supplies, making it harder to feed their young. Adult seabirds die when they become caught in fishing nets as unintended bycatch, while poorly planned offshore wind farms cause death through collisions and disrupt seabird flight patterns, meaning they must fly further to feed their young. Meanwhile on land, invasive species like rats and mink wreak havoc on their breeding islands during nesting seasons when chicks and adults alike can be targeted.  And on top of all of this we saw recently that avian flu can rip through colonies wiping out huge numbers in a breeding season.

These threats have had devasting impacts on seabirds. The most recent census which counts breeding seabirds across Britain and Ireland around every 20 years, Seabirds Count, published in October 2023, revealed that 70% of Scotland’s seabird species are in decline since the last census, with as many as seven seabird species experiencing declines of over 50%. On top of that, these shocking figures were taken before the recent outbreaks of Avian flu, which decimated some colonies. Results shows that the disease had a massive impact on Great Skua, with a 76% decline, and the Northern Gannet, with a 22% decline. These studies were taken into account and reflected in the recently published Birds of Conservation Concern report which reported  the largest ever increase in the number of UK seabirds on the red list. Of the 23 out of 25 UK seabirds that make their home and raise their young in Scotland, 9 are now included on the red list, with 12 on the Amber list and only 2 on the green list.

It’s clear that we must act now to save our seabirds. The Scottish Government has launched its Seabird Action Plan which is now out for consultation, running until the beginning of March. This is hugely welcome and offers a critical opportunity to show public support for saving our seabirds. The plan sets out a series of actions that if delivered effectively, and with strong funding behind them, should start to reverse the fortunes of our beleaguered seabird populations.

To help seabirds recover, clear measures are needed that will:

  • Protect seabird prey fish species to ensure seabirds have plentiful food
  • End the ongoing bycatch of seabirds by fisheries to minimise adult seabird deaths
  • Clear all Scottish seabird islands of invasive predators – and prevent them from returning – to defend seabirds and their young
  • Protect the most important areas for our seabirds on land and sea to provide safe spaces for breeding, feeding, and rearing their young
  • Ensure marine development delivers positive funding and outcomes for climate and nature

RSPB were part of the working group that helped develop the Scottish Seabird Action Plan and these elements are included, but the plan needs to be as robust and clear as possible and importantly lead to urgent action supported by strong funding.  We are urging anyone who cares about seabirds to respond to the consultation and have suggested some additional points that we feel are needed. The link below makes it easy for you to let the Scottish Government know these measures are a priority.

In taking the time to do this you can help Scottish seabird populations build resilience, enabling them to thrive and better withstand present and future threats.

Add your voice to RSPB’s action here.


Image: Paul Turner, RSPB Scotland

Scotland’s Marine Protected Area network in 2024 – where are we now?

December 19th, 2024 by


Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are designated spaces of the ocean and seas where human activities are regulated to protect natural resources and biodiversity. These areas are well-evidenced conservation tools to preserve marine species and habitats  and enhance the resilience of marine ecosystems against threats such as climate change and overfishing. Scotland, like many countries, is committed to protecting at least 30% of its land and sea area by 2030, commonly shortened to “30 by 30”.

On 19th December 2024, the Scottish Government published its statutory report to parliament on Scotland’s inshore and offshore MPAs, which is required every 6 years. This report is a respective requirement of Section 103 of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and section 124 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

Progress welcomed

LINK members welcome the publication of the report to Parliament. The 2024 report considers the entire MPA network (including sites formerly designated under EU law, such as Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas), which builds on  the 2018 edition.

Progress is welcome regarding the designation of sites. In 2018, Scotland had a network of 217 MPAs, but it now comprises a total of 233 sites.

In 2020 the Scottish Government designated four inshore MPAs for mobile species and 12 Special Protection Areas (SPA) for marine birds and seabirds. In 2022 theNorth Orkney and Scapa Flow SPAs were also designated. The same year, LINK members welcomed the permanent designation of the Red Rocks and Longay MPA to protect a newly discovered and extremely rare nursery ground for hundreds of flapper skate eggs,a critically endangered relative of sharks and rays.

Most importantly, the 2024 report to Parliament provides case studies showing localised positive effects on priority marine features (PMFs). In Loch Carron, designated as an “emergency” MPA in 2017 and made permanent in 2018, the flame shell beds that were damaged by scallop dredge activity are showing promising signs of recovery. This incident underscores the importance of proactively protecting vulnerable marine features before damage is done. The Loch Sunart to the Sound of Jura MPA for flapper skate exemplifies the benefits of restrictions on bottom-towed fishing. Monitoring of the site shows an increase in the abundance of flapper skates following the introduction of fishing restrictions in 2016. This case demonstrates the benefits of spatial management measures for mobile species, essential to safeguard populations of  long-lived, slow-growing species such as flapper skate. LINK members particularly welcome the role of citizen science, such as recreational angling groups, and community engagement in the management and monitoring of the Loch Sunart to the Sound of Jura MPA.

New designations alone will not ensure the recovery of our seas.

In a report published in 2023, Professor James Harrison, an expert in marine environmental law from the University of Edinburgh, highlighted critical gaps in Scotland’s MPA network, both in terms of designations and the management measures that still need to be implemented.

