
Over 22,000 people demand a Scottish Environment Act

May 13th, 2019 by

More than 22,000 people, including primary school children, have written to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon calling for a Scottish Environment Act to protect Scotland’s nature and ensure Brexit doesn’t roll back crucial environmental protections.

The calls come at a time of renewed focus on environmental issues, with the Scottish Government committing to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, reversing plans to cut air passenger duty and announcing a deposit return system for drinks containers.

But campaigners fear that with 80 per cent of Scotland’s environmental protections stemming from EU membership, Brexit could unravel much of the legislation that helps us safeguard our wildlife and take action to tackle problems like air pollution. This could be detrimental at a time when our environment is in crisis, in Scotland and across the globe.

Jade of Sunnyside Primary School in Glasgow wrote to the First Minister saying: “Nature gives us everything we need and everything we have so it would be mad not to have laws to protect it.”

Haris of Hillhead Primary School also in Glasgow said: “I am only 10 years old and I feel very worried about what’s happening to nature. It’s not fair that children my age might never see the amazing wildlife that adults have taken for granted. Scotland needs strong laws to help stop this before it’s too late.”

A Scottish Government consultation seeking views on the measures that will be required to ensure that environmental standards are retained in the event of Brexit closed on 11 May. Environmental charities, wider civil society, businesses, academics and young campaigners took part.

Charles Dundas, Chair of Scottish Environment LINK, said today: “With 1 in 11 species in Scotland, both plant and animal at risk of extinction, we cannot afford to roll back on our environmental protections. Given the prospect of Brexit and the uncertainty this creates, we fully support the Government’s ambition to retain and build on existing EU protections. Now that this important consultation has closed we hope to quickly see a clear plan for action emerge.”

He added: “As the First Minister said last week, we must ensure that our actions produce the transformative change needed to protect our natural environment. It is therefore critical that any action we take to safeguard Scotland’s nature from the risks of Brexit also acknowledges the wider ecological crisis our nature is facing. A Scottish Environment Act would build on existing Government commitments on Brexit and help protect and enhance Scotland’s nature, now and in the future.”

Scottish Environment LINK, a coalition of over 35 leading environmental charities launched the campaign, Fight for Scotland’s Nature, to call for Scotland to have its own Environment Act. Together, they want an Act to embed EU environmental principles in Scots law, create an independent watchdog to enforce laws, and set clear targets for environmental protection.


(1)  Scottish Environment LINK is the forum for Scotland’s voluntary environment community, with over 35 member bodies representing a broad spectrum of environmental interests with the common goal of contributing to a more environmentally sustainable society.

LINK is a Scottish Charity (SC000296) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee (SC250899). LINK is core funded by Membership Subscriptions and by grants from Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Government and Charitable Trusts.

(2) The Scottish Government consultation on environmental principles and governance closed on 11 May. The consultation paper is available at

(3) More information about the Fight For Scotland’s Nature campaign can be found at

(4) The petition calling on the First Minister to act with urgency to better protect Scotland’s nature through a Scottish Environment Act was run by Scottish Environment LINK and its members, with support from campaigning organisation 38 Degrees. A total of 22,181 people took part in the petition.

Global biodiversity report: Where does Scotland stand?

May 6th, 2019 by

© Danny Carden

Scotland must take urgent action to halt its declining biodiversity, say campaigners following the release of a major global report revealing that one million animal and plant species worldwide are threatened with extinction.

A ground-breaking assessment released today on the state of the planet’s nature found that human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than ever before.

Scotland’s nature faces the same fundamental challenges. Despite environmental laws that have allowed us to stem the tide of biodiversity loss, 1 in 11 species in Scotland is at risk of extinction. Along with the vast majority of countries, Scotland is set to fail many of the global targets for halting biodiversity loss by 2020 (in Scotland’s case 13 out of 20 targets), ahead of a meeting of states in Beijing which will seek to renew efforts to protect our planet’s life supporting system.

