Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of 35 Scottish environmental charities, has welcomed the much-awaited Scottish Government consultation on environmental principles and governance in Scotland. At a time of great ecological crisis, the charities believe that the prospect of Brexit threatens to unravel critical environmental protections, and are urging members of the public to respond to the consultation through an online petition calling for a Scottish Environment Act.
Charles Dundas, Chair of Scottish Environment LINK, said: “We are pleased that the Scottish Government has taken this critical first step to consult on how to protect our environment from the risks of Brexit if and when this happens, but also on how to ensure future policies deliver on our shared goals of protecting and enhancing our natural environment.
“The Government has reconfirmed its existing commitments, but now we urgently need new concrete proposals to protect our right to a healthy environment. These must lock in and build on the full spectrum of EU protections. Through the Scottish Government’s consultation, we have the opportunity to take heed of the dangers affecting our natural environment and to push for a world-class Scottish Environment Act. Only when we have that commitment do we have a fighting chance of preventing further environmental degradation and unprecedented levels of species decline.”
LINK members are confident that responses to the consultation will reveal the need for Scotland to have its own Environment Act. This is why through the joint campaign Fight for Scotland’s Nature, the charities are urging Scottish Government to put forward a Scottish Environment Act that:
Embeds EU and international environmental principles in Scots law,
Creates an independent and well-resourced watchdog to enforce environmental law in the same way that the European Commission and European Court of Justice do today, and
Sets clear and ambitious targets for environmental protection alongside adequate financial resources.
Jeremy Wates, Secretary General of the European Environmental Bureau, said: “Environmental issues such as biodiversity loss, climate change and air pollution don’t stop at borders. Whatever the outcome of the Brexit discussions, Europe’s environmental organisations want to see high standards for the environment, and for citizens’ rights on environmental matters, maintained across Scotland, the rest of the UK, and the EU. Scottish Government commitments are welcome but now is time for real action.”
Joyce McMillan, President of Scottish Environment LINK, said: “This consultation will determine the strength of our environmental protections during the vital decade ahead, and will therefore play a key role in shaping the future of Scotland’s natural environment, so essential to all of us, our future, and our well-being. It will also help define the role we are able to play in ever-more-crucial international efforts to protect our planet from the threat of environmental degradation and climate breakdown.
“Every one of us must therefore send a clear message to the Scottish Government and the First Minister that the need to protect our environment is not an option, but an absolute necessity for a healthy and sustainable future for Scotland and its people. I urge everyone to sign our petition, and join the fight for Scotland’s nature. With 1 in 11 species in Scotland at risk of extinction, we cannot afford to see any reduction in environmental standards. On the contrary, we need to take radical steps to strengthen the protections that will ensure a long-term future for the rich and wonderful natural eco-systems on which all of us, and the plants and animals we care for, finally depend.”
The Scottish Government consultation on the future of Scotland’s environment is open for consultation until 11 May and the Fight for Scotland’s Nature petition on this can be found at
For media enquiries and interview requests please contact: Azra Wyart at:
Notes to Editors(s) (1) Scottish Environment LINK is the forum for Scotland’s voluntary environment community, with over 35 member bodies representing a broad spectrum of environmental interests with the common goal of contributing to a more environmentally sustainable society.
LINK is a Scottish Charity (SC000296) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee (SC250899). LINK is core funded by Membership Subscriptions and by grants from Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Government and Charitable Trusts.
(2) For more information about Scottish Environment LINK’s campaign, Fight for Scotland’s Nature, visit
(3) The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) is the largest network of environmental citizens’ organisations in Europe. It currently consists of around 150 member organisations in more than 30 countries (all EU Member States plus some accession and neighbouring countries), including a growing number of European networks, and representing some 30 million individual members and supporters. For more information, please visit:
(4) On 16 February 2019, the Scottish Government issued a consultation on environmental principles and governance. The consultation document can be accessed here:
(5) To support the Fight for Scotland’s Nature petition, please visit
(6) Scottish Environment LINK members wrote to the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Roseanna Cunningham to ask her to support a Scottish Environment Act. The letter is available here:
On Monday 10 December, celebrated across the globe as the International Human Rights Day, the First Minister’s Advisory Group on Human Rights Leadership published its recommendations on “how Scotland can continue to lead by example in the field of human rights”. Entitled “Recommendations for a new human rights framework to improve people’s lives”, the report recommends that an Act of the Scottish parliament is passed to embed economic, social, cultural and environmental rights into Scots law. The First Minister has welcomed the recommendations, and as a first step has announced a taskforce will be established in the new year to progress the plans.