Despite having a network of MPAs encompassing 38% of its seas, the majority of Scotland’s MPAs do not have restrictions in place for some of the most damaging or widespread pressures in the sea. The Scottish Government has committed to deliver a public consultation on fisheries management measures within MPAs and on the protection of Priority Marine Features (PMFs) outside MPAs. However, this commitment has repeatedly been delayed. A consultation on the fisheries management measures in offshore MPAs was published in 2024, 10 years after the designation of the first Scottish sites. Marine stakeholders and communities are still awaiting its counterpart on the remaining inshore MPA sites and the protection of vulnerable seabed habitat PMFs outside MPAs.

Since the start of the process to develop fisheries management measures for MPAs, they have been implemented in only a few inshore sites, covering less than 0.6% of the seabed that has been historically subject to bottom-towed fishing activities. This underscores that current safeguards for our MPAs aren’t likely to make a big difference in reducing the amount of fishing activity that harms the seabed habitats and the species that depend upon them. 

Professor Harrison’s report highlights the need for comprehensive revisions and enhancements to align with international best practices. A more detailed briefing on this report is available here.

Following the shelved proposals to designate Highly Protected Marine Areas in 10% of Scotland’s seas in 2023, LINK members welcomed the Scottish Government’s commitment to build greater consensus and its stress on the need to deliver on ecological outcomes. However, clarity on how the Scottish Government intends to align with international commitments and benchmarks is still needed, such as the Global Biodiversity Framework target 2 (“Restore 30% of all Degraded Ecosystems”) and EU Nature Restoration Law. The current scientific evidence base, which must underpin conservation measures, is clear that the biggest threats to marine ecosystems are climate change and unsustainable fishing practices. Implementing the remaining fisheries management measures within MPAs is just one step towards better protection of our seas, focusing on specific species and habitats in specific places based on proposals that were developed 8 years ago. The ocean is all connected and we need to acknowledge that in the way it is managed. We want to see a change in the way fisheries are managed beyond MPAs, as part of a just transition to a fully documented, climate-smart and nature-friendly regime that enables ecosystem recovery and supports sustainable fishing opportunities and coastal communities.


LINK members welcome the progress highlighted in the report to Parliament. However, much more is needed to ensure healthy and resilient marine ecosystems. Simply designating an MPA without putting in place restrictions on damaging activities is meaningless.

Calum Duncan, Head of Policy and Advocacy at the Marine Conservation Society and Convenor of Scottish Environment LINK’s Marine Group said:

“We’re pleased the report shows that measures to protect the most vulnerable inshore sites in 2016 are showing localised signs of working with, for example, increases in flameshells and flapper skate numbers. However, despite welcome action to protect the most vulnerable inshore sites in 2016, most designated areas still lack robust management measures for damaging activities such as bottom towed fishing, and remain ‘paper parks’ until they are in place.

“Scotland’s seas are in a poor state, and we desperately need to safeguard important underwater sites needed to boost ocean health. Further delays will only make recovery harder and risk further damage to our seas. In 2025, the Scottish Government must act decisively to deliver long-awaited protections and live up to crucial legal, policy and international commitments before it is too late.” 

Image: Ben James, NatureScot

Why Scotland’s failure to protect its seas simply cannot continue

September 30th, 2024 by

This piece first appeared in Scotland on Sunday on the 29th of September, 2024.

Who doesn’t love a sea view? Scotland has glorious ocean vistas by the bucketload. But looking out to the horizon, we rarely think about what’s beyond view, deep below the surface. Scotland’s deep seas are home to extraordinary creatures, from whales and sharks to bioluminescent anglerfish and clams that can live for over 500 years.

Our deep ocean environment is currently in the conservation spotlight, with a public consultation open on measures to restrict certain types of fishing in offshore marine protected areas. A separate consultation on inshore areas is long overdue.

Unique and vulnerable species thrive in in our offshore marine protected areas, including cold-water corals and sea sponges. The habitats they form play a critical role in ocean health, providing oases of food and shelter for a huge variety of other species, including commercial fish stocks.

The ecosystems found here are also key to helping tackle the climate crisis, providing important long-term carbon stores.

Most of Scotland’s offshore marine protected areas were designated in 2014, yet commercial fishing that threatens wildlife is still allowed to operate in most areas shallower than 800m depth. The proposals being consulted on include restrictions on trawling which sweeps across and damages large sections of vital seabed habitats.

Largely, the current proposals are not new. The Scottish government put forward plans for managing fishing in offshore marine protected areas in 2016 following extensive workshops with fishers, scientists and environmental organisations. Implementation of the plans was delayed by Brexit and by Covid-19.

However, a second, stronger protection option is now proposed for some sites, which would mean the tailored fishing restrictions would apply across the whole site, instead of just parts of it. This would help ocean ecosystems to start to recover, rather than just protecting some of what remains following decades of damage.

The current proposals are unrelated to Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs), which were shelved last year following widespread concern from coastal communities. Introducing HPMAs would have meant banning all fishing and some other commercial activities (but not recreational access) in selected parts of Scotland’s seas. Locations for potential HPMAs had not been identified before they were shelved.