The global assessment highlights that stronger environmental laws and their implementation are essential to tackle the underlying drivers of nature deterioration.

35 of Scotland’s leading environmental charities are calling for a Scottish Environment Act to protect and enhance Scotland’s nature. The charities, members of Scottish Environment LINK, say Brexit brings even greater urgency to the need for government action, as Scotland is set to lose 80 per cent of its environmental protections following an exit from the European Union.

Deborah Long, chief officer of Scottish Environment LINK, said today:

“The global biodiversity report released today paints a stark picture of the horrific damage humans are doing to the natural world we rely on. Scotland’s nature faces similar challenges. 5 per cent of our invertebrates and 13 per cent of our plants are at risk of extinction while our globally important seabirds have declined by 38 per cent since the 1980s.

“We’re facing a profound ecological crisis, and we need to take action fast. We can’t let ourselves be dragged backwards by losing decades of progressive European environmental legislation. A strong Scottish Environment Act would allow Scotland to retain and build on the protections we have at present, and to take action to safeguard the unique wildlife and landscapes for which the country is famous. Having our own Environment Act would also underpin the essential changes we need to tackle major issues like air pollution.”

The charities are urging people to sign a petition to the Scottish Government calling for a Scottish Environment Act.


  • The IPBES 2019 Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services is available at:
  • Scotland’s environmental charities are fighting for Scotland’s nature and calling for a Scottish Environment Act to maintain and enhance environmental protections:
  • In 2020, the Convention on Biological Diversity will adopt a post-2020 global biodiversity framework as a stepping stone towards the 2050 Vision of “Living in harmony with nature”. This will be a Global Deal for Nature which will aim to serve as a universal framework for action on biodiversity.

7 reasons why we must protect Scotland’s nature

April 29th, 2019 by

Scotland needs an Environment Act that rocks!

April 29th, 2019 by

This blog is by the Scottish Geodiversity Forum, and was first published on the Scottish Geodiversity Forum website.

Brexit has the potential to unravel critical environmental protections in Scotland. The Scottish Geodiversity Forum has joined 35 environmental charities to ‘Fight for Scotland’s Nature’ and foster support for a Scottish Environment Act.

New legislation would provide the opportunity for a more integrated, holistic approach to the environment that recognises the importance of geodiversity – the variety of rocks, landforms, sediments, soils and the natural processes which form and alter them – both in its own right, and as ‘nature’s stage’, providing essential supporting services to maintain biodiversity.


Siccar Point, a geological SSSI and one of the world’s most important geological sites.

There are a range of existing protection measures for Scotland’s geodiversity, in the networks of geological Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Local Geodiversity Sites. However there are inconsistencies in the application of these measures, and many sites of national or local importance have no formal recognition in the planning system. This is particularly acute in the stalled process of designating nationally important Geological Conservation Review sites as SSSIs. However, if Scotland adopts new frameworks for monitoring, measuring and reporting on environmental outcomes under a new Scottish Environment Act, there are opportunities for improvement and to recognise the value of geodiversity as part of our natural capital and the benefits and services it provides for society.


Gannets on the Bass Rock. Scotland’s geology creates a wide variety of habitats.

Scotland’s geodiversity supports a complex mosaic of habitats that host a wide range of species. However, the value of geodiversity as part of nature and natural diversity is not only in the presence of rocky crags and islands, and a varied landscape that provides a range of habitats. It also lies in the ongoing processes that are continually shaping our slopes, river banks and dynamic coasts. The impact of climate change on Scotland is now becoming very obvious, and attention needs to be given to these ongoing geological processes to help inform natural solutions and to give nature the best chance of adapting to change.

A Scotland Environment Act would present unique opportunities to lead the way in giving due attention to the interactions of all parts of nature. This is particularly relevant in Scotland, given our unique and world-class geoheritage that has played a part through the work of the likes of James Hutton and John Muir in recognising the “Earth system” and the interconnectedness of all things.