Scottish Environment LINK’s members and Fellows have, during 2018, been pleased to attend meetings of the Advisory Group’s reference group as well as a specific Round Table meeting on the environment. LINK was, therefore, delighted to welcome the report’s recommendation in relation to environmental rights.
The Group have recommended that the new Scottish legislation should include, alongside economic, social and cultural rights a specific right to a healthy environment. It says:
“This overall right will include the right of everyone to benefit from healthy ecosystems which sustain human well-being as well the rights of access to information, participation in decision-making and access to justice. The content of this right will be outlined within a schedule in the Act with reference to international standards, such as the Framework Principles on Human Rights and Environment developed by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, and the Aarhus Convention.”
Scottish Environmental LINK’s Chair, Charles Dundas, responded that:
“This is a hugely important recommendation which recognises the fundamental significance of the environment to our health and wellbeing. We cannot get to a fairer Scotland without a healthy environment.”
LINK’s members therefore welcome this recommendation and look forward to working with the new taskforce and subsequently the Scottish Parliament to implement this proposal. In addition to the general importance of this proposal, it is also important to note that the Advisory group was set up in the context of ‘Brexit’ with the First Minister commenting:
“I wanted to ensure Brexit does not harm human rights in Scotland and that we remain in step with future advances in EU human rights. I also asked for recommendations to ensure Scotland is an international leader in respecting and enhancing human rights”.
Intrinsically, the environment is an international and cross-border issue and 70-80% of our domestic laws relating to the environment originate in Europe. Thus, there can be no doubt that, if or when Brexit happens, the environment – and the laws and policies to protect and enhance our environment – will be severely affected. To meet the First Minister’s ambition of international leadership, therefore, this recommendation must be fully and honestly implemented in parallel with other actions made necessary by Brexit.
A key post-Brexit challenge for all the UK’s governments is the so-called “governance gap”. At present, the various institutions of the EU (notably the European Environment Agency, the European Commission and the European Court of Justice) undertake a range of environmental policy functions. In their absence, these functions will need to pass to existing or new bodies within Scotland and/or the UK. The Scottish Government has recognised this challenge, and sought advice from a sub-group of its Round Table on Environment and Climate Change. A consultation paper on possible ways forward is expected imminently.
These matters interrelate, however, as a key part of any right to a clean and healthy environment is the right for citizens, communities and NGOs to challenge decision-makers in relation to matters that may undermine the enjoyment of that right – or may be contrary to legislation that seeks to give it effect.
At present, the European Commission’s complaint procedure is one affordable and accessible mechanism by which citizens, communities and NGOs can raise concerns. By contrast, domestic procedures such a Judicial Review are costly and usually cannot address the merits of the issue. This underlines the importance of the Advisory Group’s recommendation that the implementation of the right must include access to justice – with reference to international standards such as the Aarhus Convention and the UN Framework Principles on Human Rights and the Environment. Present arrangements have been shown to be contrary to the Aarhus Conventions requirements.
LINK members therefore see the forthcoming Scottish Government consultation on post-Brexit governance and the proposed new environmental right as intrinsically linked. They both contribute to a better Scotland, where our environment is protected and enhanced, and is recognised as underpinning our own health and wellbeing. It is essential also that the engagement, participation and rights of citizens, communities and NGOs in environmental matters is both recognised and enhanced. Unless the latter is delivered, we cannot be the ‘international leaders’ that the First Minister aspires to be.
So, as we enter 2019 (and possibly the likely outcome of the Brexit debates become clearer), where now?
First, LINK members look forward to working with the First Minister’s new taskforce on human rights implementation.
Secondly, we also look forward to seeing and responding to the Scottish Government’s consultation on (post-Brexit) EU environment principles and governance.
Thirdly, however, we must implement these measures with a clear vision of the importance of the environment, clear ambition for its protection and conservation and determination to deliver these outcomes. This is why LINK has welcomed the Scottish Government’s development of a long-term strategy for the environment – and debates relating to post-2020 ambitions for climate change and biodiversity.
But, consultations, discussions and strategies are insufficient. There is a clear need to underpin this all in a Scottish Environment Act – this is the key aim of the LINK members’ campaign to “Fight for Scotland’s Nature”. Such an Act should set clear ambitions, require actions to deliver those ambitions, underpinned by the EU environmental principles and supported by new governance mechanisms – including the implementation of the new environmental rights.
By Lloyd Austin, Convener of LINK’s Governance Group
Scotland is a fantastic place for nature, and plants are a huge part of what’s special about it. From the arctic-alpine wildflowers of our highest summits, to the vibrant, flower-studded machair of the Hebrides, or the Atlantic rainforests of the west coast dripping with lichens, the diversity of our plant life underpins every ecosystem.