The current proposals are to restrict certain types of fishing in existing offshore marine protected areas. Some lower impact forms of fishing would be allowed to continue in many of these sites, while restrictions would apply to activities that pose the greatest risk to the species and habitats present. The boundaries of these defined and limited areas are very clear.

Globally, marine protected areas play a crucial role in safeguarding ecosystems, promoting sustainable fisheries, mitigating climate change and supporting coastal communities.

But in Scotland we’re seeing very few of those benefits, because failure to implement protections means that most of our marine protected areas, both offshore and inshore, are largely ineffective.

That’s why it’s so important that the current consultation leads to effective protections finally being introduced.

Marine protected areas are not the whole answer to the loss of biodiversity in Scotland’s seas. But implementing and enforcing the stronger protection option in our offshore marine protected areas is a crucial step to helping our seas recover. Scotland’s deep seas give us far more than we might imagine when looking out to sea, and now is the time to give them the protection they need.

Esther Brooker is marine policy officer at Scottish Environment LINK.

Image: Cath Bain, Whale and Dolphin Conservation

Out of sight, out of mind? Why we should care about protecting the deep sea

September 5th, 2024 by

The deep sea is one of those mysterious parts of planet earth – or should that be planet ocean? It’s so far away and out of reach that most people only hear about it occasionally in the news or on wildlife documentaries. But did you know that deep sea ecosystems have a powerful influence on your everyday life and the environment around you? In this blog, we will take a dive into the importance of the deepest and most unexplored parts of our ocean, and look at what urgently needs to be done here in Scotland to protect the species and habitats that live in these hidden havens.

Stretching far beyond the familiar shorelines of Scotland’s coasts, beaches and cliffs, the offshore waters encompasses everything from the continental shelf to the deep sea abyssal plains, from 12 to 200 nautical miles. This vast and largely unexplored region is home to some of the most unique and fascinating species and habitats on Earth. 

Along the continental shelf and within the dark, cold depths of Scotland’s seas, life thrives in extraordinary ways. Species such as the bizarre-looking deep-sea anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius), the majestic sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), and the elusive porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) call these waters home. Habitats in Scotland’s offshore waters include cold-water coral reefs, which provide shelter and breeding grounds for numerous marine species. Seamounts and submarine canyons add to the complexity and diversity of these underwater landscapes. 

These creatures have adapted to extreme conditions—immense pressure, frigid temperatures, and perpetual darkness. However, these conditions make for a much more stable environment than the busier and more dynamic inshore and coastal area. As a result, species and habitats tend to be slow-growing and long-lived. The orange roughy, a medium sized fish that lives at depths of up to 1,800m, can live up to 200 years! The ocean quahog, a species of clam found in Scottish waters, can live even longer, with the oldest recorded individual aged at 507 years old!

An pinkish orange fish - the orange roughy - swimming close to the seabed

Image: Orange roughy (credit: unknown author, creative commons)

An ocean quahog on the seabed

Image: Ocean quahog (credit: NatureScot on Flickr)

The continental shelf and deep sea environment plays a crucial role in global ecological health. It acts as a massive carbon sink, helping to regulate the Earth’s climate by storing vast amounts of carbon dioxide. The biodiversity of these environments contributes to the overall health of ocean ecosystems, supporting fisheries, helping to cycle nutrients to shallower waters and maintaining the balance of marine life. Deep-sea organisms are also a source of novel compounds with potential applications in medicine, biotechnology, and other fields. Recently, it was even discovered by Scottish scientists working at the Scottish Association of Marine Science, a pioneering institute on deep-sea research, that deep sea minerals produce oxygen! Until then, oxygen was only thought to be produced by plants and other living things that use photosynthesis and require sunlight.

Despite its remoteness, the offshore and deep-sea environment is not immune to threats. Human activities such as deep-sea fishing, mining, and oil and gas exploration pose significant risks. These activities can lead to habitat destruction, overfishing, and pollution, disrupting the delicate balance of fragile ecosystems. Climate change and ocean acidification further exacerbate these threats, altering the physical and chemical environment that deep-sea species rely on. Marine litter is also being increasingly found in deep-sea environments. A plastic bag has been discovered in the Marianas Trench – the deepest place on earth – at a mind-blowing 10.8 km deep, and deep sea creatures have been found entangled in or attached to plastic waste in multiple locations.

Most of these threats are already affecting Scotland’s offshore ecosystems, and some have done so for a long time. In the northwest area of Scotland’s offshore waters, a population decline of up to 90% has been estimated for orange roughy due to fishing activities. Strandings of deep-diving whales on Scottish beaches have been increasing over the last 60 years, including species such as Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris)

Protecting Scotland’s deep sea is not just about preserving the unknown—it’s about safeguarding the planet’s future. The health of our oceans is intricately linked to the health of our planet and human health and wellbeing. By conserving these environments, we ensure the continuation of critical ecological processes and the survival of unique species that could hold the key to scientific and medical breakthroughs. Whether we can see it or not, the deep sea is a vital part of our natural heritage. 