Scotland has world-class geodiversity that provides the foundation of our remarkable geoheritage and essential benefits for people and nature. It has a profound influence on landscape, the economy, historical and cultural heritage, habitats and species, education, health and well-being.

35 environmental charities from across Scotland, including the Scottish Geodiversity Forum, have come together to ‘Fight for Scotland’s Nature’ and foster support for a Scottish Environment Act. Join us in calling for a Scottish Environment Act to protect and enhance our nature now and in the future!

Our butterflies and moths are facing triple whammy and need a Scottish Environment Act

April 25th, 2019 by

This blog is by Paul Kirkland, Scotland director at Butterfly Conservation, and was first posted on the Butterfly Conservation website.

We are very used to hearing about the two key culprits responsible for the decline of butterflies and moths in our countryside – habitat loss and climate change, but a third ‘driver’ increasingly being identified as guilty is nitrogen, the two main sources being vehicles and farming.

Back in the 1990s, Bobbink was finding high levels of nitrogen in Dutch chalk grasslands, leading to their invasion by coarse grasses1. Since then much research has been carried out on the impact on the nitrogen deposition on a range of plant communities, and Plantlife has produced a report “We need to talk about nitrogen”2.

In 2006 Ockinger et al. found that butterflies dependent on dry, nutrient-poor habitats in Sweden were much more prone to extinction than those on nutrient-rich sites3. Weiss found a similar situation in the San Francisco area and reported his work in a paper entitled “Cars, Cows, and Checkerspot Butterflies: Nitrogen Deposition and Management of Nutrient‐Poor Grasslands for a Threatened Species”4.

Wallis deVries and Van Swaay have suggested that nitrogen, perhaps in tandem with warmer weather, could be a cause of the decline of butterflies whose caterpillars depend on very warm microclimates5. These hotspots are provided by bare ground, very short turf or dead plant material, and in the sunshine can reach temperatures of 30-35°C, while the adjacent grassland may only be around 10°C. Nitrogen, coupled with warmer temperatures, is allowing much greater vegetation growth and the loss of these hotspots is very bad news for the caterpillars that need high temperatures to function properly and to grow fast to avoid predators and disease.


Several of our scarce species that need open sunny habitats, such as the Grayling, Wall and Pearl-bordered Fritillaries, are undergoing further declines. Recent work on the High Brown Fritillary in Cumbria by Ellis et al. has revealed dramatic losses on nature reserves despite years of seemingly appropriate management6. The sites are becoming grassier, and the butterfly foodplants, violets, are losing out. So it is likely that these butterflies, already scarce due to habitat loss, and now suffering from the impact of both climate change and nitrogen pollution as well. Furthermore, studies by Kurze et al. on the impact of nitrogen on developing caterpillars themselves has shown serious negative effects7.

While Butterfly Conservation and others can try and manage key habitats as beneficially as possible, there is little we can do about air pollution – except by demanding policies and laws that aim to reduce it, which is one reason why we need an Environment Act for Scotland. Such an Act could embed in Scots law the four key principles that guide EU policy-making on the environment:

  • The precautionary principle: operates where there are reasonable grounds for concern that an activity could cause harm, despite there being some uncertainty.
  • Polluter pays: those who produce pollution should bear the costs of cleaning it up.
  • The rectification at source principle: policies should tackle the root of the problem rather than just tackling its consequences.
  • Preventive action: this is the need to address problems today rather than leave them for future generations to solve.

35 environmental charities from across Scotland, including Butterfly Conservation, have come together to ‘Fight for Scotland’s Nature’ and foster support for a Scottish Environment Act. Join us in calling for a Scottish Environment Act to protect and enhance our nature now and in the future!