But with 1 in 11 species in Scotland at risk from extinction, nature needs all the protection it can get.
Until now, a large part of that protection has come from EU legislation, which accounts for 80% of environmental protections in Scotland. Brexit threatens these protections, and we need to act now to ensure that our habitats and species aren’t lost once we leave the EU.
That’s why Plantlife Scotland was involved in the launch of a new campaign, organised by Scottish Environment LINK. The Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaign sends a clear message that Scotland needs politicians to act now, before it’s too late, to put in place principles to continue the protections we have and to ensure that these are embedded in domestic legislation.
The campaign was launched in November outside the Scottish Parliament, and is supported by 35 environmental charities under the Scottish Environment LINK partnership.
Through the campaign, we will be fighting to ensure that the EU principles of environmental protection are enshrined in new legislation. We will be calling for an independent watchdog to hold governments to account, which is crucial if the new legislation is to have teeth and be implemented. And we will be calling for clear, ambitious environmental targets, and the resources to deliver real environmental protection across the country.
If you have ever taken a walk through Scotland’s spectacular landscapes and enjoyed seeing the wildlife that lives here, chances are you have benefited from the legislation that has protected these habitats and species. Strong environmental legislation will go a long way towards ensuring the survival of our priceless natural heritage, and it’s time for our politicians to act.
Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of Scotland’s leading environmental charities has today launched an urgent campaign, “Fight for Scotland’s Nature”, for Scotland to have its own environment act.
Scotland may be small, but our natural environment is mighty and of global importance.
From the iconic Scots pine of the Caledonian Forest, home to rare species such as the capercaillie, the red squirrel, the pine marten and Scottish wildcat, to the stunning wild flowers of the machair, Scotland’s nature is amazing and something we should be rightly proud of.
Scotland’s breathtaking landscapes contain internationally important habitats. For example, Scotland has 5% of the world’s peatlands and the highest percentage of peatland cover anywhere in Europe, storing 25 times more carbon than all the UK’s vegetation. Often overlooked, peatlands are also a vital resource for native and migrating birds who depend on them to rest and feed – a reminder of the importance of ensuring well cared for natural areas.
It’s not just on land we can see the abundance of life – our marine area accounts for a staggering 60% of UK’s seas and 10% of Europe’s coastline. We are home to one third of all of Europe’s breeding seabirds and 29% of Europe’s seals. Our coral reefs, thought to be around 4,000 years old, support an incredible array of life, including fish, sharks and invertebrates.
Our health and wellbeing rely on a thriving environment that provides us with food and clean water and air. It also delivers economic benefits with 14% of jobs in Scotland supported by our nature.
Sadly, this life supporting system with all its beauty and diversity is in trouble. Historical land use change has led to habitat loss and species declines, making Scottish nature less resilient to the unprecedented environmental pressures we see today. Every day brings new evidence of the global ecological crisis that is underway. The effects of climate change and ecosystem collapse are on our doorstep even here in Scotland – just think back to the Beast from the East in the winter, all the severe storms we have witnessed and the summer droughts.
With around 80% of all our environmental laws in Scotland coming from the EU, it is clear how indispensable this legislation is for the protection of our environment. The legal framework of protections and associated funding that we currently receive from the EU have been pivotal in holding back the tide of further biodiversity declines.
The combination of strong legislation and support for effective implementation has made these environmental laws among the most effective on Earth. Brexit threatens to unravel this set of critically important backing at a time when 1 in 11 species in Scotland is at risk of extinction.
This is why Scotland’s leading environmental charities are calling for a new environmental law, a Scottish Environment Act, that is fit for purpose and able to cater to Scotland’s unique environmental needs.
Scotland needs to continue to develop environmental protections on the basis of the internationally recognised EU environmental principles and have an independent and well-resourced watchdog to ensure environmental legislation is upheld.
Clear targets for environmental ambitions supported by long-term actions and funding to mitigate climate change, create robust ecosystems and push for sustainable use of our natural resources that is good for us and our land and seas are also required.
Strong legislation, in the form of a Scottish Environment Act that builds on existing Scottish Government commitments to retain EU protections would achieve this. It would send a clear message to both EU partners and the world of our unwavering commitment to protecting and enhancing our natural environment. Such a statement would be all the more potent as we approach 2020, a year critical for the culmination of global efforts to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.
Along the words of leading French philosopher Michel Serre, in Scotland too, we must reconsider our relationship with nature and “sign our natural contract” with the planet to bring harmony and mutual respect to the very thing that sustains life.