In 2014, 13 new marine protected areas were created in Scotland’s offshore waters, adding to some of the MPAs already established under EU law (known as Special Areas of Conservation), such as the Anton Dohrn seamount and the Wyville Thompson Ridge. The West of Scotland deep sea marine reserve was also designated in 2020. However, as we have explained before, it’s not enough to just create the MPA without addressing the risks to the species and habitats that live there. During 2016, we participated in government meetings to discuss the fisheries management measures that should be established in the 13 offshore MPAs, plus 7 of the existing offshore Special Areas of Conservation. Those management measures still have not been adopted, apart from some voluntary protection currently being observed by fishers in the West Shetland Shelf MPA (long story involving cod and historic EU protections).

Delayed by Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic amongst other things, the Scottish Government has now launched a public consultation seeking views on proposals for fisheries management in offshore MPAs. In the midst of a global ocean crisis, this consultation is a significant turning point for Scotland’s MPA network, the majority of which has remained open to seabed-contacting fishing activities that pose a direct risk to some of the delicate habitats and species these MPAs are designed to protect. Over the next six weeks, you have the power to make a difference. The current consultation on offshore MPA management is a crucial opportunity for us to protect our precious marine environments and ensure they thrive for future generations.

The consultation proposes two options in some of the MPAs: restricting fishing only in areas where the protected species or habitats are found, or restricting all towed seabed-contacting fishing across the whole MPA. The latter option will provide the greatest opportunity for the recovery of offshore ecosystems, from the continental shelf into the deep sea, and in the long-term will provide greater benefits to nature, people and sustainable businesses. By supporting proposals to restrict damaging fishing activities in these areas, we can help protect and restore the health of our vulnerable ecosystems. This isn’t just about preserving nature—it’s about safeguarding the resources and services we all depend on, from sustainable fisheries to climate regulation. 

Proper protection for our offshore MPAs is already long overdue, and recovery of nature takes a long time in these environments – we need to give it the best chance possible before it’s too late. Your voice can help secure stronger protections for Scotland’s offshore MPAs. We urge you to participate in the consultation, support the proposed measures, and advocate for a future where both nature and people can prosper.

Submit your response through our campaign today. 

By Esther Brooker, Marine Policy and Engagement Officer at Scottish Environment LINK.

Top image: Lisa Kamphausen, Nature Scot

Marine protected area management – FAQs

August 26th, 2024 by

What are marine protected areas (MPAs)?

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are like nature reserves underwater. They are defined areas of the sea set aside to protect and restore important or vulnerable marine species, habitats or ecosystems (communities of living creatures). Usually certain activities are managed (restricted or changed) within MPAs to reduce or prevent damage and there can be different types of management depending on what the MPA is designed to protect.

Why do we need MPAs?

Our seas are in crisis. In 2019, Scotland declared a twin global climate and nature emergency. Climate change and human activities are causing widespread damage to marine life and habitats. Declines in species like cod, haddock, and seabirds are just some examples of the pressures our seas are facing. Scotland is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. Progress to tackle these crises and reverse the widespread decline in nature is slow.

MPAs are essential for protecting and restoring our marine environment. They provide safe havens for marine life to help prevent further decline in nature. Evidence from around the world shows that MPAs can help to rebuild fish stocks, protect biodiversity, and improve the overall health of our oceans.

Scotland’s MPA network already covers 37% of its seas – this is great, isn’t it?

While Scotland has a large MPA network on paper, these are simply lines on a map without effective management. To truly protect our seas, we need to restrict harmful activities within MPAs. Species and habitats for protection (Priority Marine Features – PMFs) have been identified based on the risks they face, so it’s crucial to put in place measures to prevent damage. The majority of Scotland’s MPAs don’t have restrictions in place for some of the most damaging or widespread pressures in the sea.

What activities need to be restricted within MPAs?

The main focus for MPA management is currently on fishing activities, particularly bottom-towed gears that can damage seabed habitats. Other activities like aquaculture and renewable energy are already managed through licensing processes (although the combined effect of all activities on MPAs and the features they protect is still not well understood and assessed).

Does MPA management pose a risk to small scale fishing businesses who may have more limited options for fishing grounds?

We understand the concerns of small-scale fishing businesses. While some changes may be necessary, the long-term aim is to enable sustainable, lower impact fishing practices, at levels where the environment can thrive. We believe sustainable fishing activities should be supported through any transition and should be able to benefit from improved opportunities provided by a healthier environment.

Are these management measures the same as Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs)?

No. The current MPA management proposals have been developed through extensive consultation with stakeholders since 2014. The commitment to HPMAs was introduced more recently in 2021 though the Bute House Agreement, in keeping with EU and international targets to strictly protect 10% of land and sea, and proposals were largely developed by the Scottish Government.

While the idea of strictly protected areas has merit in principle for the recovery of nature, we believe it’s essential to first focus on completing and effectively managing our existing MPA network. This should be a priority and has been delayed for a decade. 

Exploring any further actions that will be needed to enable nature recovery and align with global law/commitments should be done in collaboration with all stakeholders, including communities.

Who will benefit from well-managed MPAs?

Everyone stands to benefit from healthy seas. Well-managed MPAs can improve species, the habitats they live in, and ecosystem health, which in turn supports commercial fish stocks. Beyond economic benefits, healthier seas contribute to improved wellbeing, stronger coastal communities, and increased opportunities for tourism and employment.