  1. Bobbink, O. Effects of Nutrient Enrichment in Dutch Chalk Grassland. Journal of Applied Ecology 28:28-41
  2. Plantlife (2017) We need to talk about nitrogen. Plantlife UK, Salisbury. ISBN: 978-1-910212-49-3
  3. Ockinger, E., Hammarsted, O., Nilsson, S. & Smith H. (2006) The relationship between local extinctions of grassland butterflies and increased soil nitrogen levels.Biological Conservation 128 564-573.
  4. Weiss, S. (1999), Cars, Cows, and Checkerspot Butterflies: Nitrogen Deposition and Management of Nutrient-Poor Grasslands for a Threatened Species. ConservationBiology 13:6 1476-1486.
  5. WallisdeVries, M. & Van Swaay, C. (2006) Global warming and excess nitrogen may induce butterfly decline by microclimatic cooling. Global Change Biology 12 1620–1626.
  6. Ellis, S., Wainwright, D., Dennis, E.B., Bourn N.A.D., Bulman, C.R., Hobson, R., Jones, R., Middlebrook, I., Plackett, J., Smith, R.G., Wain, M. & Warren, M.S.(2019) Are habitat changes driving the decline of the UK’s most threatened butterfly: the High Brown Fritillary Argynnis adippe (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)? Journal of Insect Conservation
  7. Kurze, S., Heinken T. and Fartmann, T. (2018) Nitrogen enrichment in host plants increases the mortality of common Lepidoptera species. Oecologia 188 1227–1237.

Protecting a very special species

April 15th, 2019 by

Fresh Water Pearl Mussels (Margaritifera margaritifara) feeding in highland river.__©Sue Scott/SNH_For further information on reproduction rights, please contact the SNH Image Library: 01738 444177 or

This blog is by Buglife, and was first published on the Buglife website.

Crystal clear waters, tumbling through a rock-strewn channel – a scene that is encountered throughout Scotland. But in some of these watercourses, a truly special species can be found. Scottish Environment LINK has launched a call for Scotland to have it’s own Environment Act to protect and enhance Scotland’s nature, now and in the future.

The Freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) is one of the most critically endangered molluscs in the world. Up to a half of the world’s remaining population are found in Scotland.  As a nation, we therefore have an international responsibility to safeguard the future for this species.  Many of the rivers where these mussels are found are protected as Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), as part of the EU Natura 2000 Network. This network, covering over 18% of the EU’s land area, aims to ensure the long-term survival of Europe’s most threatened species and habitats, listed under the EU Habitats Directive.

It’s not just Freshwater pearl mussels that benefit from protection through the Habitats Directive in Scotland. Special Areas of Conservation have also been designated for three tiny species of whorl snail (Vertigo angustiorV. geyeri, and V. genesii), and the Marsh fritillary butterfly (Euphydryas aurinia), together with a wide range of plants, fish, amphibians, and mammals. The SACs also cover habitats such as the flower-rich machair on the Western Isles which is important for pollinators, and mesotrophic lochs in the Highlands which are home to a huge variety of freshwater invertebrates.

In total there are 244 SACs in Scotland, and together with the network of 1,423 Sites of Special Scientific Interest, they represent the jewels in the crown of Scottish biodiversity. These SACs not only provide protection for our most valuable and threated wildlife, they also attract dedicated funding for conservation action.  Over the past 25 years Scotland has received €25.5 million of funding from the EU LIFE programme – the EU’s dedicated environmental funding mechanism.

Established in 1992, the LIFE programme has provided €121 million to help conserve European protected species and habitats in the UK over the past 25 years. One example of how Scotland’s biodiversity has benefitted from these funds is the Pearls in Peril project. The project received €2.3 million from the EU LIFE programme to restore and improve habitats for Freshwater pearl mussels in 21 rivers across Britain, 19 of which were in Scotland.

For Scotland to continue to fulfil its international responsibilities we need to maintain these protections and the funding required to restore the condition of these species and habitats. The spectre of Brexit means that it is even more important that Scotland has strong environmental legislation. We cannot afford for our nature to be left behind. This is why we need a Scottish Environment Act to set clear ambitions for our wildlife, backed by funding mechanisms and a variety of routes to ensure implementation. Join us in the Fight for Scotland’s Nature by adding your voice to our petition here.