The trick is to do this before it’s too late. It’s time for us all to fight for Scotland’s nature.
Charles Dundas of Woodland Trust Scotland and Chair of Scottish Environment LINK.
Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of Scotland’s leading environmental charities will today launch an urgent campaign, “Fight for Scotland’s Nature” at the Scottish Parliament. Together they will call for Scotland to have its own environment act.
Fears sparked by Brexit as well as mounting evidence of the global ecological crisis also heavily impacting Scotland has prompted the charities to join forces and urge the Scottish Government to commit to a dedicated Environment Act for Scotland that protects and enhances Scotland’s nature, now and in the future.
80% of all Scotland’s environmental laws come from the EU. The combination of strong legislation and support for effective implementation has made these laws among the most effective on Earth. Further, Scotland’s nature has been a net beneficiary of the EU’s LIFE Nature fund which alone has supported conservation projects worth well over 25 million Euros to date.
If and when Brexit happens, Scotland (along with the rest of the UK) will lose the unrivalled support and enforcement roles of the European Commission, European Court of Justice and other EU bodies. Alarmingly, with only four and a half months to go, there is uncertainty about what will replace this.
This is why Scottish Environment LINK is pushing the Scottish Government to fight for Scotland’s nature and commit to a world class environment act before it’s too late. Ahead of global 2020 targets on halting biodiversity loss, it is important that Scotland sends a clear message to the world that our environmental protections are not up for grab.
Joined up legislation in the form of a Scottish Environment Act, that is fit for purpose and caters to Scotland’s unique environmental needs is required for this to be meaningful.
Scotland may be small but its natural environment is of world importance. It has 60% of the UK’s seas and 10% of Europe’s coastline. It is home to a staggering one third of all of Europe’s breeding seabirds and 29% of Europe’s seals. Its coral reefs, thought to be around 4,000 years old, support an incredible array of life, including fish, sharks and invertebrates. As for peatlands, Scotland has 5% of the world’s share, which stores 25 times more carbon than all the vegetation of the UK.
Charles Dundas of Woodland Trust Scotland and Chair of Scottish Environment LINKsaid: “Our environment is important not just in terms of its natural and cultural wealth. It is our life support system and we rely on it for food, clean water and air and jobs – 14% of which exist as a result of our nature.
“But this is all under threat. Every day brings new evidence of the global ecological crisis that is underway. Even here in Scotland, with 1 in 11 species currently at risk of extinction, the effects of climate change and ecosystem collapse are apparent. The legal framework of protections and associated funding that we currently receive from the EU have been pivotal in holding back the tide of further biodiversity declines.”
Scottish Environment LINK is stressing the importance of Scotland continuing to develop protections in line with internationally recognised EU environmental principles that have been crucial in safeguarding Scotland’s nature and enabling it to thrive. It also warns of the dangers of inadequate support and funding to effectively implement laws. Further, it is pushing for clear environmental targets supported by long-term actions and funding to mitigate climate change, create robust ecosystems and ensure sustainable use of our natural resources that is good for us and our land and seas.
Joyce McMillan, President of Scottish Environment LINK said: “As guardians of our amazing environment, we have a duty to ensure future environmental legislation is not tokenistic. It must be upheld through an independent and well-resourced watchdog.
“Now more than ever, we need a Scottish Environment Act that builds on existing Scottish Government commitments to retain EU protections. This would send a clear message to UK and EU partners as well as the rest of the world that we are serious about protecting and enhancing our natural environment. We live in a time of increasing environmental crisis and degradation, and it is vital that Scotland remains a dynamic part of the movement towards a more sustainable future, both for our own sakes, and as a reflection of our commitment to wider international efforts to protect and cherish the natural world on which we all depend.”
For media enquiries and interview requests please contact: Azra Wyart at: or call: 07788437819.
Notes to Editors (s)
(1) Scottish Environment LINK is the forum for Scotland’s voluntary environment community, with over 35 member bodies representing a broad spectrum of environmental interests with the common goal of contributing to a more environmentally sustainable society.
LINK is a Scottish Charity (SC000296) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee (SC250899). LINK is core funded by Membership Subscriptions and by grants from Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Government and Charitable Trusts.
(2) For more information about Scottish Environment LINK’s, Fight for Scotland’s Nature Campaign visit
(3) Scottish Environment LINK members wrote to the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Roseanna Cunningham to ask her to support a Scottish Environment Act. The letter is available here.
On 13 November, 35 of Scotland’s leading environmental charities wrote to Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform urging her to commit to a Scottish Environment Act. The full letter, also available here, follows.
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