If these MPA management measures are implemented, will Scotland’s seas become more healthy?

MPAs are one important tool for improving ocean health, but they are not a silver bullet to all the problems in the ocean. To fully restore our seas, we need a combined approach that includes MPAs, species conservation efforts, and wider measures such as effective marine planning and management of fishing beyond MPAs. By working together, we can create a thriving marine environment for future generations.

What needs to happen next to get the MPA management measures in place?

Urgent action is needed. The Scottish Government must prioritise and better resource the publication of outstanding fisheries management proposals for public consultation. Once these proposals are finalised, they must be implemented without delay.

Right now, the Scottish government is asking for people’s views on proposed restrictions for our ‘offshore’ marine protected areas – those between 12 and 200 nautical miles from the shore.

Send an email to Gillian Martin, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, asking her to protect Scotland’s deep seas.

Image credit: George Stoyle, NatureScot

Scotland’s MPA network: ten years of delayed ocean conservation

July 24th, 2024 by

By Esther Brooker, Fanny Royanez (Scottish Environment LINK) and Rebecca Crawford (Scottish Wildlife Trust) 

It has been 10 years since a suite of 30 new nature conservation marine protected areas (MPAs) were designated in Scotland’s seas under Scottish and UK law. These were in addition to the MPAs already designated under European law. The purpose of MPAs is to protect fragile species and habitats by restricting damaging activities, which allows marine ecosystems to recover and thrive. 

At the time, it signalled a clear and ambitious intention to deliver real conservation outcomes, which would help to halt the decline of Scotland’s marine nature, enable more sustainable economic opportunities and contribute to thriving coastal communities. But 10 years on, has that actually happened? We reflect on the progress made and what urgently still needs to be done to safeguard our seas now and for future generations.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Scotland’s marine biodiversity is not in good health.1 We are living through a global climate and biodiversity crisis, with the UK named as one of the most nature depleted countries in the world. There is a significant body of evidence that clearly shows current levels of human activities are not sustainable and that biodiversity will continue to decline if nothing changes. Only last week, news of a dramatic decline in breeding shag on the Isle of May nature reserve in the Firth of Forth hit the headlines, the latest in a seemingly endless conveyor belt of bad news stories about nature and climate. 

a word cloud with responses to the question: “What three words would you use to describe the current health of Scotland’s seas?”

A word cloud with responses to the question: “What three words would you use to describe the current health of Scotland’s seas?”, asked of delegates at the Sea Scotland conference, 2024.

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a proven conservation measure that is widely used around the world, and the benefits both to nature (improving biodiversity) and people (better economic opportunities) are widely evidenced. The development of a “well-managed” network of MPAs has been an obligation for Scotland and the UK for decades. There have been a series of international and national deadlines over the years that have all been missed. For example, under the Oslo-Paris Convention (OSPAR), for which the UK is a contracting party and which covers the northeast Atlantic area, a recommendation set out in 2003 called for a well-managed network of MPAs to be established by 2010. The previous Scottish Government set a target of 2016 to ‘complete’ the network, which then slipped to 2020.  

Following the designation of the 30 MPAs under Scottish law in 2014, the Scottish government set about working with stakeholders to develop management measures for high risk activities that are outside the licensing and consents system. In 2016 the first batch of fisheries management measures was adopted, following a public consultation and Parliamentary scrutiny. LINK campaigned to ensure these measures were sufficient for the purpose of protecting Priority Marine Features (PMFs), as many of the proposals were being suggested for areas where fishing activities were already low. In fact, the Scottish government’s own marine science unit recently published research showing that less than 1% of areas that have been historically fished by bottom-towed (seabed impacting) fishing activities are actually protected within MPAs. In the period since 2016, there has been some stakeholder engagement around additional proposed measures and development of assessments required by law (such as Socio-Economic Impact Assessment), but we are no closer to adopting measures for MPAs and PMFs beyond MPAs.

The Scottish government is now 10 years late in bringing forward the remaining majority of the fisheries management measures for the MPAs that we currently have. This means that activities that have been identified as posing a risk to many of the habitats and species the MPAs are designed to protect – primarily bottom towed fishing – continue to operate within these MPAs. Furthermore, monitoring and resources to understand the ongoing impact of the management measures not being in place is lacking, and environmental conditions have already changed significantly since the measures were first developed. Such is the imperative of the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, that we should be progressing more ambitious measures to reverse these issues, never mind still waiting for basic protection measures that should have been in place years ago. These fisheries management measures are not an optional extra step – they are a fundamental requirement for MPAs, without which an MPA cannot even begin to achieve its conservation objectives. We can no longer afford to delay properly protecting our seas and allowing depleted species and habitats to recover.  

LINK and some of its partners recently commissioned a report evaluating the effectiveness of Scotland’s MPAs network. The report, written by Professor James Harrison (an expert in marine and environmental law), underscores deficiencies in the MPA network including the lack of fisheries management measures in most of the inshore and all of the offshore sites. The report also highlights uncertainty around how it will contribute to Scotland and the UK’s global nature protection commitments and how it will meet current ecological and societal needs.