Frogs and toads need a Scottish Environment Act

April 15th, 2019 by

Common toad emerging from terrestrial habitat at a site in southern Scotland. © Froglife

This blog is by Froglife, and was first published on the Froglife website.

Scotland supports six species of native amphibian and four native reptile species. These charismatic species form a valuable part of Scotland’s biodiversity and form an important role in effective ecosystem functioning. Most are secretive and often go unnoticed, but are appreciated in the many and diverse habitats where they occur.

Common frogs and common toads are perhaps the most well recorded species, being obvious in parks and gardens during spring breeding and migration. Both species have a widespread distribution along with smooth newts and palmate newts which are more secretive. Great crested newts have a more scattered distribution in Scotland while the nattterjack toad is confined to a small number of isolated saltmarshes along the Solway coast. In addition one introduced species, the alpine newt, occurs at a few sites across central Scotland. The three established native reptiles in Scotland include the adder (or northern viper), slow-worm and common lizard. Adders may be seen basking in warm sunshine in March and slow-worms often frequent garden or allotment compost heaps. In addition, the grass snake has recently been reported as occurring in the southern belt, particularly around Dumfries and Galloway (McInerny & Minting, 2016). Around the inshore waters a number of turtle species have been recorded including the leatherback turtle, loggerhead turtle and Kemp’s ridley sea turtle.

In recent decades populations of our most common amphibian and reptile species are under threat from a number of anthropogenic factors including habitat loss and fragmentation, introduced diseases, pollution and climate change (Downie et al., in press). The Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaign ( aims to raise awareness of the plight of Scotland’s valuable species and protect and enhance Scotland’s natural environment. If you would like to help, please sign the petition/respond to the consultation at

One of the biggest factors contributing to declines in Scotland’s native amphibian and reptile populations is habitat loss. For amphibians pond loss, coupled with a reduction in terrestrial habitat, has resulted in declines in many species. Research carried out by Froglife in 2016 showed that across the UK, common toad populations have declined by 68% over the past 30 years (Petrovan & Schmidt, 2016). In addition, filling in of garden ponds is likely to have negatively impacted common frog populations, which thrive in urban habitats and rely on garden features such as ponds for their successful breeding.

Habitat fragmentation is also a big problem, especially for migratory species with habitual breeding ponds such as common toads and great crested newts. Collisions of amphibians on roads can lead to massive mortality and is one of the factors thought to be responsible for the long-term decline in UK and continental European toad populations (Petrovan & Schmidt, 2016). Introduced diseases including Ranavirus have had negative impacts on common frog populations. Also, a rise in the pet trade and an increase in members of the public housing exotic pets, has increased the risk that emerging infectious diseases like Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) will become introduced into wild newt populations (Cunningham et al., 2019).

In an attempt to combat these threats, the national charity Froglife are carrying out a number of conservation programmes to help a range of amphibian and reptile species. The Come Forth for Wildlife project is in its development phase, thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. If the main project is funded, this will tackle habitat loss in the Forth region of southern Scotland.

Through targeted restoration and creation of amphibian and reptile habitats, along with public education programmes, we will help preserve vital habitats for these species in this highly populated region of Scotland. Once habitats have been created and restored, Froglife are committed to re-visiting each site 1, 3, 5 and 10 years post-completion to ensure that they remain viable and successful for maintaining amphibian and reptile populations.

Road mitigation schemes are increasingly using under-road tunnels or culverts to help direct movements of amphibians from terrestrial to breeding habitats and prevent the negative effects of habitat fragmentation. Little research has demonstrated the success of tunnels in providing suitable corridors for amphibians. Research by Froglife in England has suggested that in certain circumstances tunnels may be effective in mitigating the impacts of road construction by linking key habitats, especially for the protected great crested newt (Jarvis et al., 2019). However, no research has demonstrated the success of tunnels for great crested newts in Scotland, where this species may have different habitat requirements (Harper et al., 2019). Froglife is carrying out a study on six newly created amphibian mitigation road tunnels at a site in southern Scotland with nationally significant populations of great crested newts. The research will determine whether the implementation of tunnels at this site is successful and will be important for determining the success of future tunnel mitigation projects.

Amphibians and reptiles face an uncertain future in Scotland but you can help by supporting The Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaign ( This will help us to work together to protect the valuable amphibian and reptile species of Scotland, enable us to set clear ambitions for Scotland’s environmental policy, conserve habitats and create a more sustainable future.

Cunningham, A. A., Smith, F., McKinley, T. J., Perkins, M. W., Fitzpatrick, L. D., Wright, O. N. & Lawson, B. (2019) Apparent absence of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in wild urodeles in the United Kingdom. Nature Scientific Reports, 9: 2831.
Downie, J. R., Larcombe, V. & Stead, J. (in press) Amphibian conservation in Scotland: a review of threats and opportunities. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
Harper, L. R., Downie, R., McNeill, D. C. (2019) Assessment of habitat and survey criteria for the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) in Scotland: a case study on a translocated population. Hydrobiologia, 828: 57–71.
Jarvis, L. E., Hartup, M. & Petrovan, S. O. (2019) Road mitigation using tunnels and fences promotes site connectivity and population expansion for a protected amphibian. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 65: 27-38.
McInerny, C. J. & Minting, P. (2016) The Amphibians and Reptiles of Scotland. Glasgow, Glasgow Natural History Society.
Petrovan, S. P. & Schmidt, B. R. (2016) Volunteer conservation action data reveals large-scale and long-term negative population trends of a widespread amphibian, the common toad (Bufo bufo). PLoS ONE, 11 (10): e0161943.

40th Anniversary of the EU’s Birds Directive

April 8th, 2019 by

This blog is by RSPB Scotland’s Keith Morton and was first posted on the RSPB website.

40 years since the introduction of the first piece of EU legislation for the protection of our environment, the Birds Directive, RSPB and 34 other Scottish environmental charities are urging Scottish Government to make sure existing protections are retained and enhanced, no matter what happens with Brexit. RSPB Scotland’s Keith Morton discusses how we can ensure birds and the environment continue to be protected in Scotland.

Asking what the EU has ever done for the environment in Scotland – and indeed the rest of the UK – is like the scene in Monty Python’s Life of Brian, where they question: “What have the Romans ever done for us?”

The answer, of course, is similarly long and impressive. Two especially important pieces of EU law that have afforded many years of critical protection for our wildlife are the Birds and the Habitats Directives, more commonly known as the ‘Nature Directives’. But – if the UK is to leave the EU – we stand to lose these hugely important protections. That’s why we need a Scottish Environment Act and are campaigning for this through Fight for Scotland’s Nature.

Arctic tern sitting in a field by the coast

The success of the Nature Directives is due not only to the strong legal protections that they create but also the wider framework that the EU provides for the directives to be properly and effectively implemented.  the role of the European Commission has been particularly important in ensuring that national governments take their responsibilities seriously, while the prospect of a legal challenge through the European Court of Justice has acted as an effective deterrent ensuring good implementation of the laws.

What is more, the EU’s LIFE fund provides support to organisations working on the ground to ensure our most vulnerable species and habitats are protected. Since its inception, it has funded more than 25 projects in Scotland, bringing in well over £25 million for conservation delivery.

So following the EU referendum vote, reassurances by Roseanna Cunningham, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, have been very welcome. The Cabinet Secretary has stated on several occasions that there will be no roll-back of environmental protections1 and that Scotland will continue to follow the principles of EU environmental law2. More recently, she stated that the Government would seek to maintain or enhance environmental standards.