Infographic showing the steps needed to properly establish and protect Scotland’s network of marine protected areas, with annotations showing the progress made so far and where it has stalled.

Infographic showing the steps needed to properly establish and protect Scotland’s network of marine protected areas, with annotations showing the progress made so far and where it has stalled.

In April 2024, the Scottish government announced the end of the power sharing agreement with the Scottish Green Party. The draft policy programme, published in 2021 and known as the Bute House Agreement, contained many essential policies for the marine environment. Critically, it again committed the Scottish government to finally implementing the long-awaited fisheries management measures, with a target of spring 2024 for those measures to be legally adopted. It’s now July 2024, and we are still waiting for the proposed measures to be published for public consultation. We’re concerned that the dissolution of the Bute House Agreement is just the latest thing to delay these consultations even further. Including the time for the consultation to run and the results to be analysed, we’re looking at a timescale of at least a year before any new measures may be adopted. This means if the consultations have not been published by around March 2025, there won’t be much chance of the fisheries measures being adopted within this parliamentary term (which ends in May 2026). This is a scenario we want to avoid – it’s not in anyone’s interest to delay this process any further. 

Delayed management measures seems to be a chronic problem that is not unique to Scotland. For example, the Dogger Bank Special Area of Conservation in the English north sea was designated in 2011, but fisheries management measures weren’t adopted until 2022 when a complaint was brought to the European Commission against the UK government for not meeting the requirements of the law. Designating MPAs looks great, but they don’t do any good if damaging activities are not appropriately restricted, leading to ‘paper parks’. Not only does bottom-contacting fishing damage seabed habitats, there’s evidence to suggest that it contributes to climate change by disturbing carbon that is stored in the seabed. If it takes years to properly protect MPAs, could some of the ecological decline that has been evidenced in recent years be slowed or halted already if action had been taken sooner? 

We’re calling on the Scottish government to progress management measures for inshore and offshore MPAs as soon as possible. 

Join the conversation and sign our petition to show your support

There is significant public appetite to see Scotland’s seas better protected2, and these MPA measures are a vital step towards this. Community involvement and transparency in policy making are extremely important to avoid situations like the backlash to Highly Protected Marine Areas (HMPAs) which caused a high level of anxiety and uncertainty within island and coastal communities. The proposed fisheries management measures for existing MPAs have already been subject to stakeholder discussion and the process has been supported by many marine interests, including the fishing industry who recognise the importance of protecting the resources on which they rely for their businesses. Protecting our environment and operating sustainable industries is mutually inclusive, and yet is often portrayed publicly as a false dichotomy that conservation measures come at the expense of economic opportunities. The reality is the opposite, if conservation measures are implemented within the principles of sustainable development – a global framework for improving the way environment, social, cultural and economic goals are achieved.

While it has been a tumultuous few months for Scottish and UK politics, we must not lose sight of the vital importance of environmental protection and the threats Scotland faces from climate change. As we move forward from the recent UK election under new national leadership toward the next Scottish election in 2026, our natural environment from which we derive so much must be the priority. Far from being only a Green Party issue, a healthy, productive, clean, safe environment is essential for our future and we must not lose sight of that. It is paramount that the Scottish government continue their commitment in responding to the climate and nature crises and creating a fairer, greener future.

What we need to progress MPA process and improve health of Scotland’s seas:

  • Management measures in MPAs to be progressed ASAP
  • Targets for nature recovery and for improving MPAs/marine protection in law
  • Clear leadership, including from industry and communities
  • Monitoring and resourcing as a priority (public and private finance) – healthy seas is in the public interest, huge influence on ecosystem service benefits that everyone needs
  • A more strategic approach to marine nature conservation – site protection alone is not enough ( species conservation and wider seas measures should also be considered, in line with Scotland’s Nature Conservation strategy)

Sign our petition calling on the Scottish government to properly protect Scotland’s Marine Protected Areas



See State of Nature report, Scotland’s Marine Assessment 2020 and Summary of progress towards good environmental status

2See Understanding the attitudes of Scotland residents to marine protected areas, Survation survey results and Press and Journal article 

Top image credit: Charlie Phillips

Upskilling the next generation of marine scientists and policy makers

July 15th, 2024 by

Blog by Fanny Royanez, Marine Policy and Engagement Officer at Scottish Environment LINK.

Today, on the 15th of July, we celebrate the 10th World Youth Skills Day, a day dedicated to empowering young people by equipping them with skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship as well as for addressing global challenges and advancing sustainable development. 

The climate and nature crisis deeply affects young people globally. Studies1 reveal that most youth feel distressed by climate change, believing their futures hinge on environmental fragility and policy decisions. With 1.8 billion individuals aged 10 to 24, this is the largest youth generation in history, making them key actors in addressing the climate and nature crises that will significantly impact their lives.

Empowering young people to face a fast-changing environment

Marine ecosystems are experiencing unprecedented changes such as warming and acidification due to anthropogenic pressures. These changes are happening so fast that many species may struggle to adapt, facing high risks of extinction.