In wildlife terms that means retaining the legal protections afforded by the Nature Directives, but also continuing to pursue legislation that is in line with established EU environmental principles, ensuring we can enforce provisions and challenge authorities when laws are not implemented, as well as ring-fencing dedicated funding to realise important projects. It is these key aspects that a Scottish Environment Act will help address.

Even through the Birds Directive turns 40 today (2 April 2019), the reality is that its provisions are more relevant than ever before. Research has shown time and time again that is has delivered significant benefits for wildlife even in the face of unprecedented climate changes3.

guillemot against blurred blue green background

Despite this, the Birds Directive has faced challenge over its near 40-year existence. Not everyone considers the protection of nature to be a high priority.  From 2013, both the Birds and Habitats Directives were subject to an ‘EU Fitness Check’ which involved checking that the laws remained fit for purpose. But there was wide suspicion amongst European conservationists that this exercise in reasonable regulation was a smoke-screen for environmentally damaging deregulation.

Whatever the truth of that, there was an unprecedented reaction from ordinary citizens right across the EU in defence of the Directives, as a result of a campaign coordinated by a range of environmental bodies, including the RSPB. The UK was prominent in this with over a hundred thousand individuals pledging their support for a robust EU-wide system of nature conservation. At the time, the Scottish Government also stated its support for the Directives and that it did “not wish to seek the renegotiation of the directives”4.

In the face of wide-spread public support and clear evidence that the Directives were delivering for Europe’s nature, in December 2016, the European Commission gave the Birds and Habitats Directives a clean bill of health, declaring both were “fit for purpose”5.

So, across the EU, countries continued to operate under the provisions of the Birds Directive which over the years had been firmly embedded in their own territories. In Britain, the legal basis for conserving wild birds in England, Scotland and Wales is the Wildlife and Countryside Act6. This Act has been amended many times and now exists in slightly different versions across the three countries, as devolved parliaments updated it as they saw fit.  But all versions still follow the fundamental principle of providing a pan-European system of bird conservation – highly appropriate since birds, and in fact all wildlife, are not known for their respect of state boundaries.

two red kites in flight

There is a clear irony that, Brexit threatens to undermine the very same thing that so many UK citizens so strongly felt needed defending. This was a clear statement from the UK public – regardless of which side of the Brexit divide they sat – that effective nature conservation is very much what they want to see. This is what RSPB Scotland is seeking to ensure by calling for a Scottish Environment Act.

We hope to see the Birds Directive continue to protect species across all of Europe. Having an Environment Act in Scotland will ensure that our natural environment and wildlife are protected, no matter what happens with Brexit.

If you want some further detail about the Birds Directive, the Habitats Directive and how they work to safeguard ours and the rest of Europe’s wildlife, you can find it here.

Take action and tell the Scottish Government we need a Scottish Environment Act here.






6 N. Ireland has its own Wildlife Order

Bats and the fight for Scotland’s nature

April 5th, 2019 by

© Daniel Hargreaves/

This blog is by Liz Ferrell, Scottish Officer for the Bat Conservation Trust, and was first published on the Bat Conservation Trust website.

Scotland’s wildlife is in danger 
The State of Nature report recognised Scotland as one of the most heavily deforested countries in Europe. With 1 in 10 species in Scotland at risk of extinction we need a Scottish Environment Act.

We all need to keep up the pressure
There are many people in the UK that care for the health of our environment. During 2018, 10,000 people marched to Downing Street as part of the People’s Walk for Wildlife. Year on year, over 750,000 volunteer hours go into monitoring 9,670 species in the UK and much of this data is used in the State of Nature reports. It is clear that this is an important issue for people up and down the UK but we need to all come together as one clear voice to push for change.

Sign the petition today!
You can be the difference, sign the Fight for Scotland’s Nature petition today. Tell the Scottish Government that we need our own Scottish Environment Act so that nature in Scotland is protected, and importantly enhanced, now and into the future.

Bats are important

Bats are a vital part of our native wildlife. There are 10 species in Scotland and they occupy a wide range of habitats, such as wetlands, woodlands, farmland, as well as urban areas. They can tell us a lot about the state of the environment, as they are top predators of common nocturnal insects and are sensitive to changes in land use practices. The pressures they face – such as landscape change, agricultural intensification, development, and habitat fragmentation are also relevant to many other wildlife species, making them excellent indicators for the wider health of the UK’s wildlife.

Embed much needed EU environmental law principles into Scots law
Whilst the EU legislation will be adopted into domestic law as it stands at the time of Exit, we will be leaving behind those strong overarching environmental Principles and Governance arrangements which ensured that EU laws were properly implemented. This leaves a back door open for future weakening of environmental protection

In the UK, bat populations have declined considerably over the last century. There has been some better news recently, with the latest trends indicating that for a small number of bat species we are seeing the first signs of a slow recovery from this lowest point. Some other species are at least now remaining stable. This does suggest that current legislation and conservation action to protect bats are having a positive impact making it imperative that this vital protection continues. The threats to bats such as building and development work that affects roosts, loss of habitat, the severing of commuting routes by roads and artificial lighting remain significant.

In Scotland, all bat species and their roosts are legally protected by both domestic and EU legislation and they are therefore classed as European Protected Species. The legislation set the standard for nature conservation across the EU and enables all Member States to work together within the same strong legislative framework in order to protect the most vulnerable species and habitat types across their entire natural range within the EU. BCT and partners have been working to defend the level of protection bats and their habitats are afforded to make sure the legislation is not weakened as the UK negotiates its exit from the EU.

Benefits for us not just bats!
As well as natural wealth, there are cultural and economic benefits to protecting bats and the habitats on which they rely. In fact 14% of jobs are supported by the natural environment and this could be more! We all should have a right to a healthy environment and we need to ensure the Scottish Government recognise their responsibilities that will make this happen. Therefore please do remember to complete the Fight for Scotland’s Nature petition to ensure there is no regression on environmental standards.

The Fight Is On

April 4th, 2019 by

This blog is by Alistair Whyte, Head of Plantlife Scotland, and was first posted on Plantlife website.

What kind of country do we want to live in? What do we want our countryside to look like? What wildlife and landscapes do we want to protect so we can hand them on to future generations?

These questions take on an alarming urgency in a time of unprecedented political turmoil and ecological crisis.

No matter what the outcome of current political negotiations, there is a risk that Scotland’s wildlife could be under significant threat as a result. 80% of Scotland’s environmental protections stem from EU legislation, and we need to take action now to ensure that these protections are replicated in new laws.

Plantlife Scotland has worked hard over many years to protect wild plants, and we have had some considerable successes, from the protection of rare marsh saxifrage populations on our Munsary nature reserve, to our ongoing work on twinflower in the Cairngorms.

But these successes are set against the backdrop of ongoing decline in wild plant populations in the wider countryside. Changing land management practices, climate change, industrial pollution and, lying behind all of these, a damaging disconnect between people and nature, have given rise to catastrophic declines of species which were once widespread across the country.

One in four wildflowers in Scotland is threatened with extinction. Native wild flowers are being lost at a rate of up to nearly one species per year per county. Across the UK, we have lost 97% of species-rich grasslands in the last 100 years. And these trends are showing no sign of slowing.

We believe that it is vital to protect our precious species and habitats for future generations. We believe that our countryside can and should perform a multitude of functions, from food production to nature conservation, and that by integrating different land uses, and recognising the power that nature has to support land management, we can start to restore our beleaguered wild plant populations.

And we know that we need a strong legal framework if we are going to achieve this. The Scottish Government is currently consulting on the future of environmental protection in Scotland following our exit from the European Union. Plantlife has joined forces with conservation organisations across Scotland to fight for the future of Scotland’s nature.

It’s vital that we stand together to fight for our wildlife and natural landscapes. If you would like to help our fight, please add your voice to our petition here.