In Scotland, similar trends can be observed. Despite being renowned for their rich biodiversity, our seas are in sharp decline. Most of the seabed is in poor condition, with vital habitats such as seagrass and flame shell beds now covering only a fraction of their former areas. Seabird populations are also in steep decline, with the abundance of 11 key species dropping by an average of 49% since 1986.

In a world where the health of our oceans is more critical than ever, upskilling young people in marine science, policy and sustainable industries is not just beneficial—it’s essential. By upskilling the next generation of marine leaders, we can ensure they are equipped to tackle these challenges head-on, fostering a sustainable and thriving marine environment for years to come.

 LINK asked young people to share their experiences:

“As a young person willing to begin a marine career, I fear to never be or feel qualified enough for a career in the marine sector, because there is SO much at stake, and because “saving the ocean” will depend on us, young people starting a career in marine sciences. This is what terrifies me also, to be in charge of saving our blue planet, and to not meet this target. However, despite this fear, I have hopes, the main one being that we will achieve this, altogether, with the help of policy-makers (one day when they will finally listen to us scientists and young people), and everyone else. I also hope that one day I will feel empowered and purposeful in the marine sector, because although passion is what is driving me now to continue, I don’t yet feel that I have a voice loud enough to make a change.”  

  • Agathe Moreau, Graduate of the University of Aberdeen and MSc Candidate at Université Côte d’Azur

Sea Scotland story – Breaking down barriers to young people’s engagement in policy discussions

Engaging and including youth voices in today’s discussions and decision-making processes is crucial, as it not only empowers them to face tomorrow’s challenges but also ensures that their unique perspectives and ideas are considered today in the actions and decisions that may shape their future. However, young people often encounter significant barriers, and can be frequently overlooked in decision-making spheres. Barriers can be socio-economic constraints. Young people also expressed a lack of confidence and a feeling of not belonging to forums that are traditionally dominated by scientists, conservation professionals and industry representatives.

“I grew up in a landlocked, rural town in East Ayrshire. My connection to the sea only arose from trips to the beach with my parents and the ocean became my everything. I began volunteering for marine conservation organisations while studying my marine biology degree, trying to make change, but had to do a lot of self-teaching to understand marine policy and what’s in play in Scotland. I wanted to engage, but I didn’t really know how, and at the same time wrestled with imposter syndrome – did I even belong in the rooms where these discussions were happening?” 

  • Caitlin Turner, Sea Scotland young task force member

“These barriers have long kept me from raising my voice and taking part in conferences or events that (to me at least) require “more knowledge” or “more skills” in marine sciences and policy than I have. However, I recently took part in a marine policy capacity-building programme for young people called Turning the Tide (delivered by Young Sea Changers Scotland), which helped me shift perspective on this, and equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to say that I, too, belong in such conferences and events, and I can raise my voice to make a change!” 

  • Agathe Moreau 

Creating inclusive platforms that address these issues and facilitate meaningful youth participation is essential. The Sea Scotland Conference is an annual series created in 2016, aiming to gather the marine community and create a space of discussion on marine policy issues. The team has been acting over the years to make the conference inclusive to young people and create an environment where they feel welcomed and empowered to actively engage in shaping the future of marine policy.

a group of people posing for a photo in front of a poster board

In 2022, Sea Scotland established a youth-led taskforce, and held the inaugural youth Sea Scotland Voices event in 2023. This year we ran the second edition of “Making Waves: Sea Scotland Youth Voices”. The two events, online on 17th April and in person on 3rd June, covered everything from understanding policy jargon, reflecting on the Sea Scotland 2024 theme “Sharing our Blue Space”, and helping young people to develop a personal strategy on how to get the most out of their conference experience. The young events report will soon be available on Sea Scotland website.

“I am a student at Heriot-Watt University studying marine biology. I hope to gain comprehensive knowledge and broaden my skillset in the diverse field of marine biology. However, with hope comes fear—the fear of stepping out of my comfort zone and facing rejection. This is why events like the Making Waves: Sea Scotland Youth Voices conference helped me begin networking and take the first step in embarking on my professional journey.” 

  • Pratik Digavadekar


Addressing the ocean emergency is fundamentally a people problem, requiring human transformative actions to ensure our marine ecosystems are restored and resilient to climate change. The health of our ocean hinges on the actions and decisions we make today, and equipping the next generation with the skills and knowledge to tackle these challenges is essential.

As we reflect on the significance of World Youth Skills Day, let’s consider the vital role each of us can play in empowering young people to become the marine scientists and policy experts of tomorrow. By supporting educational initiatives, participating in community conservation projects, and advocating for inclusive platforms like Sea Scotland, we can help break down barriers and foster a generation of informed, confident, and engaged marine stewards:

“I believe that the thing most needed to help us young marine scientists feel empowered, is not only a larger skill set in all areas that relate to the sea, but most importantly, it is to tell us that we belong in this sector, in conferences and events, and that we are more knowledgeable and capable already than we think. I think that encouraging us, rather than saying “you are not qualified enough” when we apply for a job position, an event, a conference etc will help more than anything else, to make us feel still worthy and capable, even after a rejection for a job that we truly wanted to do because we want to save the ocean.” 

  • Agathe Moreau 

Together, we can create a future where our oceans are thriving, and our young people are equipped to sustain this precious resource. Join us in this mission—whether by mentoring a young scientist, contributing to marine conservation efforts, or simply spreading awareness. Every action counts in making waves for a better, more resilient marine world.



Sharing our blue space: Sea Scotland 2024 summary

June 12th, 2024 by

Deborah Long, Scottish Environment LINK Chief Officer retraces Sea Scotland 2024, which was held on 3rd and 4th June at Stirling Court Hotel.

Sea Scotland 2024 kicked off with our morning youth event, Making waves: Sea Scotland Youth Voices. An enthusiastic, knowledgeable and thoughtful group of 15 young people came together to find out more about how to make waves at conferences like this one. They are all starting their marine career, or anticipating one, and are keen to get involved. We were pleased that some of them were able to stay for the entire conference and practice their new knowledge and skills.

a group posing for a photo in front of a whiteboard

This year’s conference explored “Sharing our blue space”. Catherine Gemmell, Marine Conservation Society, started us off with her insightful and inspiring keynote assessment of what it means to share our blue space. We followed on with an expert panel discussion around marine policy. Speakers looked at where we are in marine policy, expressed all our frustration at the slow rate of progress but also stressed the absolute need to keep going. They outlined the challenges we face, and the actions needed, including public and private investment, using SMEEF as a current model for this. Audience questions explored how we can make more and speedier progress, and what the reality of change looks like and needs to achieve.

Later in the afternoon, delegates chose one of 3 sessions: an “Industry with Ambition” session looked at sustainability and the role of innovation in ecosystem restoration and supporting strong communities. The Marine Just Transition workshop underlined the fundamental need for a just transition and offered hope as well as wider scope for fair and just change. The nature restoration session looked at the challenges and opportunities in restoration and concluded that we need to do much more to meet our nature restoration goals.

Day 2 of the conference started with a message from the Cabinet Secretary. This helpfully reiterated her and the Government’s commitment to the nature and climate goals as well as outlining Government ambitions for Scotland’s blue space. The audience poll afterwards reflected the poor condition today of Scotland’s’ seas but also contained optimism for the future.

a group of people sitting at a table in front of a screen

The morning expert panel session tackled marine planning. Speakers looked at Government plans for the National Marine Plan 2; the importance of coastal literacy and the potential of community-led partnership building with members of the public, schools and industry. The power of community-led action was illustrated through the community-led State of the Coast  for Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. Speakers also looked at what the future of marine planning could and should look like, especially related to offshore wind and how marine planning works for mobile species, like minke whales. Audience questions focussed on the speed of change already happening in Scotland’s marine environment and the need for policy to catch up with the speed of those changes. Comments underlined how we cannot afford to linger any longer. The audience was also interested in coherence and coordination for National Marine Plan 2, particularly the need to learn lessons from National Marine Plan 1, and to ensure it delivers community-informed decision-making.  

The three afternoon workshops looked at managing diverse views and perceptions and how we can use our own feelings to help us understand others; using the community voice method in the Oceans of value project and using art for activism: how visualising the key issues in new ways engages more people, and builds creative new collaborations.

a conference room with groups of people sitting round tables listening to a presentation

If I was to sum up the key points from our two days:

  1. The need for speed: we’ve been talking about the need for protection and effective spatial planning for 20 years now. In that time, our marine environment has changed and deteriorated while becoming more pressured. While Scottish Government ambition remains high, delivery is far too slow. This is challenging but because ecological changes are already happening, we can’t afford to wait any longer to tackle it.
  2. A Just Transition: one of our panellists said: Healthy, happy communities [should be] able to have a good life and protect their environment at the same time. Marine has long been an obvious gap in the Government’s Just Transition work, and it is very welcome to see the start of direct work on it. Some common themes of this year’s Sea Scotland echo themes in the visits the Just Transition Commission are making:
    • we need to learn the lessons of the past and avoid past mistakes that led to severe and ongoing injustices;
    • we need professionally facilitated conversations;
    • we need better communication and real engagement with local communities, to avoid the pervasive ‘consultation overload’;
    • we need to have the hard conversations about what has to change and who has to pay
    • and finally, we need to hear all voices.

There are 5 F’s that I took from the conference:

First F is for Food. It breaks the ice, brings people together and is the start of productive conversation

Second F is for Films: these inspire and communicate with a very wide audience

Third F is for Feelings: if we can be brave enough to harness the power of feelings, our own feelings help us understand our own perspectives as well as understand others and that mutual understanding builds better joint outcomes.

Fourth F is for Finding new ways; art is a great way to express complex and sometimes depressing environmental issues. But art visualises the issues we face in the marine environment in new and surprising ways, which helps us build understanding and support for action.

Our shared blue space depends on us all for its Future. If you want to have your voice heard, particularly around protecting and restoring our marine environment for future generation, sign our petition to tell the Government to give Scotland’s network of Marine Protected Areas real protection.

Sea Scotland cannot happen without our sponsors: thank you to Howell Marine Consulting, Stromar, Naturescot, WWF Scotland, Scottish Wildlife Trust, Marine Conservation Society.

The success of the conference is thanks to the Sea Scotland Steering group and LINK’s Marine Policy and Engagement Officers, Fanny and Esther.